What are the lesions found in terminal duct lobar unit?
- cyst
- adenosis
- small duct papilloma
- hyprplasia
- atypical hyperplasia
- carcioma
What are the lesions found in lobular stroma?
phylloides tumor
What are the lesions in large duct and lactiferous sinuses?
- Duct ectasia
- Recurrent subareolar abscess
- Solitary ductal papilloma
- paget disease
What are the lesions on Interlobular stroma ?
- Fat necrosis
- Lipoma
- Fibrous tumor
- Fibromatosis
- Sarcoma
The human
breast contains_________ major ductal systems
six to ten
Normal Breast Anatomy
The keratinizing squamous epithelium of the
overlying skin dips into the orifices at the nipple and then abruptly changes to a
cuboidal epithelium lining the ducts.
Successive branching of the large ducts eventually leads to
the terminal duct lobular unit.
NOTE : In adult women the terminal duct branches into a grapelike cluster
of small acini to form a lobule ( Figs. 23-1 and 23-2B ).
- *Each ductal system** typically occupies
- *more than one quadrant of the breast**, and the systems extensively overlap one another. In
- *Mammograms in young women** are typically** _____________**, making mass-forming lesions or calcifications (which are also
radiodense) difficult to detect. B
or white in appearance
The density of a young woman’s breast stems from the
predominance of fibrous interlobular stroma and the paucity of adipose tissue.
pregnancythelobules are smalland areinvested by loose cellular intralobular stroma.
Larger ducts connect lobules
What is the appearance of the breast during pregnancy?
- branching of terminal ducts produces
- more numerous, larger lobules.
- Luminal cells within lobules undergo lactational change, precursor to milk formation.
With increasing age what happens to the lobules
** decrease in size and number,**
and the interlobular stroma is replaced by adipose tissue.
What is the appearance now of Mammograms in older women?
become more
radiolucent with age as a result of the increase in adipose tissue, which facilitates the
detection of radiodense mass-forming lesions and calcifications.
Two cell types line the ducts and lobules.
- Contractile myoepithelial cells
- . Luminal epithelial cells
- Contractile myoepithelial cells
- . Luminal epithelial cells
_______________containing myofilaments
lie in a meshlike pattern on the basement membrane.
These cells assist in milk ejection during
lactation and provide structural support to the lobules.
Contractile myoepithelial cells
_____________overlay the
myoepithelial cells.
**Luminal epithelial cells **