Electrolytes And Acid Base Disturbance Flashcards
Isotonic hyponatremia is caused by……, hypertonic hyponatremia by…..
Their management is…..
Treat the cause
Describe initial management of hypotonic hyponatremia
1. Infuse 3% saline (1 to 2 mEq per kg per hr) the goal is inc by 6-8mEq per L. Consider desmopressin
2. Single IV bolus of 100 to 150 mL 3% saline over 20 minutes, with goal of inc Na by 2 to 3 mEq; check Na every 20 min, may repeat bolus if symptoms do not resolve.
Usually symptoms of hypotonic hyponatremia resolve after……
4-6 mEq/L inc in Na
When to stop infusion of 3% saline in hyponatremia? What’s next
Stop when symptoms improve, serum Na inc 10 mmol/L in total or reaches 130 mmol/L.
Switch to isotonic saline, maintain venous line, determine cause.
What is the rate of correction of hyponatremia?
6-10 mEq/L in 1st 24 hrs, less than or equal to 18 mmol/l in 48 hrs
….may be needed in patients with concurrent symptomatic volume overload
Loop diretics
Rapid correction of hyponatremia can result in……,its risk factors are…….
Osmotic demyelination (central pontine myelinosis)
Liver disease, malnutrition, serum sodium less than 120 mEq/L for more than 48 hrs, development of hyoernatremia during management.
Describe management of hyponatremia >48 hrs if:
1. Hypovolemic
2. Euvolemic
3. Hypervolemic
- 0.9% solution NaCl to restore blood pressure
- Free water restriction, demeclocycline (SIADH), V2R blocker
- Free water and Na restriction, loop diuretics, V2R blocker
List drugs inducing SIADH
TCA, SSRI, oxytocin, carbamazepine, diuretics, opioids and vincristine
List advetse effects of vaptans
- Polyuria, thirst, hypernatremia
- Safety in hepatic cirrhosis (?)
Define goals of hypernatremia management
In acute, correct serum Na at an initial rate of 1-2 mEq/L (for 2-3 hr)(max total: 12 mEq/L)
In chronic, with no or mild symptoms, corrected at a rate not to exceed 0.5 mEq/L/h with a total of 8-10 mEq/d for fear of brain edema (e.g. 160 mEq/L to 152 mEq/L)
The target Na level is 145 mEq/L
What is the type of fluid used in hypernatremia with:
1. Hypovolemia
2. Euvolemia
3. Hypervolemia
- Isotonic saline before free water administration
- Hypotonic fluids (e.g.D5W)
- Comination of diuretics & D5W infusion
List causes of hyperkalemia
*Inc exit from cells
Digitalis, B2Bs, acidosis, succinylcholine
*Defective renal excretion
Impaired renal func, hypoaldosteronism, K+ retaining diuretics, B1Bs, NSAIDs, ACEI, ARB
List causes of hypokalemia
*Inc entry into cells:
Insulin, epinephrine, alkalosis
*Inc K+ loss:
Hyperaldosteronism, K+-losing diuretics, liquorice (renal). Laxatives, severe diarrhea (extra-renal)
Mention precautions of KCl administration
- Oral K+ has gastric & esophageal irritant effect & should be given with plenty of fluid in sitting position
- IV K+ can cause phlebitis & should be given in large veins
Describe management of hyperkalemia
-IV Ca used in severe cases, it stabilizes myocardial membrane by opposing effect of hyoerkalemia on membrane potential
-Inc movement inti cells by insulin+glucose OR glucose, B2 agonist nebulizer (salbutamol), IV Na+ bicarbonate which inc influx of K+ (not preferred)
Removal of K+ from body by loop diuretics, cation-exchange resins, dialysis in resistant cases.
Describe mechanism of action of magnesium
- Natural physiological competitove of Ca: antagonist at L-Ca++ channels
- Antagonist of NMDA receptors: analgesic, anticonvulsant & sedatative properties
- Interferes with Ach relesae, muscle relaxation
- Dec release of CAs after sympathetic stimulus
List indications of magnesium
- Torasde de pointes & digitalis induced arrhythmia (IV)
- Hypomagnesemia associated with MI
- Refractory hypokalemia 2ry to hypomagnesemia
- Osmotic laxative & antacid (oral)
- Seizures in preeclampsia (IV)
- Adjuvant in anesthesia: analgesic, sedative
List adverse effects of magnesium
- Diarrhea, drowsiness, hypotension
- Asystole (rapid IV administration)
- Tetaogenic: category D (fetal skeletal abnormalities)
Describe management of hypo- & hypermagnesemia
Hypo: diet rich in Mg, correct hypocalcemia & hypokalemia + adding K+ sparing diuretics
Hyper: IV Ca++, diuretics, dialysis
List drugs causing hypocalcemia
- Corticosteroids, tetracycline, iron, quinolones (dec Ca absorption)
- Phenytoin, phenobarbital, rifampin (inc vit D metabolsim)
- Mithramycin
List steps of management of symptomatic acute hypocalcemia
- Supportive management (IV fluid replacement, oxygen, monitoring)
- Calcium infusion drips should be started at 0.5 mg/kg/hr and inc to 2 mg/kg/hr
- Doses of 100-300 mg elemental calcium
Mention calcium preparations & the amount of elemental Ca in each
They are given in…..
10 mL calcium gluconate contain 90 mg elemental Ca
10 mL of CaCl contain 272 mg
In 50-100 mL of D5W should be given over 5-10 min
Management of hypoparathyroidism is……., while that of 2ry hyperparathyroidism is……
Vitamin D (0.5-2 mcg) calcitriol of 1-alpha-D3
Calcium + vitamin D