Ferrets!!! Flashcards
Which adrenal gland is connected to the vena cava?
R adrenal gland
What should you avoid when performing a partial pancreatectomy to TX an Insulinoma?
- Common pancreatic duct
- Main splenic blood supply
- Duodenal blood supply
What should you do as soon as a ferret has recovered from anesthesia?
Encourage eating!
What percent of enlarged spleens are benign in ferrets?
How frequently should you monitor a ferret’s spleen?
2x’s a yr.
CBC/Chem:palpation; rads; U/S + aspirate
How do you ligate the spleen in a ferret?
Where do you ligate when removing the spleen of a ferret?
BETWEEN the ligatures
What is frequently seen in male ferrets?
Urethral obstruction
(have a J-shaped os penis)
What can create a greenish sludge that can create a plug in the urethra of male ferrets?
Prostatic cysts
When should you recheck a ferret post-op after correcting an urethral obstruction?
What are you looking for?
- after first 24 hrs & 48 hrs.
Dehiscence or obstrution
- Stricture is uncommon
How do you perform a sacculectomy in a ferret?
- Removing anal sacs
- Circumferential incision in anal mucosa around clamped opening
- #11 blade
- Heals by second intention
- Give ABXs
A ferret comes in for vomitting. You suspect FB ingestion.
What should you do?
Exploratory laparotomy & intervention
(they will not pass it on their own)