Female Reproduction Flashcards
Oviduct purpose?
(fallopian tubes)
receive ova at ovulation
site of fertilization
Ovary purpose?
produce ova
secrete estrogen and progesterone
Estrogen purpose? (4)
ova maturation/release
2º characteristics
sperm transport to oviduct
breast development
Progesterone purpose? (2)
preps/maintains uterus for embryo
milk production
Oogenesis step 1?
Mitosis of germ cells thru 24 wks
Oogenesis step 2?
Oogonia -> prophase I of meiosis -> oocytes
enclosed by pre-granulosa cells
development stops/holding pattern
Oogenesis step 3?
Meiosis restarts at oocyte release during ovulation
Phases of Ovarian Cycle? (3)
1) Follicular (maturing follicles)
2) Ovulation
3) Luteal (prdxn of corpus luteum)
Ovarian Cycle: Follicular phase?
granulosa cells -> proliferate -> secrete zona pellucida -> surrounded by theca -> ↑ estrogen -> oocyte grows -> follicle ruptures -> ovulation
Ovarian Cycle: Luteal phase?
Last 14 days of cycle
Follicular cells become corpus luteum -> secrete estrogen/progesterone -> vascularizes -> if no implant, degenerates into corpus albicans
Estrogen/Progesterone synth/secretion?
LH stim Theca cells -> activate chol desmolase -> cholesterol ∆ to androgens -> to granulosa cells
FSH stim granulosa cells -> activates aromatase -> androgen ∆ to estradiol
Theca and granulosa become lutheal cells -> secrete progesterone
Transport of Ovarian hormones?
Estrogen binds to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)
Progest binds to corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG)
Estrogen and thyroxine ↑ SHBG
Progest and androgens ↓ SHBG
Androgens converted to estrogens how?
testost/androstenedione syth by thecal cells, ∆d to estrogens by non-thecal aromatase
aromatase in granulosa cells, adipose, mm, liver
Hormonal control of Follicular Phase?
GnRH -> FSH (less)/LH(more) release
Neg feedback:
Inhibin -> FSH
Estrogen -> FSH/LH
GnRH inhibited by:
Prolactin, stress, exercise
Hormonal control of Ovulation?
Follicle produces ↑ ↑ estrogen ->
+ feedback hypothal/pituit ->
LH surge mid-cycle -> ovulation
Hormonal control of Luteal Phase?
LH surge ∆ ruptured follicle into luteal cells ->
↑ ↑ estrogen/progest synth
Neg feedback:
Progest on hypoth/pitu -> suppresses estrogen + feedback and 2nd surge
Uterine cycle phases?
1) menstrual (days 0-5)
2) proliferation (6-14)
3) secretory (15-28)
Menses always occurs when?
14 days post ovulation
cycle > 28 days have longer proliferation phase
Menstrual Phase?
End of luteal/onset follicular
Prostaglands released from uterus ->
endomet vessels constrict -> endo death ->
myometrium contractions expel
Proliferation Phase?
End of follicular phase
Endomet repair via ↑ estrogen
Secretory Phase?
Post ovulation
Luteum secretes prog -> vascularizes/glycogens endomet
What synthesized progesterone receptors in uterus?
Estrogen effects on mammary glands?
↑ growth
↑ deposits in hips/breasts
Estrogen effects on bones/Ca2+?
Close plates
Ca2+ uptake into bones
Antagonize PTH
Inhib osteoclasts
Estrogen effects on skin?
pub hair growth
↑ Na+, Cl-, H2O absorb = bloating
Estrogen effects on CV?
Maintain healthy cholesterol
Arterial vasodilation
Decreases atherosclero
Progesterone effects on uterus?
(Needs estrogen stim)
Endometrial development
Placenta formation
↓ contractility
Progesterone effects on cervix?
Estrogen antagonist
↓ distention
Killer mucus
Progesterone effects on vagina?
Estrogen antagonist
↓ proliferation of epith layer
Progesterone effects on mammary?
↑ ductal branching
↑ lobule/alveoli development
Progesterone effects on metabolism?
↑ temp post ovulation
↑ appetite
Progesterone effects on kidneys?
↓ Na+ reabsorp via aldosterone competition
PMDD is?
premenst dysphoric disorder
severe mood disorder
Cess of cycle
(U) 45-55
Preceded by progressive ovarian fail (follicle atresia)
Climacteric is?
transition b/w normal and menopause (37ish)
Cause of Perimenopause?
Follicle pool ↓ ->
↓ inhibition -> ↑ FSH ->
accelerates follic maturation
Follicle pool ↓↓ -> ↓ estro ->
↓+ feedback -> anovulation
Cause of menopause?
Severely ↓↓↓ follicle pool ->
↓↓↓ estrogen ->
↑↑↑ LH/FSH ->
cycle stops
Menopause diagnostics?
FSH > 30 No cycle 12 mo LH ↑ Pituitary hormones normal Androgens still prduced
Hot flashed caused by?
Hypothal response to ∆ in estrogen -> poor blood flow control to skin
LH-induced vasomotor effect
CV concerns w/ meno?
Vascular smooth mm has estrogen receptors ->
Mitigate vascular injury via rapid dilation
↓ estrogen causes:
↑ injury
↑ cholesterol
↑ atheroscl/MI
Oral contraceptive mechanism of action?
Neg feedback on pitui -> Ø ovluation
Thick mucous
↓ uterine glycogen
Emergency contraceptives?
High dose combos
↓ ovulation
↓ luteum
Oral contraceptive benefits?
↓CA, cysts, ectop preg, PID
Oral contraceptive risks?
gallstones HTN MI stroke DVT PE