Feeding: Infant & Newborn Flashcards
What are some of the components of breast milk that are not found in formula?
WBCs (lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils), lactoferrin, epidermal growth factor (barrier to passage of bacteria through the gut), bifidus factor (decreases pH and rate of bacterial replication), lipase and amylase, may others
What is colostrum?
Colostrum is present for the first 2-3 days postpartum. It has a high protein and antibody content with low fat. It is delivered in small quantities but is all that the baby needs.
What are the benefits of breastfeeding for baby?
Decreased: diarrhea, otitis media, NEC, asthma, lower resp. infections, T1DM, malocclusion, SIDS, childhood cancer, obesity, IBD
Increased: visual, cognitive and behavioural development
When is soy milk formula indicated?
Soy milk is used in galactosemia (very rare).
When is extensively hydrolyzed protein cow milk formula used? ex. nutramigen, alimentum, progestimil
These formulas are indicated if babe has a cow milk protein allergy.
What is the vitamin D requirement in breast fed infants vs. formula fed infants?
Breast fed infants require 400 IU/day. Formula fed infants do not require additional supplementation.