Fertilization and Gastrulation Flashcards
Anatomy of the Human Ovum (5)
- Corona radiata
- Zona pellucida
- Nucleus
- Perivitelline space
- Plasma membrane
Corona radiata
Outermost layer of cells. Helps provide nutrients to the nucleus and must be penetrated by the sperm.
Zona pellucida
Glycoprotein layer surrounding the plasma membrane. If the egg is fertilized, the zona pellucida will disappear and allows implantation in the uterus.
Perivitelline space
Space between the zona pellucida and cell membrane.
Anatomy of the Human Sperm
Head: acrosome and nucleus.
Tail: middle, principle and end piece.
Contains enzymes (hyaluronidase and acrosin) which break down the zona pellucida.
Step 1 of Fertilization
Capacitation: glycoprotein coat and seminal proteins removed from PM of sperm.
Passage of sperm through the corona radiata via hyaluronidase.
Step 2 of Fertilization
Penetration of zona pellucida (via enzymes: esterases, acrosin, neuroamidase).
Zona reaction - block to polyspermy.
Step 3 of Fertilization
Fusion of PMs of oocyte and sperm.
Head and tail of sperm enters oocyte cytoplasm.
Step 4 of Fertilization
Completion of second meiotic division.
Formation of male pronucleus.
Fusion of male and female pronuclei.
Results of Fertilization (5)
- Completion of 2nd meiotic division.
- Restoration of diploid number of chromosomes.
- Determination of sex of embryo.
- Metabolic activation of oocyte.
- Initiation of cleavage.
Cleavage (4)
- Increase in cell number.
- Decrease in cell size.
- Embryo size unchanged.
- Morula development.
Blastocyst after Week 1
Now a “late blastocyst”. Enlargement of blastocyst cavity, Degradation of zona pellucida. “Stretching” of trophoblast layer.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (3)
- In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.
- Cryopreservation of embryo.
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Early Pregnancy Factor
A pregnancy-dependent, suppressor-releasing hormone. A link between fertilization and immunomodulation.
Stem cell layer.
Mitotically active.
Contains proteolytic enzymes, chorionic gonadotropin.
Responsible for implantation and initial signal of pregnancy.
Hyatidiform Mole
Abnormal trophoblastic proliferation; excess amounts of hCG made.
Complete Hyatidiform Mole results from:
Fertilization of an empty oocyte, followed by duplication of sperm OR from fertilization of an empty oocyte by 2 sperm.
Partial Hyatidiform Mole results from:
Fertilization of a normal oocyte by two sperm.
Clinical features of Hyatidiform Mole
Vaginal bleeding
Pelvic pain
Enlarged uterus
Hyperemesis gravidarum (severe nausea in pregnancy)
Malignant tumor which develops from Hyatidiform Mole.
Blastocyst after Week 2
Inner cell mass forms.
- Epiblast: ectoderm, amnion and amniotic cavity.
- Hypoblast
Gives rise to endoderm, prechordal plate, primary and secondary yolk sac, and extraembryonic mesoderm.
Components of Extraembryonic Mesoderm (3)
- Extraembryonic coelem
- Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm
- Extraembryonic splachnic mesoderm
Extraembryonic coelem
Hollow cavity outside of the embryo.
Extraembryonic Somatic Mesoderm
Lines the trophoblast and covers the amnion.
Extraembryonic Splanchnic Mesoderm
Lines the yolk sac (umbilical vesicle).
Derivatives of EEM (3)
- Connecting stalk
- Primitive blood
- Chorion
Connecting Stalk
EE somatic mesoderm.
Forms at embryonic pole.
Position changes during develoment.
Primitive Blood
EE splanchnic mesoderm.
Forms in the wall of the yolk sac.
EE somatic mesoderm.
Cytotrophoblast and Syncytiophoblast.
Placenta Previa
Vaginal bleeding beyond 20 wks gestation.
Antepardum bleeding should prompt sonographic eval before digital vaginal exam (palpitation of placenta can cause hemorrhage).
Overview of Weeks 1-3
Week 1: formation of the inner cell mass.
Week 2: formation of epiblast and hypoblast.
Week 3: gastrulation.
Formation of 3 germ layers and primitive streak.
Components of Primitive Streak (3)
Primitive knot (node)
Primitive groove
Primitive pit
The midline.
Extends from primitive knot anterior to prechordal plate.
Template for vertebral column.
Induces neural plate.
Rare and slow growing aggressive neoplasms of bone.
Arise from remnants of notochord.
Posterior midline.
Diverticulum from wall of yolk sac.
Template for umbilical arteries and veins –> becomes urachus.
Components of Mesoderm (3)
Paraxial: Somites (muscle, vertebral skeleton, dermis).
Intermediate: urogenital.
Lateral plate: connective tissues.