Ferdinand and isabella Flashcards
what was the iberian peninsula
land mass = castile,aragon,granada,portugal
name 5 facts about castile
-4x larger than aragon pop=5mil
-quite unified, 1 language, 1 currency,1 cortes
-cortes was weak, had few powers preventing monarchs from doing what they wanted
-economy thrived, traded raw materials eg wool, exports went to northern europe
-allegiance to pope, less tolerant of jews/moors
-main foreign policy aims=france/atlantic
name 5 facts about aragon
-no until, split into 3 kingdoms=aragon,catalonia,valencia, had 3 cortes, 3 currencies
-laws had to be approved by each one, the fueros limited the monarchs power because they couldn’t be changed unless all 3 cortes agree and they had the justicia protecting them who couldn’t be removed from office by the king
-towns competed for trade, arable farming=main trade industry
-more tolerant of jews/moors
-foreign policy aims=med/italy
how far was spain a completely unified nation in 1469
Y- predominately Catholic
Y-both wanted reconquista (attack granada)
N-fp interests
N-4 cortes/4 currencies/2 leaders/diff languages/dif economic interests
when did f and i secretly marry and why was it controversial
19th oct 1469 in valladolid, they needed permission from the church but a cardinal rodrigo borgia gave them a papal bull granting them the permission they needed
who was Isabella’s family
mother-isabella of portugal
father-juan II king of castile
half brother-Henry (heir to castile throne-prince of asturias)
brother-alfonso (second in line)
when did juan II-isabellas dad die and what happened then
1454-henry IV became king- 1455 married joan of portugal and in 1462 had baby Juana (rumoured she was illegitimate and was nicknamed Beltraneja but became heir after isabella and married Alfonso V of portugal to support her claim)
what was the confusion with succession after henry IV
-nobles opposed his daughter Juana being heir so supported brother Alfonso and crowned him as king instead = civil war until 1468 when alfonso died and his will said Isabella should be queen/isabella declined as henry was still alive
when did Henry IV die and why did this cause the war of succession
1474-isabella declared herself queen of castile but so did Juana but he left no will naming his successor
how did isabella win the war of succession
-support of the grandees eg Mendoza fam and nobles by offering them land grants,finances,royal tithes/1470 gave birth to daughter
-obtained support of castilian towns and cities by confirming their privileges
-she received political/military support from ferdinand eg he had victory in the battle of toro 1476 against alfonso of portugal which showed him and Juana weren’t fit to reign, only little help to not aggravate the aristrocracy
-personal presence eg corregidores placed to uphold royal interests/hermandades
what ended the war of succession
Treaty of Alcacovas september 1479- england got canary islands, portugal got west africa
who was one noble who fought against isabella in the war of succession
archbishop of Toledo
what was a corregidor
crown governors of castile towns
how many towns had correigdores by 1515
what were the 3 military orders called
santiago, calatrava,alcantara
what were reigdores and alcaldes
-town councillor
-town magistrate
who staffed the consejo real and what councils were in it
aragon,finance,justice,suprema,hermandad,foreign affairs
what was the audencia
courts of appeal
what were the main ways they restored royal authority and why was this needed
-peace and order
-central administration
^to curb the power of the castilian aristocracy/magnates and have an alliance between crown and municipalities
how did they implement peace and order
-personal presence=moved around without a fixed court with their advisors/officials to personally settle disputes, isabella visited every part of castile
-hermandades= 1476 cortes of madrigal isabella persuaded them to issue decree to revive hermandades into a crown sponsored local peacekeeping force(hermandades) and created an overall junta(council) the santa hermandades presided over by the bishop of cartagena- they were a police force and judicial tribunal to punish crimes eg brigandage
-corregidores=crown appointed governors to make sure councils don’t interfere/follow royal policy
-nobility=Act of resumption at cortes of toledo 1480 took back land revenues they’d acquired since 1464, troublesome nobles arrested/castles burned
-military orders=chivarlic orders with wealth eg vast estates and revenues /exersized jurisdiction , 1493 f became grand master or santiago (most important=order of santiago)
how did they ensure central administration
-reformed the consejo real at the cortes of Toledo in 1480-acted as the supreme court of justice, supervised castilian local government all members had to be letrados/caballeros (dignitaries were excluded from voting) and they chose capable officials
-council of castile established = foreign policy, justice,hermandades,finance, nobles/letrados
1483-supreme inquisition added
1489-council of orders added
1524-council of the indies added
