[Feedback] Spring 🍀 Flashcards
I don’t _ (catch? get?) this meme.
= understand
I don’t get this meme. = I don’t understand
NOT ‘я не расслышала’ = I didn’t catch.
Do you mind _ (explain) the task to me?
Do you mind explaining the task to me?
do you mind + ing
the Thames (Темза)
/ðə ˈtemz/
I mean, not the last sentence but _ (предпоследнее).
I mean, not the last sentence but the second to last.
also: the penultimate one
Я не качалась на качелях с тех пор, как была ребёнком
I haven’t swung on a swing since I was a child.
I’ve been postponing my visit to the dentist’s _ too long.
(a word that INTENSIFIES ‘too long’)
I’ve been postponing my visit to the dentist’s way too long.
I’ve been studying English from childhood.
I’ve been studying English since I was a child.
I have _ understanding this meme.
= I can’t understand it
I have trouble understanding this meme.
It’s not fast food per se that’s bad for you, but how frequently you eat it. You need some _ (здравый смысл).
It’s not fast food per se that’s bad for you, but how frequently you eat it. You need some common sense.
I started taking _ (= антидепрессанты) during a particularly rough patch in my life, and they’ve helped me regain a sense of balance.
I started taking antidepressants during a particularly rough patch in my life, and they’ve helped me regain a sense of balance.
I’m not very stress-r_. (= it’s difficult for me to cope with it).
I’m not very stress-resistant. (= it’s difficult for me to cope with it).
From the looks of it, they’re conducting some kind of experiment.
Judging by the way this person _ (sit), this mask must be pretty uncomfortable.
Judging by the way this person is sitting, this mask must be pretty uncomfortable.
The Isolator was far too _ (too big to be comfortable) and inefficient to find success with the public when it first appeared in 1925.
The Isolator was far too bulky and inefficient to find success with the public when it first appeared in 1925.
What are these?
BrE /ˈɡɒɡlz/
AmE /ˈɡɑːɡlz/
From the _ of it, he might be a soldier.
From the looks of it, he might be a soldier.
[correct the mistake]
They might be not related.
They might not be related.
I always _ my mom flowers on the 8th or March.
= дарю
I always get my mom flowers on the 8th or March.
In the Czech Republic, the 8th of March isn’t _ (выходной).
In the Czech Republic, the 8th of March isn’t a public holiday.
or: a bank holiday
This is part of the _ (православная) tradition.
This is part of the Orthodox tradition.
I think _ (Вена) is gorgeous.
[Natalia, who is a business woman.]
I’ve only been working as a teacher for a year and a half.
I only worked as a teacher for a year and a half.
..then we went to the _ (= кладбище)
then we went to the cemetery
BrE /ˈsemətri/
AmE /ˈseməteri/
fix something
A: How are you doing?
B: Get used to the life without the sea!
A: How are you doing?
B: Getting used to life without the sea!
Do you like gourmet food?
зависит от еды.
Do you like gourmet food?
It depends on the food.
It’s become a cliche that French cuisine is the best.
BrE /ˈkliːʃeɪ/ AmE /kliːˈʃeɪ/
The best onion soup I’ve tried was in Moscow, not in France.
Put the onions in the oven!
I’m not sure I have the time to _ (ухаживать за) all these flowers.
I’m not sure I have the time to look after all these flowers.
If I were you, I’d do bachata, not salsa, because I / do bachata for the last two years and…
If I were you, I’d do bachata, not salsa, because I’ve been doing bachata for the last two years and…
I think this would _ (= ‘be useful for’) creativity.
I think this would encourage creativity.
BrE /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/
AmE /ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒ/
So, how are you getting along in your new role? (to someone who’s just become a manager)
Well, I’m _ _ learning _. It’s challenging but I’m gradually getting better at it.
Well, I’m on a learning curve. It’s challenging but I’m gradually getting better at it.
Another example: I must admit it’s been a learning curve for me.
I don’t think we should completely r_ _ this option. (= полностью отказаться, stop considering)
I don’t think we should completely rule out this option.
But that’s _ it works.
But that’s the way it works.
_ (если я правильно помню), you were going to Egypt?
If I remember correctly,
As I remember,
I find the amount of red tape in the UK infuriating and n_ (= sickening, revolting).
I find the amount of red tape in the UK infuriating and nauseating.
[talking about lottery]
It sounds like people aren’t ready for this _ money. (= so much)
[talking about lottery]
It sounds like people aren’t ready for this kind of money. (= so much)
If I _ (had? would have?) that kind of money, I’d go travelling.
If I had that kind of money, I’d go travelling.
If I won ten thousand dollars, I’d p_ myself a bit.
=баловать, нежить
If I won ten thousand dollars, I’d pamper myself a bit.
2 _ (million? millions?) dollars
2 million dollars
If I _ (win) this kind of money, I’d really change my lifestyle.
If I won this kind of money, I’d really change my lifestyle.
talking hypothetically: if + past simple
If I won a million dollars…
like ‘1’
Sometimes after a long day I just _ _ _ a glass of wine and a nice film.
= балую себя
Sometimes after a long day I just treat myself to a glass of wine and a nice film.
$1.8 million lottery win w_ my life. (= ruined)
$1.8 million lottery win wrecked my life. (= ruined)
They might have spent all that money _useless stuff.
They might have spent all that money on useless stuff.
or spent .. buying
spent on noun / spend verb-ing
People who _ (выграли в лотерею).
People who won the lottery.
an article, no preposition!
Right after he was elected, there was an _ (землетрясение).
Right after he was elected, there was an earthquake.
He bought a l_ (роскошную) car.
He bought a luxury (роскошную) car.
