when does the fertilization begins?
gamete fusion (zygote formation)
when does the fertilization ends?
initiation of zygote cell division or cleavage
where does the fusion of spermatozoon with oocyte takes place?
uterine tube
process by which the spermatozoon and egg unite
Fertile life of cattle (Sperm & Ovum)
Fertile life of horse (Sperm & Ovum)
Fertile life of Rabbit (Sperm & Ovum)
Fertile life of sheep (Sperm & Ovum)
Fertile life of Swine (Sperm & Ovum)
In birds, the transport of sperm to the female genital tract is involved with copulatory organs in male which called?
Cloacal Kiss
Site of ejaculation in Sheep
Cranial Vagina
Site of ejaculation in Cow
Cranial Vagina
Site of ejaculation in Horse
It reduces the retrograde sperm loss in Swine
What seminal fraction forms the coagulum?
Final Fraction (post sperm)
Seminal fraction in pigs that is sperm rich
Second Fraction
Seminal fraction in horse that is sperm rich
First fraction
Phase of transportation that is associated with muscular contraction of tract following coitus
Rapid phase
Phase of transportation where spermatozoa is transported to oviducts from cervix
Slow phase
Major barrier and is a reservoir of sperm
Cervix uteri
convulated system of folds and grooves in cervix in Ruminant is called?
Cervical crypts
What happens when there is a change in viscosity if cervix from high to low?
This changes gives the sperm more privileged pathways for easy movement
This process is important in the maturation of the sperm as well as preparation for fertilization and penetration to an egg cell
what are the Important processes during capacitation
- Removal of glycoprotein layer and seminal plasma
- Alteration of acrosomal cap area allows → acrosome reaction
- Alterations in flagellar motility
- Development of the capacity of the sperm to fuse with the plasma membrane with the oocyte
what causes the break down of hyaluronic acid that binds the cumulus cells together?,
Sperms’ vigorous motility and release of hyaluronidase
multiple sperm penetrating to a oocyte
The first contact between sperm and zona pellucida is through?
Sperm binds to ZP3 with is a?
Glycoprotein receptor molecule
the binding of sperm to ZP causes acrosome reaction that is due to the release of?
hydrolytic enzyme that permits penetration
it hydrolyze ZP proteins that enhances the ability of spermatozoa to bind to these protein
Inactive form of acrosin
fertilizing sperm that is engulf by the oocyte
what terminates the meiotic arrest?
the increase of cytosolic calcium ion concentration
secretory granules that aids in the block to polyspermy
cortical granules
What happens when there is a change in vitelline membrane of oocyte in rabbits?
prevents the entry of spermatozoa
Involves opening of sodium channels im egg plasma membrane
Fast block