Female urinary incontinence Flashcards
outline the female urinary tract
Upper tract kidneys and ureters: Low pressure distensible conduit with intrinsic peristalsis, Transport urine from nephrons via ureters to the bladder. Lower tract bladder and urethra: Bladder fills at a rate of 0.5-5 mls/min, Low pressure storage of urine. Efficient expulsion of urine at appropriate time and place. Vesico-ureteric mechanism protects the nephrons from any damage secondary to retrograde transmission of back pressure or infection from the bladder.
outline the cortical activity of bladder filling and its details
Cortical activity: activating a reciprocal guarding reflex rhabdosphincter contraction: increase sphincter contraction and resistance: Activates sympathetic pathway, Reciprocal inhibition of parasympathetic pathway, Mediates contraction of bladder base and proximal urethra
how is bladder emptying carried out?
Detrusor contraction/ Urethral relaxation/ Sphincter co-ordination/ Needs absence of obstruction or anatomical shunts
Cortical influence = activation of parasympathetic and inhibition of sympathetic
ICS Definition of Urinary incontience
any innvoluntary leakage of urine
ICS Definition of stress urinary incontinence
involuntary leakage on effort or excretion on increased intraabdominal pressure e.g. due to sneezing or coughing
ICS Definition of urge urinary incontinence
Strong sudden need to urinate, followed by bladder contraction which results in involuntary leakage.
ICS Definition of mixed urinary incontinence
involuntary leakage accompanied by or immediately preceeded by urgency and on effort or excretion, or on sneezing or coughing.
what are the rf’s for UI
age, parity, menopause, smoking, medical problems (increased intraabdo pressure, pelvic floor trauma, denervation, connective tissue damage, surgery)
what is asked in pateient assessment hx?
- Age, parity, mode of deliveries, weight of heaviest baby, smoking
- Medical conditions: DM, anti-HTN meds, glaucoma, heart/kidney/liver problems, cognitive problems
- Surgical treatment of SUI or POP
irritation sy
Urgency, Increased daytime frequency (>7), Nocturia (>1), Dysuria, Haematuria
incontinence sy
Stress UI, Urgency UI, Coital incontinence, Severity
voiding sy
Straining to void, Interrupted flow, Recurrent UTI
what is monitiored in a 3 day urinary diary?
Fluid intake: quantity and quality, Urine out-put, Daytime frequency, Nocturia, Average voided volume
what is commonly found on examination of a woman with stress incontinence?
visible leakage of urine on coughing, prolapse of the uterus.
what is looked for on examination?
Prolapse, Stress incontinence, Uro-genital atrophy changes, Pelvic mass (space occupying lesion), Pelvic floor tone, strength, awareness
Urinalysis = MSSU + dipstick, Post voiding residual volume assessment – bladder scanning if symptoms of voiding difficulties, Urodynamic – only indicated if surgical treatment is contemplated
Mx - lifestyle changes
Stop smoking, Lose weight, Eat more healthily to avoid constipation, Stop drinking alcohol and caffeine
Mx - medical
Duloxetine = the first and currently only drug licensed for the treatment of moderate to severe stress urinary incontinence. Should be part of an overall management strategy including pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT)
When it’s used: Primary care: if PFMT has failed or could be enhanced by duloxetine, Secondary care: Does not wish surgery, Not fit for surgery, After failed surgery.
Mx - physiotherapy
PELVIC FLOOR EXERCISES- Reinforcement of cortical awareness of muscle groups, Hypertrophy of existing muscle fibres, General increase in muscle tone and strength, Needs a well-motivated patient and do a few times each day and an experienced physio with a special interest.
Mx - surgical
TENSION-FREE VAGINAL TAPE (TVT) is a minimally invasive procedure that reinforces the structures supporting the urethra, Depends on ‘hammock theory’ for continence, TVT is first choice procedure in surgical treatment of SUI.
concerns over TVT…
Bladder perforation (1-21%), Vaginal and urethral erosions, Vascular injuries attributed to blind penetration of retro-pubic space
Integral theroy of female UI
Both stress and urge incontinence arise from the same anatomical defect in the anterior vaginal wall & pubo-urethral ligament (PUL).
Suburethral hammock laxity might result in a stimulation of bladder neck stretch receptors, provoking a premature micturition reflex and urgency incontinence.
What are the defining sy of overactive bladder syndrome?
urgency with frequency and nocturia
rf’s of OABS
Advanced age, Diabetes, Urinary tract infections, Smoking
Treat symptoms, No cure, Multidisciplinary approach, Requires dedicated team, Lifestyle interventions: Normalise fluid intake, Reduce caffeine, Stop smoking, Weight loss.
Bladder training programme – specialist continence nurse – re-establishment of corticol control over detrusor function and voiding.