FedEx FOM Ch-4 Flashcards
FOM 4.04 - Rev 69
What is the minimum complement of manuals required for dispatch on all FedEx aircraft?
The minimum complement of manuals required for dispatch on all FedEx aircraft is:
- Route Manual Information
- QRH (paper)
- Company Flight Manuals, including bulletins
FOM 4.04 - Rev 69
If the MEL is not available and equipment breaks after block out, who do you contact?
If equipment breaks after block out and the MEL is not available, contact Maintenance.
FOM 4.04 - Rev 69
If a manual is missing on board, who do you contact?
If a manual is missing on board the aircraft, do the following:
- Contact the Duty Officer.
- Make an AML entry at the destination.
FOM 4.07 - Rev 69
Name the following EAML acronyms:
EAML acronyms:
- PDIS: Pilot noted discrepancy
- MDIS: Maintenance noted discrepancy
- OIL: Open items list
- NEF: Nonessential Equipment and Furnishings
- SMIS: Scheduled maintenance
- MTSI: MOC technical service item
- LMPI: Line maintenance planning item
FOM 4.07 - Rev 69
What two ways can the AML indicate an item is “in-work?
The two ways the AML can indicate an item is “in-work”:
- AML page entry.
- An In-Work status report.
FOM 4.09 - Rev 69
Can you depart with an unsigned ARD?
No, you cannot depart with and unsigned ARD.
FOM 4.09 - Rev 69
Regarding Maintenance’s “Service Check,” an aircraft cannot be released when?
An aircraft must not be released if the Service Check has expired, or will expire before scheduled block in at the next destination.
Regarding Maintenance’s “Security/Tire Pressure Daily Check,” an aircraft cannot be released when?
An aircraft must not be released if the check has expired, or will expire before scheduled block in a the next destination.
FOM 4.09 - Rev 69
What two places can you find the airplane’s CAT status? Do they need to match?
If they don’t, what actions must the Captain take?
The airplanes CAT status is located in two places:
- The ARD, as the LLM (Lower Landing Minimums) status.
- The Flight Plan Release (FPR)
- If their is a discrepancy, contact MOC or GOC.
FOM 4.09 - Rev 69
In the ARD, a RVSM capability status of “NO” means what?
ARD RVSM status “NO” means:
- The aircraft is RVSM capable.
- There are no MEL deferrals affecting RVSM Operations.
FOM 4.09 - Rev 69
What items must the Captain accomplish on the ARD review?
ARD Review - Captain must accomplish these items:
- Correct tail number at top of ARD
- Maintenance History - Review closed
items “FACT”. - MEL/CDL/OIL deferrals - Review:
– Chronological order.
– No “IN WORK” items - Service Check Expiration Date (No Exp B4
block in) - Security/Tire Press Daily Check - (No Exp
B4 block in) - CAT Status - FPR agreement / Cat 3 days
remaining - RVSM Capability - FPR agreement and
“Yes” or “No” - FANS Capability - “Yes” or “No”
- EFVS Approach Status: “Yes” or “No”
- Mechanic’s Signature: Name, empl #,
signature - Expiration date/time of ARD: Earliest
expiration of “Tire Pressure” and “Service
FOM 4.11 - Rev 69
What does the “Airworthiness Release” consist of?
The “Airworthiness Release” consists of:
- The signed ARD.
- White AML page(s) signed by a certificated mechanic
FOM 4.12 - Rev 69
When can the flight crew reset a tripped Circuit Breaker?
The flight crew can reset a tripped Circuit Breaker:
- Upon Maintenance’s request:
– Can be reset or recycled.
– No ARD history of CB open previously.
– No other systems affected by the malfunction.
– Only one reset attempt may be made. - Do not attempt to reset the following CBs:
– Fuel Boost Pump CB.
– Fuel Quantity CB. - Record the irregularity in the AML before terminating
the flight
FOM 4.12 - Rev 69
If you reset a CB and it remains closed, what must the mandatory AML entry include?
At a minimum, the AML entry for a reset CB that remains closed must include:
- Conditions existing wen the CB tripped.
- Conditions existing when the CB was reset.
- Results of resetting the CB.
FOM 4.13 - Rev 69
How does the Captain verify he has all of the deferred items on the Release?
By comparing the deferred items on the release to the deferred items on the AML and ARD. Any deferred items missing from the release requires Dispatch to send a new release.
FOM 4.13 - Rev 69
What signifies proper completion of the (M) procedures on a MEL?
The mechanic signature on the ARD signifies completion of the (M) procedures on a MEL.
FOM 4.13 - Rev 69
What signifies proper completion of the (D) procedures on a MEL?
The Dispatcher electronic signature on the Release signifies proper completion of the (D) procedures on a MEL.
FOM 4.13 - Rev 69
What happens to a preexisting MEL entry when MEL publication revisions are released and made effective?
The preexisting MEL is still legal and valid until their category time limit expires. It the item number changes, contact Dispatch or the Duty Officer for a copy of the previous MEL record’s material.
FOM 4.13 - Rev 69
At what time does inoperative equipment become a “Pilot Deferred MEL?” (PDM item)
Any inoperative item discovered after pushback/block-out and prior to takeoff (power application for takeoff has commenced) is considered a PDM item.
FOM 4.13 - Rev 69
What are the major steps of the PDM process?
Major steps of the PDM process:
- Notify the following:
- Pushback crew (if connected).
- Ramp Tower or ATC.
- Proceed to cleared location.
- Run applicable procedure.
- Contact GOC to conference w/MX for MEL or MX
- If MEL applies, Coordinate with GOC/MOC to:
- – Apply MEL.
- – Prepare for departure.
- If MEL applies, Coordinate with GOC/MOC to:
- If MX required:
- – Proceed as directed.
- – Coordinate with GOC/MOC for requirements
FOM 4.13 - Rev 69
What is a “Block Turn Back (BTB)..?
A “Block Turn Back” (BTB) is when a flight pushed back from the gate and later returns to gate or designated parking spot and an AMT is required to board the acft.
FOM 4.13 - Rev 69
If a flight experiences a “Block Turn Back” (BTB) prior to departure, what new documents are required to legally depart?
Required documents to depart after a Block Turn Back (BTB):
- New Flight Release.
- New Weight & Balance.
- Fuel Service Form (if additional fuel is required).
FOM 4.13 - Rev 69
What is the MEM Line Mechanic sitting in the Ramp Tower called?
The Service Area Coordinator (SAC).