Root & prefix of pregnancy?
Root & prefix of Live birth?
Root & prefix of Labor/birth/delivery?
Part/o, toc/o
What are terms for Pregnancy?
Nulligravida (never pregnant),
primigravida (first-time pregnant),
multigravida (many pregnancies)
What are terms for Live birth?
Nullipara (no live births),
multipara (many live births)
What are terms for Labor/birth/delivery?
postpartum (before and after delivery),
dystocia (difficult delivery)
What is the meaning of the abbreviation gravida 3, para 2?
This means three pregnancies, two live births.
What is the meaning of the abbreviation Gravida 3, Para 3?
The OB patient, currently pregnant with her third baby, will become a Gravida 3, Para 3 after giving birth.
What is Abruptio placentae-?
Serious compilation that happens during pregnancy.
The placenta starts to separates from, the uterus before the baby is born.
What is Placenta previa-?
Pregnancy complication where the placenta partially or fully covers the opening of the uterus.
What is Eclampsia?
Serious pregnancy complications.
Where you could have seizures if you have high blood pressure and protein in your urine.
What is