FECAL Flashcards
Elimination of waste products of digestion from the body is essential to health
Physiology of Defacation
Extends from Ileocecal valve to anus
Large Intestine
how long is the large intestine
125 - 150 cm (50 - 60 in)
Contents of the colon represent foods ingested over the previous __ days
Most waste products excreted within __ hours of ingestion
what is the main function of the colon
absorption of water and nutrients after eating (ingestion)
Waste products leaving the stomach through the small intestine and then passing through the ileocecal valve
________ in the colon protects lining from acid in feces and from bacterial activity
largely air and by-products
of the digestion of carbohydrates
Wavelike movement that propels intestinal contents forward
movement of the chyme back and forth within the haustra
Haustral churning
very sluggish and is thought to move the chyme very little along the large intestine
Colon peristalsis
powerful muscular contraction that moves over large areas of the colon
Mass peristalsis
Internal sphincter under ___________ control
External sphincter under ___________ control
Excreted waste products are referred to as _______ or ______
- feces
- stool
Expulsion of feces assisted by contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm
Semi-solid mass of waste products in the colon that is expelled through the anus
list factors that affect defacation
-psychological factors
-defecation habits
-certain foods
-diagnostic procedures
-anesthesia and surgery
-pathologic conditions
-fluid intake and output
cabbage, onions, cauliflower, bananas, apples
are what type of foods
prunes, chocolate, alcohol
are what type of foods
laxative producing
cheese, pasta, eggs and lean meat
are what type of foods
Fecal Elimination Problems
list them
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Bowel incontinence
- Flatulence
● Decreased frequency of defecation or fewer than three bowel movements per week
● Hard, dry, formed stools
● Straining at stool; painful defecation
● Feeling of fullness, discomfort in
rectum, abdomen
● Headache
● Passage of liquid feces and increased frequency of defecation
● Spasmodic cramps, increased bowel sounds
● Fatigue, weakness, malaise, emaciation
Loss of voluntary ability to control fecal and gaseous discharges
Bowel Incontinence
what are 2 types of bowel incontinence
partial and major
the inability to control flatus or to prevent minor
Partial incontinence
the inability to control feces of normal consistency
major incontinence
● Action of bacteria on chyme
● Swallowed air
● Gas diffusing between bloodstream
and intestines
● Eructation (belching, burping)
● Excessive flatus in intestines leads
to stretching and inflation of intestines
induce defecation, strong purgative effect
produces soft of liquid stools (castor oil)
softens feces be releasing gases
slows motility of the intestine, absorbs excess fluid in intestine
Antidiarrheal medications
coalesce gas bubbles and facilitate their passage by belching
Anti Flatulence medications
herbal oils acts as agents that help expel gas
an insertion of a solution into the rectum and sigmoid colon to stimulate defect
Enemas stimulate peristalsis through ________
acts to soften the feces and to lubricate the rectum and anal canal, thus facilitating the passage of the feces
what type of enema
Oil retention enema
treat infections locally
what type of enema
Antibiotic enemas
to kill helminths such as worms
what type of enema
Antihelmintic enemas
to administer fluids and nutrients to the rectum
what type of enema
Nutritive enemas
● Used primarily to expel flatus
● The solution instilled into the rectum
releases gas, which in turn distends the rectum and the colon, thus stimulating peristalsis
what type of enema
Carminative enema
● Alternating flow of 100 to 200 ml of
fluid into/out of rectum and sigmoid colon stimulates peristalsis
● Repeated 5-6 times until the flatus is expelled and abdominal distention is relieved
what type of enema
Return-flow (Harris flush)
Types of Cleansing enema
high enema and low enema
types of low enema
Fluid and electrolyte
imbalance; water intoxication
adverse effect
Pull fluid out of the interstitial tissues into the colon which has a higher osmotic pressure
● Tap water
● Flow of water is out of bowel into the
interstitial tissues which have a high
osmotic pressure
● Physiologic/normal saline
● Osmotic pressure on both sides of the membrane
● Safest
● Distends colon
● Stimulates peristalsis
● Softens feces
● Pure soap
● Creates the effect of intestinal
mucosal irritation to stimulate
● Distends colon