Female Genital Tract of the OVARY Flashcards
The most common types of lesions encountered in the ovary include_________________.
functional or benign cysts
and tumor
__________________ovary (oophoritis) are uncommon, and usually accompany tubal inflammation.
Intrinsic inflammations
Rarely, a__________________ involving ovarian
follicles (autoimmune oophoritis) occurs and is associated with **infertility. **
** primary inflammatory disorder**
The ovary has three
main histologic compartments:
Note: Each compartment gives rise to distinct non-neoplastic and
neoplastic entities, as discussed below.
(1) the surface müllerian epithelium,
(2) the germ cells, and
3) the sex cord–stromal cells.
Non-Neoplastic and Functional Cysts
______________in the ovary are so common that they are considered virtually normal.
- *originate in unruptured graafian follicles** or in follicles that have ruptured and immediately
- *sealed**
Cystic follicles
These cysts are usually multiple. They range in size up to 2 cm in diameter, are filled with a clear serous fluid, and are lined by a gray, glistening membrane.
On occasion, larger cysts exceeding 2 cm (follicle cysts) may be diagnosed by palpation or ultrasonography; these may cause pelvic pain. Granulosa lining cells can be identified
histologically if the intraluminal pressure has not been too great. The outer theca cells may be conspicuous due to increased amounts of pale cytoplasm (luteinized). As discussed subsequently, when this alteration is pronounced (hyperthecosis), it may be associated with
increased estrogen production and endometrial abnormalities.
cystic follicle
_________________are normally present in the ovary.
These cysts are
lined by a rim of bright yellow tissue containing luteinized granulosa cells.
They occasionally
ruptureandcause a peritoneal reaction.
Sometimes the combination of old hemorrhage and
fibrosismaymake their distinction from endometriotic cysts difficult.
Granulosa luteal cysts (corpora lutea)
____________________ affects 3% to 6%
of reproductive-age women.
The central pathologic abnormality is numerous cystic follicles or
follicle cysts, oftenassociated with oligomenorrhea.
Women with PCOD have persistent
anovulation,obesity (40%),hirsutism (50%), and, rarely, virilism
Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD; formerly termed SteinLeventhal syndrome)
The ovaries are usually twice normal size and have a smooth, gray-white outer
cortex studded with subcortical cysts 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter.
On histologic examination,
there is a thickened, fibrotic superficial cortex beneath which are innumerable follicle cysts
associated with hyperplasia of the theca interna (follicular hyperthecosis) ( Fig. 22-34 ).
Corpora lutea are frequently but not invariably absent.
Non-Neoplastic & Functional Cysts
Polycystic ovarian disease
Polycystic ovarian disease and cortical stromal hyperplasia.
A, The
ovarian cortex reveals numerous clear cysts.
B, Sectioning of the cortex reveals several
subcortical cystic follicles.
C, Cystic follicles seen in a low-power microphotograph.
D,Cortical stromal hyperplasia manifests as diffuse stromal proliferation with symmetric
enlargement of the ovary.
The initiating event in PCOD is not clear.
Increased secretion of luteinizing hormone may
stimulate the theca-lutein cells of the follicles, to produce excessive androgen
(androstenedione), which is converted to estrone.
For years, these endocrine abnormalities
were attributed to primary ovarian dysfunction because large wedge resections of the ovaries
sometimes restored fertility. It is now believed that a variety of enzymes involved in androgen
biosynthesis are poorly regulated in PCOD.
Recent studies link PCOD, like type 2 diabetes, to
insulin resistance. Treatment of the insulin resistance sometimes results in resumption of
_______________, is a disorder of ovarian stroma
most commonly seen in postmenopausal women, but it may blend with PCOD in younger
The disorder is characterized by uniform enlargement of the ovary (up to 7 cm), which
has a white to tan appearance on sectioning.
The involvement is usually bilateral and
microscopically shows hypercellular stroma and luteinization of the stromal cells, which are
visible as discrete nests of cells with vacuolated cytoplasm. The clinical presentation and effects
on the endometrium are similar to those of PCOD, although virilization may be striking.
Stromal hyperthecosis, also called cortical stromal hyperplasia,
A physiologic condition mimicking the above syndromes is________________. In response to pregnancy hormones (gonadotropins), proliferation of theca cells
and expansion of the perifollicular zone occurs. As the follicles regress, the concentric thecalutein
hyperplasia may appear nodular. This change is not to be confused with true luteomas of
theca lutein hyperplasia of
There are numerous types of_____________ and overall they fall into benign, borderline, and
malignant categories.
