Feline lungworm Flashcards
Where does A abstrusus reside?
nodules within the bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli of infected hosts.
What is the life cycle of A abstrusus?
Adult females lay eggs that develop within the lungs. First stage larvae (L1s) reach the pharynx via the respiratory escalator, then are swallowed and pass into
the environment in cat faeces.2,4–7 L1s continue their life cycle in intermediate hosts (slugs and snails), in which they reach the third, infective, larval stage (L3) after a variable period of time dependent on the invertebrate species and environmental temperature. Animals become infected by ingesting the intermediate
host containing L3s or, most often, paratenic hosts including rodents, frogs, lizards, snakes and birds
What is the life cycle of capillaria?
The adult stages of Capillaria aerophila live under
the epithelium of the trachea and bronchi. After mating,
the females release eggs that are coughed, ingested and passed in the faeces of the infected animal. In the
environment, they mature and become infective.
Earthworms have been hypothesised to act as facultative intermediate or paratenic hosts. Animals become infected by ingesting environmental larvated eggs or, potentially, infected earthworms
What are the clinical signs of A abstrusus?
mild to intense coughing, wheezing, sneezing, nasal discharge, dyspnoea and tachypnoea.
Generalised signs such as lethargy and weight loss have also been described
What are the radiographic signs of infection with A abstrusus?
alveolar pattern followed by bronchial and interstitial
patterns, bronchial wall thickening and increased interstitial opacity
What is the gold standard test for A abstrusus dx?
Less useful but can offer dx is BAL (direct microscopy)
PCR now been developed with good sens and spec (pharyngeal swab)
What are the main tx options for A abstrusus?
Pancur/ advocate/ profender
How can you treat caparillia?