ferret Flashcards
Phimosis and paraphimosis in two ferrets (Mustela putorius furo)
Paraphimosis (stuck out); phimosis (stuck in). paraphimosis was due to a constriction/shortening of the preputial skin (repaired surgically). Phimosis due to dermatitis/adhesions of penis to mucosal tissue (repaired surgically). both did well.
Management of hyperkalemia and associated complications in a ferret with urinary obstruction requiring surgery
Had stones in bladder and urethra, totally obstructed. Potassium normalized via saline, dextrose, insulin, and terbutaline. Terbutaline was added to the therapeutic regime as a result of persistent hyperkalemia. Severe hypotension developed during anesthesia which can be partially attributed to the peripheral vasodilatory effect of terbutaline. Hypoglycemia developed as a result of failure to monitor blood glucose level frequently during surgery and suboptimal regime used for insulin and dextrose.
Hypofractionated radiation therapy for treatment of an adrenal mass in a ferret
No discussion of why they picked this (in the abstract). 30 Gray administered in 5 weekly fractions. The volume of the irradiated adrenal mass was serially quantified via the weekly cone beam CT. The adrenal mass volume decreased by 88% over the 10-month period. The ferret was euthanized 10 months postradiation therapy due to progressive co-morbidities - had systemic mycobacteriosis.
Labial button technique for the treatment of a unilateral caudal mandibular fracture in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo)
traumatic caudal mandibular fracture (dog bite). placed an esophagostomy tube and did the labial button technique (no specifics in abstract). Ferret did very well.
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome in a domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) following a partial pancreatectomy
Following surgery, the ferret’s mentation progressed from mentally dull to obtunded and it was persistently hyperglycemic. The ferret was hospitalized for 96 hours after surgery and during this time, developed hypokalemia followed by hyperkalemia, azotemia, and persistent hyperglycemia. It was calculated to have a serum osmolality in excess of 350 mOsm, a hyperglycemia in excess of 600 mg/dL, and an absence of ketonuria,
Reference interval determination of venous blood gas, hematologic, and biochemical parameters in healthy sedated, neutered ferrets (Mustela putorius furo)
doesn’t say what they sedated with. got normals for the NOVA which I’m not going to remember, so whee.
Evaluation of erythrocyte morphology and prevalence of poikilocytes in peripheral blood of sick domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo)
No ferrets had eccentrocytes or basophilic stippling:
The most frequently observed RBC abnormalities were
- echinocytes (86.7%),
- polychromatophils (66.2%), and
- Howell-Jolly bodies (14.4%).
The presence of poikilocytes that are often considered to be of pathologic significance was noted 12 times in 9 ferrets: schizocytes (n = 7), codocytes (n = 3), acanthocytes (n = 1), and keratocytes (n = 1). Significantly higher numbers of acanthocytes and schizocytes were observed in ferrets with lymphoma. However, schizocytes were also observed with gastrointestinal disease.
A case of otitis interna in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo)
acute onset 2 d hx circling, falling to right, horizontal nystagmus fast to left. Did an MRI to confirm otitis interna. Hosp on abx, pred, fluids; completely resolved after 5 d.
Comparative characterization of the prostate gland in intact, and surgically and chemically neutered ferrets
deslorelin works as well as neutering in reducing prostate size/devel. either is fine.
Diagnosis and long-term management of blastomycosis in two ferrets (Mustela putorius furo)
2 ferrets with blasto, started respiratory, progressed to CNS; monitored bw, urine blasto testing, rads. Both managed with antifungals for 3 years until they died of other things; neither were cleared of the fungus.
Presentation and survival time of domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) with lymphoma treated with single- and multiagent protocols: 44 cases (1998–2016)
no specifications about type of lymphoma; variety of treatment options. Ferrets treated with modified COP had MST of 429 days, ferrets treated with no-IV protocol had MST of 79 days, but most were lost to follow up, so no conclusions could be made.
Revision surgery of an olecranon fracture after initial surgical treatment failure in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo)
pin and tension band for initial repair; the pin bent and the repair failed; used a modified plate thingy and it got better.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Histoplasmosis in a Group of Four Domestic Ferrets (Mustela Putorius Furo) and a Review of Histoplasmosis
whole family of ferrets (4 from same household). first one got sickest, chronic GI stuff; serum AGID was negative but urine test was positive. ferret ended up being euthanized b/c fungal infection was in entire body and it did poorly. Other 3 ferrets all infected but less badly; tx with itraconazole and apparently resolved.
Paraplegia in a Domestic Ferret (Mustela Putorius Furo) Secondary to Metastatic Adrenocortical Carcinoma with Myxoid Differentiation
i mean it seriously is just the title all over again
ureter ligated during spay; presented for the hydronephrosis/pseudocyst 7 months later! holy shit, 7 months? nephrectomy, did well.