Federal Food Assistance Programs Flashcards
Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA)
Impacted welfare reform and established Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF).
Establishing TANF is a…
key provision of the PRWORA
Changing eligibility standards for SSI child disability benefits is a…
key provision of the PRWORA
Requiring states to enforce a strong child support program for collection of child support payments is a…
key provision of the PRWORA
Restricting aliens’ eligibility for welfare and other public benefits is a…
key provision of the PRWORA
Providing resources for foster care data systems and national child welfare study is a…
key provision of the PRWORA
Establishing a block grant to states to provide child care for working parents is a…
key provision of the PRWORA
Altering eligibility criteria and benefits for child nutrition programs is a…
key provision of the PRWORA
Tightening national standards for food stamps and commodity distribution is a…
key provision of the PRWORA
Goals of Federal Food Assistance Programs
- “Food Safety Net”
- Provide low income citizens with food or means to purchase food
- Provide access to food, a healthy diet and nutrition education to low income people
- Increase food security and reduce hunger
- Help for farmers
FNS (of the USDA)
administers programs in partnership with the states.
Elderly Nutrition Programs
administered by the Administration on Aging of the DHHS
Anyone who meets eligibility standards is entitled to receive benefits. Income eligibility criteria is determined by the state. Other types of eligibility criteria are age or stage of life cycle and nutritional risk factors.
Goal of the SNAP Program
Improve the diets of low income groups and increase food purchasing power.
Food Programs for Women and Young Children
- Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
- WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
- Head Start/Early Start
Child Nutrition Programs
- National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
- Summer Food Service Program for Children
- Special Milk Program
- After-School Snack Program
- Child and Adult Care Food Program
Food Distribution Programs
- Food Distribution program on Indian Reservations
- The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)
- Nutrition Services Incentive Program
- Food Distribution Disaster Assistance
- Commodity Supplemental Food Program
Senior Nutrition Programs
- Elderly Nutrition Program (ENP) or Older Americans Act Nutrition Program
- Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program