Feminism Flashcards
Women commit less crime due to patriarchal control- Carlen and Heidensohn (2)
Women have fewer ops to commit crime as they’re caring for children/husbands, men have greater ops- due to gendered patterns of social control
Women commit less crime due to patriarchal control- Smart
When women do commit more crime they’re ‘doubly deviant’ as they’re breaking the law and traditional gender roles- more stigma
Statistics may be incorrect- Pollak
Looked at women’s involvement in property crime, men and women commit a similar number of crimes however the types women commit like shoplifting are underrepresented in stats- easily concealed
Chivalry thesis
Women are treated more leniently so less likely o be punished by the law
Increase in female crime due to the liberation of women in society- it’s less patriarchal
Patriarchal control prevents women committing crime- they’re more likely to be poor leading to prostitution or theft
Masculinity is socially constructed that men have to constantly accomplish, m/c- through hard work, w/c- crime
Women in the CJS- Smart
Rape trials- men’s need for sex as acceptable and women’s as capricious
Women commit less crime (2)
Heidensohn- women are heavily controlled by men in the home and public, Smart- ‘doubly deviant’ more stigma
Women appear to commit less crime (2)
Malestream sociology has ignored female criminality until recently, Pollak- ‘chivalry thesis’
Women committed more crime in the past (2)
Adler- now women have liberation ‘lib thesis’, due to policies like Equal Pay women are more able to access public sphere and workplace
Women’s crime is caused by patriarchy (2)
Malestream sociology has ignored female criminality until recently, women are more likely to be poor and experience marginalisation in society