About 80% are benign, and these occur mostly in young women between
the ages of 20 and 45 years.
Borderline tumors occur at slightly older ages.
Malignant tumors
are more common in older women, between the ages of 45 and 65 years.
Ovarian cancer
accounts for 3% of all cancers in females and is the fifth most common cause of death due to
cancer in women in the United States.
Among cancers of the female genital tract, the incidence
of ovarian cancer ranks below only carcinoma of the cervix and the endometrium.
In addition,
because most ovarian cancers are detected when they have spread beyond the ovary, they
account for a disproportionate number of deaths from cancer of the female genital tract.
Ovarian Tumors
The classification of ovarian tumors given in Table 22-5 and Figure 22-35 is a simplified version
of the World Health Organization Histological Classification, which separates ovarian neoplasms
according to the most probable tissue of origin.
It is now believed that tumors of the ovary arise
ultimately from one of three ovarian components:
(1) surface epithelium derived from the
* *coelomic epithelium**;
(2) the germ cells, which migrate to the ovary from the yolk sac and are
pluripotent; and
(3) the stroma of the ovary, including the sex cords, which are forerunners of
the endocrine apparatus of the postnatal ovary.
There is also a group of tumors that defy
classification, and finally there are __________________
secondary or metastatic tumors to the ovary.
TABLE 22-5 – WHO Classification of Ovarian Neoplasms
- Serous tumors
- Mucinous tumors, endocervical-like and intestinal
type - Endometrioid tumors
- Clear cell tumors
- Transitional cell tumors
- Epithelial-stromal
Serous tumors
- Benign (cystadenoma)
- Borderline tumors (serous borderline
- Malignant (serous adenocarcinoma)
Mucinous tumors, endocervical-like and intestinal
- Benign (cystadenoma)
- Borderline tumors (mucinous borderline
- Malignant (mucinous adenocarcinoma)
Endometrioid tumors
Benign (cystadenoma)
Borderline tumors (endometrioid borderline
Malignant (endometrioid adenocarcinoma)
Clear cell tumors
Borderline tumors
Malignant (clear cell
Transitional cell tumors
- Brenner tumor
- Brenner tumor of borderline malignancy
- Malignant Brenner tumor
- Transitional cell carcinoma (non-Brenner
Malignant mixed müllerian
- Granulosa tumors
- Fibromas
- Fibrothecomas
- Thecomas
- Sertoli cell tumors
- Leydig cell tumors
- Sex cord tumor with annular
- Gynandroblastoma
- Steroid (lipid) cell tumors
- Teratoma
- Immature
- Mature
- Solid
- Cystic (dermoid
- Monodermal (e.g., struma ovarii,
- Dysgerminoma
- Yolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor)
- Mixed germ cell tumors
Ovarian Tumors
Although some of the specific tumors have distinctive features and are hormonally active, most
are nonfunctionalandtend to produce relatively mild symptoms until they reach a large size.
Malignant tumors have usually spread outside the ovary by the time a definitive diagnosis is
Some of these tumors, principally epithelial tumors, tend to be___________.
Table 22-6 lists
the tumors and their subtypes. Abdominal pain and distention, urinary and gastrointestinal tract
symptoms due to compression by the tumor or cancer invasion, and vaginal bleeding are the
most common symptoms.
The benign forms may be entirely asymptomatic and occasionally are
found unexpectedly on abdominal or pelvic examination or during surgery.
Most primary neoplasms in the ovary fall within this category . The classification of epithelial
tumors of the ovary is based on both differentiation and extent of proliferation of the epithelium.
There are three major histologic types based on the differentiation of the neoplastic epithelium:
____________________. [75]
The extent of epithelial proliferation is
associated with the biologic behavior of the tumor and is classified as benign (minimal epithelial
proliferation), borderline (moderate epithelial proliferation), and malignant (marked epithelial
proliferation with stromal invasion).
serous, mucinous, and endometrioid tumors
The benign tumors are often further classified based on the
components of the tumors, which may include_____________ ,_______________ and ____________
- cystic areas (cystadenomas),
- cystic and fibrous areas (cystadenofibromas), and
- predominantly fibrous areas (adenofibromas)
. The borderline
tumors and the malignant tumors can also have a cystic component, and when malignant they
are sometimes referred to as ________________.
The tumors can be relatively small, or they
can grow to fill the entire pelvis before they are detected.
The origin of ovarian epithelial tumors is, at present, unresolved.
This is in large part because
most tumors are detected relatively late, interfering with the identification of a precursor lesion.