-main officials=contradores,treasury officials, chancellors,judicial members
-1489 ordinances were issued establishing a permanent court at valladolid
what was the purpose of the cortes
raise money/confirm royal legislation/hear grievances from the towns/nobles
how many times did the cortes of castile meet and how many towns were in it
12-17(each had 2 representatives)
what were alcades
town officials elected by the town who held police powers (often assisted the hermandades)
what were 3 rules of f and i marriage contract
-had to respect the customs of each kingdom, kept their own gov/laws
-all public decisions had to be signed in both, f to live in castile but had no real power there
-wanted to establish a pre-eminent monarchy, dispense justice jointly
what was the highest and lowest rank of noble
what’s the higher and lower currency
lower-maravedis (375 mara=1 ducat)
why was the church a threat to them
-church income was over 6 mil ducats/ exempt from crown tax
-had own fortresses/armies
-archbishop of toledo 2nd most powerful person after monarchs
-many loyal to pope in rome>monarchs
what was their aim with the church
-improve the spiritual condition of the clergy by reforming education/training to make them more observant
-increase royal control over structures and personnel/secure greater jurisdiction over clergy/don’t let them pose a threat
-promote church in nw
what were 5 attempts to improve the clergy
-pope agreed for all church appointments to be made in granada (appointed bishops to set example)
-bishops had to be resident , daily worship at court
-bishops eg cisneros/talavera ensured measures eg council of trent disciplinary decrees were taken against clergy for living with women/non-residence/unsuitable dress
-colleges set up for education eg uni of alcala
-tried to improve moral condition with printing press/polygot bible
-isabella ordered archbishop of toledo (alfonso Carrillo) to hand over all church fortresses to the crown
what were 3 problems they faced with the church
-laity resented the change/didnt want to loose aspects of christianity eg dominicans/franciscans/benedictines hard to overcome
-crown wanted clergy in gov, meant had to be absent?
-1511 complaints made clergy obtained their roles not by their own right
when were they granted catholic monarchs and what’s it called
-los reyes católicos-dec 1496
why was the nobility a threat
-influenced royal decisions/cortes
-could offer people money to support them/control mesta by allowing them to graze on their lands
-had big revenues, vassals,land,armies
5 ways they limited nobles power
-troublesome were arrested/castles burnt/property confiscated/private wars became illegal
-cortes of toledo, lands lost since 1464 returned to crown
-encouraged to spend more time in court and gave them opportunities to serve in wars=patronage, their support meant rewards eg new titles, encouraged mayorazgo=happy
-used hermandades to strengthen power against them
-f grand master of military orders
why was granada as a place significant
-last non christian kingdom in iberian peninsula (500,000 moors)
what were the causes/motivations of the conquest of granada
-1481 capture by moors of a frontier town in andalusia gave the monarchs an excuse for a military campaign-chances to complete the reconquista that had been happening for the past 770 years=RELIGIOUS
-pope gave the monarchs cruzada (money for christian crusades against muslims)/indulgences (people could buy to rid of sins)=FINANCIAL
-would improve national security for castile/land trade opportunities eg silk industry and prevent alliance between ottomans (secular empire) and moors=STRATEGICAL
how did they finance the granada war
-recieved 800 mil maravedis in papal grants and received indulgences/ cruzada
-reicieved 58mil from taxes on jews
-56 mil from slaves in malaga
-27 mil from mesta
-1490s santa hermandad gave 32 mil per annum (only gave 300mil between 1482-90)
what were reasons for their granada victory
-paid for supplies by increasing tax on towns and hermandades
-granada received little other muslim help but andalusia nobles helped f and i and they had experience of moor opponents
-used heavy artillery and 1489 cardinal mendoza supplied 1000 horse and foot soldiers and they had 50,000 infantry and 10,000 cavalry
what were the consequences of the conquest of granada
-10,000 moors died/200,000 emigrated/20,000 remained as mudejars
-increased prestige/granted los reyes católicos title
-unity between Castile and aragon
-over 50% of lands in granada redistributed to nobility (patronage)-undid the act of resumption
-in peace treaty mudejars could keep their dress/customs/property
-10 year war, close to bankruptcy by 1487
-1499-1501 moors in granada revolted over taxes focused on them and f had to get involved
what are mudejars
muslims living under christian rule
why and when was the fall of Constantinople important
-the fall of the city removed what was once a powerful defense for Christian Europe against Muslim invasion, allowing for uninterrupted Ottoman expansion into the med and eastern Europe.
