Feeding/Eating and Sleep-Wake Disorders Flashcards
Sleepwalking and sleep terrors usually occur:
A. during Stage 1 or 2 sleep in the middle of a major sleep period.
B. during Stage 3 or 4 sleep in the first third of a major sleep period.
C. during REM sleep in the middle of a major sleep period.
D. during REM sleep in the first third of a major sleep period.
Answer B is correct: Sleepwalking and sleep terrors are classified in the DSM-5-TR as non-rapid eye movement sleep arousal disorders and usually occur during Stage 3 or 4 sleep in the first third of a major sleep episode.
The treatment of insomnia disorder ordinarily includes which of the following?
A. positive practice or sleep restriction
B. positive practice or habit reversal training
C. stimulus control or overcorrection
D. stimulus control or sleep restriction
Answer D is correct. The nonpharmacological treatment-of-choice for insomnia disorder is a multi-component cognitive-behavioral intervention that incorporates stimulus control or sleep restriction with sleep-hygiene education, relaxation training, and/or cognitive therapy.
The presence of which of the following is required for a DSM-5-TR diagnosis of anorexia nervosa?
A. an apparent lack of interest in eating and food
B. recurrent episodes of binge-eating and purging
C. an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat
D. extreme sensitivity to the sensory characteristics of food
Answer C is correct. As described in the DSM-5-TR, the core features of anorexia nervosa are a persistent restriction of energy intake relative to energy requirements, an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, and a disturbance in the way one perceives one’s body shape or weight.
For a DSM-5-TR diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, a person must exhibit characteristic symptoms for at least:
A. three weeks.
B. three months.
C. six weeks.
D. six months.
Answer B is correct. For a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, the DSM-5-TR requires that the person engage in both binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behavior for at least three months.
When the retrospective subjective reports of people with insomnia disorder about their sleep are compared to objective measures, the subjective reports tend to:
A. underestimate their sleep latency and overestimate total time they sleep each night.
B. underestimate their sleep latency and total time they sleep each night.
C. overestimate their sleep latency and underestimate total time they sleep each night.
D. overestimate their sleep latency and total time they sleep each night.
Answer C is correct. When the subjective reports of people with insomnia disorder are compared to objective measures (e.g., polysomnography), subjective reports usually overestimate sleep latencies (i.e., overestimate the time it takes to fall asleep) and underestimate the total amount of sleep they have each night.
Hypnopompic hallucinations are vivid dreams that occur:
A. immediately before an episode of REM sleep.
B. immediately after an episode of REM sleep.
C. just after awakening from sleep.
D. just before falling asleep.
Answer C is correct. Many people with narcolepsy experience hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations which are vivid hallucinations that occur, respectively, just before falling asleep or just after awakening.
People with binge-eating disorder (BED):
A. are more likely to engage in dieting after (versus before) they engage in binge eating.
B. engage in recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior only when they are overweight or obese.
C. are less likely than those with bulimia nervosa to have a comorbid psychiatric disorder.
D. have a poor response to treatment that is similar to the response of individuals with bulimia nervosa.
Answer A is correct. In contrast to individuals with bulimia nervosa who often engage in dysfunctional dieting before they start binge eating, those with BED usually begin dieting after the onset of binge eating. Unlike those with bulimia nervosa, individuals with BED do not engage in recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior (answer B). Individuals with BED have similar rates of psychiatric comorbidity as individuals with bulimia nervosa do, but they usually have a better response to treatment for their eating disorder (answers C and D).