Female Reproductive System Flashcards
What is the major function of the female reproductive system? Name the structures of the female reproductive system and be able to explain how they contribute to female reproductive function.
* ovary-produce oocytes (eggs) and hormones (estrogen, progesterone, inhibin, relaxin)
* uterine tubes-way of egg transportation, site of fertilation
* uterus-path of sperm, site of implantation, developments of fetus, labor, source of menstrual flow
* vagina & external genitals- passageway for spermatozoa, menstrual flow, penis during sex, lower portion of birth canal
* mammary glands-modified sweat glands, produce & secrete milk
Know the functions of the ovary. Know the hormones it produces through it’s cells
Produce oocytes (eggs)
Hormones (estrogen, progesterone, inhibin, relaxin)
Know the function of the uterine tube. Where is the site of fertilization? When does fertilization occur? How long before the zygote reaches the uterus?
Way of egg transportation
Uterine Tube
7 days after ovulation
Know the functions of the uterus. Know the structure of the uterine lining. Know how the uterine lining is affected in menstruation. Understand the role the blood supply plays in the uterus
Path of sperm, site of implantation, development of fetus, source of menstrual flow
Uterine Lining:
* endometrium- stratum functionalis (sheding during menstration), stratum basalis (replaces stratum functionalis ea. month)
* myometrium- 3 layers of smooth muscle
* perimetrium- visceral peritoneum
Uterine lining increases in size for preparation to nourish a zygote, if no implantation menstrual bleeding and shedding of uterine lining
Blood flow: uterine arteries branch as arcuate arteries and radial arteries that supply myometrium, straight and spiral branches penetrate to endometrium, spiral arteries supply stratum functionalis, their constriction due to hormonal changes starts menstrual cycle
Know the location and functions of the cervix. Know the role that cervical mucus plays.
Lower neck of uterus
Mucosal secretory cells produce cervical mucus
* when thin, more receptive to sperm
* when thick forms cervical plug to stop entry of sperm, bacteria, etc.
* mucus provides energy to sperm
Cervix and mucus a sperm reservoir
* protect sperm from hostile environment of vagina
* protect sperm from phagocytes
* play a role in capacitation
Know the functions of the vagina. What is significant about the vaginal mucous layer?
Passageway for spermatozoa, menstrual flow, penis during sex, lower porton of birth canal
Mucosal layer :
* stratified squamous epithelium & areolar connective tissue
* stores of glycogen breakdown to produce acidic pH
* muscularis layer allows considerable stretch
What is the perineum?
Urogenital triagnle: contains external genitals
Anal triangle: contains anus
Know the functions of the mammary glands.
Produce and secrete milk
Know the follicular stages and development of the follicle.
* Primordial follicle
* Primary follicle
* Secondary follicle
* Graffian (mature) follicle
* Corpus hemorrhagicum (ruptured follicle)
* Corpus luteum
* Corpus albicans (degenerated CL, scar)
1. primordial follicle in female uterus, contains oocytes w/ 46 chormosomes & layer of follicular cells
2. mature into primary follicles w/ granulosa cells, primary follicles secrete estrogen, granulosa cells secrete fluid and become secondary follicles
3. secondary follicles contain space w/ fluid
4. ea. month 1 secondary follicle develops into Graffian (mature) follicle
5. Graffian follicle contains secondary oocytes
6. during ovulation Graffian follicle expels 2nd oocyte out of ovary
7. Graffian follicle becomes corpus luteum
8. corpus luteum secrete estrogen, progesterone, inhibin, relaxin
9. overtime disintegrates into corpus albicans
Briefly describe oogenesis in the female.
Begins 2n oogonia
Need gamate w/ 1/2 of # of chromosomes
Meiosis I
* primary oocyte (2n, begins before birth, arrests @ prophase I)
* several primary oocytes complete Meiosis I ea. month
* end of Meiosis I
* 2 (n) cells (secondary oocyte, 1st polar body)
Know the structures surrounding the secondary oocyte.
Zona pellucida: clear area between oocyte & granulosa cells
Corona radiata: granulosa cells attached to zona pellucida–still attached to oocyte at ovulation
Antrum: formed by granulosa cells secreting fluid
Be able to describe the female reproductive cycle. Know its controls and length of time for each phase. Know both the ovarian and uterine cycles in the female reproductive cycle.
Average 28 days
Controlled by hormones released from a. pituitary, hypothalamus, avary
Ovarain cycle: ovary, maturation & release of ooocytes, ovulation
Uterine (mentrual) cycle: uterus, changes in endometrium (uterine lining), if implantaion doesn’t occure stratum functionalis sehds during mentruation and rebuilt by stratum basalis
1. Menstraul
* day 1-5
* LH, FSH, estrogen, progesterone all low
* uterine cycle- menstruation, tussue dies, shed stratum functionalis sloughed off (epithelial cells, bloood, tissue fluid, mucus)
* ovarian cycle- 20 secondary follicles (6 days old) begins to secrete estrogen
2. Preovulatory
* day 6-13
* LH, FSH, progesterone low, estrogen increasing
* uterine cycle- proliferative phase, repaired & thickened the stratum functionalis
* ovarian cycle- follicular phase, dominant follicle continues to increase estrogen production becuase of increased LH, becomes Graffian follicle, follicular secretion of estrogen & inhibin has decreased secretion of FSH
3. Ovulation
* day 14
* LH, FSH, estrogen peaks, progesterone low
* uterine cycle- continuation of repair
* ovarian cycle- Graffian follicle enlarged & bulges @ surface of ovary, increasingly high estrogen levels increase GnRH which triggers LH surge, surge causes rupture of follicle and release of 2nd oocyte
4. Postovulatory
* day 15-28
* LH, FSH decreasing to low
* estrogen decreasing to day 22 then increasing
* progesterone increasing to day 22 then decreasing
* uterine cycle- secretory phase (progresterone and estrogen promote thickening of endometrium, no fertilization then cycle begins again
* ovarian cycle- luteal phase, increased LH stimulates, corpus luteum produces estprgen and progesterone in increasing amounts
Know the female hormones, what structure secretes them, and where they act to do what? Know how the hormone levels decrease or increase in the reproductive cycle.
FSH- stimulates developement of ovarian follicles, secretion of estorgen and inhibin, maintains unterus, a. pituitary
LH- stimulates ovulation and development of corpus luteum, a. pituitary
Estrogen- produced by ovaries & corpus luteum , develop/maintain reproductive structures, secondary sex characteristics, increase protein building (anabolism) lower blood cholesterol, in moderate levels inhiti release of GnRH FSH LH
Progesterone- produced by corpus luteum in ovaries, w/ estrogen prepares uterus for implantation, prepares mammary glands to secrete milk, inhibits release of GnRh & LH
Relaxin- produced by corpus luteum in ovary, inhibits uterine contreactions, during labor relaxes pubic symphysis and dilates cervix
Inhibin- produced by corpus luteum in ovaries, inhibits secretion of FSH, lesser inhibition of LH
Know the changes in the female reproductive system that occur if the egg is fertilized/ not fertilized
If fertilized: developing embryo secretes hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), maintains health of corpus luteum, corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone estrogen in order to maintain unterine lining, mentruation doesn’t occur, uturus secretory activity of endometrial glands, endometrium thickens in anticipation of implantation by embryo
No fertilization: menstrual phase begins again
What role does the placenta play?
Takes over hormone production
Secretes estrogen and progesterone
Support pregnancy and breast deveopment of lactation
Role of corpus luteum is now minor
Know the female secondary sex characteristics.
Hair, breasts