He became a mayor.
only learn the pronunciation that’s used in YOUR accent!
BrE /me:/
AmE /ˈmeɪər/
He thought that he could help these people, and he _. But he himself wasn’t satisfied.
He thought that he could help these people, and he did. But he himself wasn’t satisfied.
What s_ decisions (= хорошие, благоразумные) do you think Sharon and Ihsan made?
What sensible decisions do you think Sharon and Ihsan made?
What _ decisions (= bad) did they make?
What poor decisions did they make?
[fix something]
Yeah, it was sensible decision, I think.
Yeah, it was a sensible decision, I think.
Maybe he should stay (>> past) and _ (use) all this money on himself.
Maybe he should’ve stayed and used all this money on himself.
I think he stopped too early. He could + create (past) some projects to help his town in a more sustainable way.
I think he stopped too early. He could’ve created some projects to help his town in a more sustainable way.
I think this guy from Pakistan might + spend (past) his money wisely.
I think this guy from Pakistan might have spent his money wisely.
In this movie, he’s in a _ (инвалидное кресло).
In this movie, he’s in a wheelchair.
He has this condition, and he _ (должен был умереть) but he survived.
He has this condition, and he was supposed to die, but he survived.
I’ve taken out a _ (кредит) and now I’ve got to pay _ (проценты).
I’ve taken out a loan and now I’ve got to pay interest.
It was a t_ _ in my approach to money. (= поворотный момент)
It was a turning point in my approach to money.
Back in the days of the USSR, we used to live _ _ _ (= от зарплаты до зарплаты)
Back in the days of the USSR, we used to live paycheck to paycheck.
I didn’t understand why I had to stand in these queues for hours and hours, it was all so exhaust_ (ed? ing?) and awful.
I didn’t understand why I had to stand in these queues for hours and hours, it was all so exhausting and awful.
I keep my money in different _ (валютах).
I keep my money in different currencies.
BrE /ˈkʌrənsi/
AmE /ˈkɜːrənsi/
He _ (взял) thirteen loans and never _ (выплатил их).
He took out thirteen loans and never paid them back.
He’s a _ (миллиардер).
He’s a billionaire.
isolated cases
I think marriage has a positive _ (эффект на) men.
I think marriage has a positive effect on men.
Our friends have split up and this has _ (имело эффект на) our relationship with them.
Our friends have split up and this has affected our relationship with them.
has had a negative effect on
Lending money to friends might lead to _ (lose) those friends.
Lending money to friends might lead to losing those friends.
‘to’ is a preposition here
Taking out a lot of loans can r_ (привести к) significant financial difficulties.
Taking out a lot of loans can result in significant financial difficulties.
This _ (lead >> past) to some issues.
This led to some issues.
…and I decided to _ (остаться) in Minsk.
…and I decided to stay in Minsk.
We had a huge r_ (ужасный скандал)..
We had a huge row.
She had an argument with her _ (невестка).
She had an argument with her daughter-in-law.
correct the mistake
[context: talking about the way your eating habits have changed]
I’ve never eaten anything at school.
[context: talking about the way your eating habits have changed]
I never used to eat anything at school. (or simply past simple)
Use present perfect about ongoing periods.
I thought I would never _ (никогда не привыкну к тому, чтобы что-то такое есть).
I thought I would never get used to eating something like that.
How has your a_ (= отношение) to work changed over the years?
How has your attitude to work changed over the years?
[context: talking about your attitude to work]
Я всегда была очень добросовестной.
I’ve always had a very good work ethic.
Or: I’ve always been very conscientious.
If you have _ (экономическое образование)…
If you have a degree in economics..
not экономный = economical
I guess it’s impossible to be a good teacher without getting a formal degree. But there are so many strange teachers now.
I guess it’s impossible to be a good teacher without getting a formal degree. But there are so many strange teachers at the moment.
I think _ (в наше время) you can get an equally good degree online.
I think in this day and age you can get an equally good degree online.
or nowadays
avoid ‘now’
In my profession, you have to have a _ degree, not simply do a couple of online courses.
In my profession, you have to have a proper degree, not simply do a couple of online courses.
in Russia and _ (Беларусь)
in Russia and Belarus
For this role you need extensive technical _ (знания).
For this role you need extensive technical knowledge.
[situation: you’re checking vocabulary in a group. You accidentally revealed the answer too early].
How to say: ‘прошу прощения, я случайно’?
I’m sorry, I _n’t _ _ do that.
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.
That’s a great idea! We should _ it to the group. (= предложить)
That’s a great idea! We should propose it to the group. (= предложить)
So she moved in _ (не два дня назад, а раньше).
So she moved in not two days ago, but earlier.
I run _ winter too.
I run in the winter too.
I have a _ _ (= шпаргалка).
I have a cheat sheet.
fix something
Last but not the least reason why this film should be recommended is the cast.
Last but not least, another reason why this film should be recommended is the cast.
_ (я правильно понимаю) that this is a film and not a series?
Do I understand correctly that this is a film and not a series?
choose a different word
My small son, who is 23, recommended an app to me…
My youngest son, who is 23, recommended an app to me…
Have you seen Game of Thrones?
No, not even one _ (серия).
Have you seen Game of Thrones?
No, not even one episode.
I listen to audiobooks while I’m _ a stroll with my dog.
I listen to audiobooks while I’m taking a stroll with my dog.
What does AI stand for?
Artificial intelligence
a dishwasher
a pipe
моя машина сломалась
My car got _ = my car broke _
My car got broken = my car broke down
Our ground floor got flooded and all the furniture got _ (= испорчена).
Our ground floor got flooded and all the furniture got ruined.