-britain had never been successfully defeated before this (symbolic importance)
what was the treaty of cordoba
in 1483 the ruler of granada (baobdil) swore a vassal to f and left granada
who are 2 people who fought together in the granada war
marquess of cadiz and duke of medina sidonia (put aside family rivalry-suggested gains)
how many christian settlers moved to granada 85-98
what were the reasons for the anger against jews
-anti jewish riots in 1391 caused economic depression
-jews held important roles in society eg finanace/medicine/eduation/gov/army and there were increased checks on them= conversion necessary for crowns authority
-jews were often wealthy
-conversos seen as threat and flimsy evidence was used to convict them eg lamb cooked on a friday =made it appear a massive problem, by 1490 2000 jews had been put to death by inquisition and banned from gov/army
-due to their natural segregation in spain they survived outbreak of plague
what were the economic benefits of the expulsion of the jews
-up to 200,000 jews offered money to be allowed to stay
-jews source of wealth=could repossess their income and goods
-jewish land converted to the crown
what happened in the expulsion of the jews
-the alhambra decree issued on the 31st march 1492 expelled them
-forbidden from taking gold,money,wepaons,horses, only got merchandise for christian merchants
-unbaptised jews made to live in ghettos and forced to wear red/yellow badges
-75% left but actually it was 25%v (many returned as conversos)
what happened in the expulsion of the jews
-the alhambra decree issued on the 31st march 1492 expelled them
-forbidden from taking gold,money,wepaons,horses, only got merchandise for christian merchants
-unbaptised jews made to live in ghettos and forced to wear red/yellow badges
what was the impact of the expulsion of the jews
-75% left but actually it was 25% (many returned as converses-gave the inquisiton more work)
-left gaps in population (3% reduced pop in spain) and workforce
-clear end to convivencia, created fear and suspicion of next target
-many jews fled to portugal, in 1497 under pressure from f and i king manuel ordered them expelled giving them 6 months to leave and making the remainders slaves and banished 700 children to a remote island where they died
-many jewish families returned and were able to buy back land if they could prove they had become a christian
-rabbis offered 300,000 ducats to overturn the expulsion
when did the pope give spanish crown full authority of the inquisition
what was the key institution of the inquisition and who masterminded it
council of the inquisition (the suprema)
alonso de hojeda
what are 5 facts showing the success of the inquisiton
-by 1492 there were 10 tribunals in key towns, controlled by the church
-the first auto de fe was held in seville and burnt 6 conversos
-by 1483 the inquisition had spread to Aragon (gave torquemada more jurisdiction more jurisdiction than other officials in iberian peninsula-only institution to apply to both)
-between 1480-88 in seville alone 700 judaizing conversos were convicted/burnt
-in total between 1480-1530 2000 people were burnt (but there were 70,000 jews in Castile, 10,000 in aragon)-not many
-in córdoba 107 were brunt in a single auto de fe(a lot for one go)
-it was feared, courts worked in secret,couldnt appeal their verdicts
what are 5 facts showing the limited effects of the inquisition
-due to opposition no inquisitors were appointed until 1480 (2 dominican monks), papal bull in 1482 promoted 7 more eg inquisitor general
-in total between 1480-1530 2000 people were burnt (but there were 70,000 jews in Castile, 10,000 in aragon)-not many
who was the inquisitor general
tomas de torquemada
why did aragon not like the inquisition and what shows this
-defied the aragonese feuros as non-native officials were forbidden to function(inquisition was Castilian)
-valencia denounced the inquisition in 1484, patronage was weaker because they had more courts so was less approving
-assassination of the inquisitor of aragon, pedro de arbues in 1485
what was the aim of the inquisition
-investigated threats of heresy and apostasy to promote and enforce religious unity (main target=CONVERSOS-practicing catholicism incorrectly), later became more focused on personal animosities,social and political rivalries -increased hatred for other faiths eg jews
-collected evidence from numerous witnesses then gave harsh acts of punishment (auto de fe)
-encouraged by idea of ‘limpieza de sanger-purity of blood
what is apostasy
refusing to obey a religion
what’s the difference between a moor and mudejar
moor-muslims in na
mudejar-muslims living under christian rule
what are the 3 main social aspects of f and i reign
nobility-removed influence eg adenlantados were targeted and removed, political influence of magnates removed, but received 50% of lands in granada?
