female reproductive system Flashcards
Held in place by ovarian ligaments and mesovarium (mesenteries)
Innervation by both division of ANS
Tunica albuginea –fibrous capsule of ovary; covered in simple cuboidal epithelium
Ovarian cortex –houses developing oocytes
Follicles –mutlicellular sacs housing oocytes (granulosa cells and later thecal cells)
Ovarian medulla –loose connective tissue containing blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves
suspensory ligament and ovarian ligament
holds ovaries in place
mesometrium (a mesentery)
receive ovulate oocyte (oocytes released into peritoneal cavity)
infundibulum –distal end of uterine tube (bends to cover ovary to capture cumulus-oocyte complex)
surrounded by fimbriae –have cilia that help capture released oocyte so not lost in peritoneal cavity
ampulla –middle third of uterine tube; usual site of fertilization
isthmus –medial third of uterine tube
lies anterior to rectum—posterior to bladder in pelvic cavity
anteverted (tilted anteriorly usually as compared to retroverted-tilted posteriorly)
fundus –rounded superior portion
body –major portion of the uterus
cervix—neck of the uterus
uiterine wall
parts of cervix
cervical canal –communicates with vagina inferiorly
internal os –opening connecting with uterine cavity
external os—inferior opening of cervix
layers of uterine wall
perimetrium –outer serous layers of peritoneum
myometrium –interlacing bundles of smooth muscle that contract during childbirth
endometrium –mucosal lining of uterine cavity
two layers: functional layer and basal layer
vagina (see Fig. 25.12 on slide 20)
three layers
adventitia –fibrous connective tissue
muscularis –smooth muscle
mucosa –marked by transverse folds
consists of lamina propria and stratified squamous epithelium
hymen –incomplete diaphragm near vaginal orifice
fornix –recess formed at the superior part of vagina
where are oocytes housed?
follicles in the ovaries, whidch are multicellular sacs
difference in male and female reproductive tract
uterine tubes have little or no direct contact with the ovary and thus an oocyte is NOT released directly into the infundibulum but rather into the peritoneal cavity. Cilia on the fimbriae and in the infundibulum help create a current to direct the oocyte but oocytes can be “lost” in the peritoneal cavity.
similar structures in male + female reproductive systems
the clitoris is homologous to the penis, having a glans, body and prepuce and consisting of erectile tissue including paired corpora cavernosa that extend into the crura and the corpus spongiosum that forms the vestibular bulbs – see slide 30.
sex determination
sex is indeterminate at week 5 and it is exposure (or lack thereof) to the maleinducing “sex-determining region Y (SRY) protein (or testis-determining factor [TDF]) that largely determines our sex developmental outcome.