Female Fertility & Contraception Flashcards
Mention uses of ethinyl estradiol
- OCPs
- Replacement therpy:
a. 1ry hypogonadism
b. Postmenopausal: dec menophasal symptoms & osteroporosis, cardioprotective
Adverse effects of synthetic estrogen
Nausea, breast tenderness, weight gain, endometrial hyperplasia, inc risk of endometrial & bc, HTN & thromboembolism
In male: dec libido, gynecomastia, impotence, feminization
Mention uses of norgesterol
- Hormonal contrac (main use)
- Dysmenorrhea (inhibit ovulation)
- Endometriosis (long-lasting ovarian suppression)
Mention adverse effects of progestins
Irregular bleeding followed by amenorrhea, weight gain, edema, depression, HTN, low HDL, hirsutism & acne
Mention ovulation-inducing agents
- Clomiphene
- Human menopausal G: menotropins, urofallitropin
- Gonadorelin sc pulses
- Bromocriptine in hyperprolactinemia
Describe MOA & routes of ergot alkaloids
Mixed partial agonist effects at a-adrenoreceptors & 5HT receptors
Oral, IM, intramyometrial CI IV
Mention uses of ergot alkaloids with respect FGS
- Prevent/control postpartum Hge
- After C-section or instrumental delivery to prevent uterine atony
- Sub involuted uterus
Mention adverse effects of ergot alkaloids
- Inc BP, seizures
- Vasospasm, palpitations (transient chest pains, coronary arterial spasm)
- Reduce milk secretion if used for longer period postpartum
Mention CIs of ergot alkaloids
During pregnancy, HTN, cardiac patients
Copmpare oral preparations of contraceptives
Combined estrogen & progesterone (most effective)
Progesterone only (minipill) less reliable but no risk of thromboembolism
Mention indications of parenteral progesterone preparations
- Contraception
- Regulation of menstrual cycle
Mention adverse effects & CIs of
Minor: NV, headache, breast tenderness, edema
Intermediate: bleeding (low dose), amenorrhea (high dose), acne, hirstutism, skin pigmentation
Major: 1. CVS: thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, HTN, stroke, MI
2. Carcinogenic: breast & endometrial
3. Cholecystitis
4. Depression
Describe drug interaction of hormonal cotracep
Enzyme inducers dec efficacy leading to pregnancy
Describe MOA, uses & AEs of clomiphene
-Partial agonist estrohen acts centrally, blocks central estrogen receptors in hypo preventing feedback inhibition of estrogen on FSHRH & LHRH, stimulate ovulation & corpus luteum formatio
-Used in female infertility due to ovulation disorders
-AEs hot flushed, multiple pregnancies, overstimulation of ovaries
Describe MOA, uses & AEs of tamoxiphen
-SERM partial agonist acting peripherally, inhibit estrogen action on breast (antagonist), preserves bone mineral density & inc endometrial cancer risk (agonist)
-Used in ttt of hormone sensitive bc
AEs: hot flushes, vaginal discharges, menstrual irregularities
Describe MOA, uses & AEs of raloxifene
-SERM as estrogen on bone but not on breast or uterus (no risk of cancer)
-ttt of osteoporosis
-AEs: hot flashed, legcramps, sweating, CI : history of venous TE
MOA & use of mifepristone
-Competitive inhibitor of progesterone & glucocorticoid receptors
-Therapeutic abortion
Mention uses and AEs of Leuprolide
GnRH analog
1. SC pulses to inc gonadotrophins amd stimulate ovulation in infertility
2. Continuous to inhibit gonadotrophins in cancer prostate endometriosis and IVF
1. Headache, hot flushes, depression
2. Vaginal dryness, dec libido, ovarian cyst
3. Osteoporosis
Mention uses of genirelix
GnRH antagonist
1. Controlled ovarian hyper-stimulation (inhibit LH surge)
2. Advanced prostatic cancer
Mention thepeutic uses of hCG
Its action is similar to LH:
1. Infertility, IVF
2. Undescended testes
3. 1ry or 2ry amenorrhea due to lack of gonadotrophins
List adverse effects of gonadotrophins
- Hyperstimulation syndrome; enlarged ovary, ascites, hemoperitoneum
- Multiple births
- Spontaneous abortions
- Gymecomastia in males