peasantry-‘sentence of guadalupe’ (removed 6 evil customs) gave them more rights against their lord and the cortes of toledo announced all peasants could change their lords=happy but still had little land/had to pay for privileges =monarchs happy
urban communities - correigidores helped royal influence,f and i visited=content with autonomy/personal authority
what were the 2 kingdoms fp aims
rivals=portugal/ottomans eg granada
how did relations with portugal get better
-treaty of alcacovas-portugal gave up claims to canary islands=became friendlier after conflict in war of succession
-marriage alliances eg their daughter isabella married prince alfonso(heir to king of portugal) and then the new king emanuel I when he died
-beneficial stopping point for ships to NW
why was navarre strategically important to conquest and when did it happen
-geogrphical position between france and spain
-control by france would give them a base to invade spain (a part of navarre lay in france-subject to the french king)
-invaded 1512 after a disrupted succession to navarres throne, fortresses surrendered within a few weeks
what was the treaty of barcelona
-long disputes between france/aragon over 2 of catalonia’s northern provinces , cerdagne and rousillon which were occupied by france since 1462 but france gave them up in the treaty of barcelona 1493 when there attention was directed towards italy
what is the context of naples
-italy made up of different states, the south=2 kingdoms of naples (ruled by f illegitimate cousin,King Ferrante) and sicily (ruled by aragon)
-french invasion in 1494 renewed conflict-reached naples with little resistance from the papal states(rome) and Ferrante was weak so 1495 french army occupied naples
-f claimed to ambassador in france taking naples was for his own interests as it had been part of the crown in aragon but to their ambassador in England said it wasn’t their interests but to defend lands of the church
IMPORTANCE=danger to spanish fp in centre of med=main drive?, grain supplies/revenues were an asset, gave them control of italy/sourthern europe
how did f get naples
-1495 joined ‘holy league’ with HRE represented by maximilian of austria against the french
-spanish forces under command of the ‘great captain’ gonzalo de cordoba, 1st period 1495-97 his light cavalry failing against french armed cavalry but in 1501 went again and used new methods eg pikemen alongside infantry with firearms (arquebuses) supported by cavalry/artillery=became the ‘SPANISH TERCIO’
-1503 secured victories with Cerignola and Garigliano
-1503-battle of cerignola french recognidrf aragons control of naples,sicily,sardina
-1504 france recognised spanish control of naples,became dynastic possession
=worsened conflict!, extended length of spanish frontier in med to protect against ottomans
what happened against the ottomans/med
-1479/80 spain assisted the knights hospitallers (catholic religious/military order in rhodes) in rhodes against ott invasion
-year later spain and portugal helped naples, expelling turks from otranto
-1501-under cordoba helped venice to regain the castle of st george (capital of cephalonia)
why were the ottomans a threat
-rapdily expanding
-largest empire/military power in med?
what happened with NA
-interested in their gold/ivory/slaves but Portugal had fishing/trading monopoly along african coast after treaty of alcacovas
-1490s also motivated by religion eg moors/trade opportunities/security against rival faith
-Gained cities of Oran,Bougie,Tripoli and Algiers became vassal city but attempts to take Djerba failed (gained some small garrisons, some trade but no attempt to set up permanent colonies=pointless/added difficulties ?)
-cisneros captured mers-el-kebir in 1505 and tripoli/algiers 1510
how did they improve military organisation
-used crown incomes to fund them,didnt just rely on nobility ,controlled their armies directly
-royal regulations 1495-1503 showed how they should be controlled by central organisation and should obey orders
-new weaponry=developments in artillery to destroy most fortifications/infantry instead of cavalry /better training/quality of weapons-employed specialists from germany and france alongside traditional arms eg trebuchets were still used
-his army was one of best equipped/feared in europe
what 3 marriage alliances helped their FP
-daughter isabella and ruler of portugal
-f daughter joanna married heir to HRE
-1489 treaty of medina del campo proposed F daughter catherine married heir to english throne
where were ambassadors established
1490s-england,papal states, burgundy,germany,venice (gave him advantage over other rulers)
what motivated helping columbus expeditions
-he was originally rejected by portugal/france/england so turned to spain in 1486 and built support eg the treasurer of the hermandad supplied funds/helped show the possible benefits
-would show spain could compete with portugal=prestige
-granada war had ended(initially put them off)
-wanted to find trade routes to the east indies, little cost to the monarchs?