The most widely accepted theory for the derivation of müllerian epithelial tumors is the
This view is based on the embryologic pathway by which
the müllerian ducts are formed from the coelomic epithelium and evolve into serous (tubal),
endometrioid (endometrial), and mucinous (cervical) epithelia present in the normal female
genital tract.
Such tumors are thought to occur predominantly in the ovary, because coelomic
epithelium is incorporated into the ovarian cortex to form epithelial inclusion cysts (also known
as mesothelial, cortical, or germinal inclusion cysts) ( Fig. 22-36 ). The exact mechanism by
which the cysts develop is not known, but they are thought to result from invaginations of the
surface epithelium that subsequently loses its connection to the surface. [76] The cysts are
most often lined by either mesothelial or tubal-type epithelium. The close association of ovarian
carcinomas with either the ovarian surface epithelium or inclusion cysts may explain the
development of extra-ovarian carcinomas of similar histology from coelomic epithelial rests (socalled
endosalpingiosis) in the mesentery. [75] However, this is clearly an oversimplification of
the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer
transformation of coelomic epithelium
Regardless of their specific origin(s), ovarian epithelial tumors composed of serous, mucinous,
and endometrioid cell types are emblematic of the plasticity of müllerian epithelium and range
from clearly benign to malignant tumors.
[75] Several recent studies have suggested that
ovarian carcinomas may be broadly categorized into two different types based on
(1) those that arise in association with borderline tumors, and
(2) those that arise
as “de novo” carcinomas
Clinicopathologic studies have shown that well-differentiated serous,
endometrioid, and mucinous carcinomas often contain areas of________________of the same
epithelial cell type, whereas this association is rarely seen for moderately to poorly
differentiated serous carcinoma or MMMTs. Recent molecular studies have provided support for
this classification scheme, as will be discussed below in the relevant sections.
** borderline tumors**
These common cystic neoplasms are lined by tall, columnar, ciliated and nonciliated epithelial
cells and are filled with clear serous fluid.
Although the term serous appropriately describes the
cyst fluid, it has become synonymous with the tubal-like epithelium in these tumors.
the benign, borderline, and malignant types account for about 30% of all ovarian tumors and
just over 50% of ovarian epithelial tumors. About 70% are benign or borderline, and 30% are
Serous Tumors
________________- account for approximately 40% of all cancers of the ovary and
are the** most common malignant ovarian tumors.**
Benign and borderline tumors are most
common between the ages of 20 and 45 years. Serous carcinomas occur later in life on
average, though somewhat earlier in familial cases.
Serous carcinomas
Molecular Pathogenesis.
Little is known about the risk factors for the development of the benign and borderline tumors.
Risk factors for malignant serous tumors (serous carcinomas) are also much less clear than for
other genital tumors, but
_______________ play a role in tumor
development. [71,] [77]
There is a higher frequency of carcinoma in women with low parity.
Gonadal dysgenesis in children is associated with a higher risk of ovarian cancer. Women 40 to
59 years of age who have taken oral contraceptives or undergone tubal ligation have a
reduced risk of developing ovarian cancer. [78,] [79]
The most intriguing risk factors are
genetic. As discussed in Chapters 7 and 23 , mutations in both BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase
susceptibility to ovarian cancer. [71,] [77] BRCA1 mutations occur in about 5% of patients
younger than 70 years of age with ovarian cancer. The estimated risk of ovarian cancer in
women bearing BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations is 20% to 60% by the age of 70 years.
nulliparity, family history, and heritable mutations
Based on both clinicopathologic and molecular studies it has recently been proposed that
serous ovarian carcinoma be divided into two major groups:___________________ This distinction
can be made on the basis of nuclear atypia and correlates with patient survival. [80] Some lowgrade
carcinomas arise in association with serous borderline tumors, while most high-grade
carcinomas appear to arise “de novo” without a recognizable precursor lesion.
(1) low-grade (welldifferentiated) carcinoma and (2) high-grade (moderately to poorly differentiated) carcinoma.
Molecular studies of low- and high-grade serous carcinoma have revealed distinct molecular
genetic changes in the two types of carcinoma. [82]
The low-grade tumors arising in serous
borderline tumorshave mutations in the______________, withonly rare mutations in
KRAS or BRAF oncogenes
. In contrast, the high-grade tumors have a high frequency of mutations in the _________________ but
lack mutations in either KRAS or BRAF.
Almost all reported cases of ovarian carcinomas arising
in women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations are high-grade serous carcinoma and commonly
have p53 mutations.
p53 gene