-some religious-the 2nd expedition they sent 12 priests to convert natives
what was the agreement called to help columbus
santa fa agreement-1492
how was nw found
-1492 from palos reached Bahamas then hispaniola (thought he’d reached the east indies)
-3 further voyages discovered more west indian islands and part of mainland of south america (realised they’re new islands)
-1499 onwards-other people voyaged
how did they establish gov in nw
-pope alexander VI issued papal bulls ensuring their ownership of the islands (1493 inter caetara), 1494 treaty of tordesillas divided the newly discovered lands between spain and portugal
-1503 central trading office (cash de contraction)made in seville (all trade between europe/NW had to go through)
what happened with early settlements in the nw
Where?-santa domingo founded 1496 and there was some settlements on the mainland, 1500(1000 settlers occupied hispaniola) also gained cuba(1511)/puerto rico(1508)
-settlers given encomiendas(established by 1512 law of burgos) (land grants)- natives(coerced to labour the land) would work for them in return they protected/educated natives on christianity =natives treated badly
-dominicans/franciscans opposed bad treatment, 1500 forbade slavery ‘free vassals of the crown’
what attempts did f and i make to manage the economy
-1500 takeover of military orders=patronage
-wool trade
-granted licenses for voyages eg Genoese merchants in columbus voyages
-1484 encouraged foreign workers to spain with 10yr tax exemption
-church! granted indulgences by pope/papal bull gave them the right to collect tithes/levied cruzada tax
-council of finance established directed by alonso de quintinalla to keep central records or tax/tax farmers would be audited every 2 years for efficiency
what problems did f and i face with their economy
-financial needs more pressing eg military expenditure 500mil maravedis/75mil ambassadors/royal militia 20mil-80mil
-started with an unsystematic/unsustainable approach to economy eg no collectors/reliance on alcabala
-growing pop=hard to feed
-religious crusades eg reconquista =less workers
what were successes with f and i economy
-crown revenue 800,000 to 22mil maraverdis 1470-1504
-castilian cortes special tax 300mil maravedis by 1504
-santa hermandad revenue 1480-92 32mil per annum
-alcabala 80-90% revenue
-cruzada 112mil maravedis
-religious crusades eg 1482-91 tax on jews=58mil maravedis/rabbis paid for jews to stay in andalusia/took possessions/1486 pope granted control of granada church
-sheep tax eg servicio y montazgo (tax on wool guild)
what failures did f and i have with their economy
-70% revenue =extraordinary revenue by 1504 eg military orders/cortes/hermandades/loans
-reliance on jurors/borrowing=131mil by 1516
-left debt of 131mil ducats
-arable farming neglected=starvation/export reliance to england and flanders/no domestic industries/land deforested/reluctant for new farming reforms/grain shortages = 1506 dependant on imports of wheat
-mesta too powerful eg 1500 promoted to senior positions in council/1501 law of land lease right tp use any land it once used for pasture/nobles granted mercedes by bribing officials
what was the new worlds importance under f and i
-gold/silver shipments didnt start till end of their reign
-monopoly given to seville(castile-only noticeable there)-saw highest custom duties, ships from seville to americas 300-500 1504-1516
-1/5 bullion went straight to crown
-estbalished casa de le contratacion at seville 1504 to regulate nw-spain trade(settlers in nw had little resources so traded to settle/farm colonies)
when did isabella die
26th November 1504
why was there civil war after isabella’s death
-left daughter joanna castle in will and appointed Ferdinand as regent if she couldnt (she was mentally unstable ) and didnt want philip of austria to gain power which he resented
-castillian nobles tried to regain power by playing on philips resentment but cortes agreed for f to be her guardian= civil war looking likely
-1506 p died and the treaty of villafafila said joanna will rule with philip and Ferdinand won’t interfere but the country went to dissaray
-cisneros invited ferdinand to rule and 1510 the cortes recognised him as administrator until he died in 1516
what was the treaty of blois
1505 f married germaine de foix
how much unity was achieved by 1516
P-religion eg granada/expulsion/inquisiton
C-no political unity eg own rights/strength of castile made it prioritised/when i died nobles tried to exclude F
C-still separate foreign policy motivations