FE Exam Formulas Ch. 4 Flashcards
Purpose and Variables of…
Single Force Vector Notation
F= Vector Force
Fx= horizontal component
Fy= vertical component
i= x direction
j= y direction
Purpose and Variables of…
Multiple Force Vector Notation
Purpose and Variables of…
Direction of Resultant Force with respect to x-axis
Purpose and Variables of…
Three-Dimensional Vector Form of Force
Purpose and Variables of…
R= resultant 3D vector magnitude
Purpose and Variables of…
Component Force in 3D Direction when Geometry is Known
Purpose and Variables of…
Moment Formula
cross product of postion vector (r) and force (F)
Purpose and Variables of…
Magnitude of Moment
Purpose and Variables of…
Moment/Moment Arm, Formula
Purpose and Variables of…
Moment Components with Known Geometry
Purpose and Variables of…
Equilibrium Requirement Net Force
Purpose and Variables of…
Equilibrium Requirement Net Moment
Purpose and Variables of…
Moment from Origin when Comparing Two Systems
Purpose and Variables of…
Forces when Comparing Two Systems
Purpose and Variables of…
Moment and Force Equations for Couple
Purpose and Variables of…
Trigonometry of Resultant Vectors
Purpose and Variables of…
Trigonometry of Resultant Vectors
Purpose and Variables of…
Trigonometry of Resultant Vectors
Purpose and Variables of…
Pythagorean Theorem to Find Resultant Vector
Purpose and Variables of…
Angle of Force using Force Components
Purpose of…
Adding Vector Components
Purpose and Variables of…
Resultant Force of Force Components
Purpose and Variables of…
Vector Angle from Both Axis
Purpose and Variables of…
Pythagorean Theorem of 3D vectors
Purpose and Variables of…
Moment Using Force and Moment Arm
d=Moment arm (distance from center of rotation)
Purpose and Variables of…
Moment Using Center of Rotation and Force
M equals cross product of position vector from center of rotation (r) and Force (F)
Purpose and Variables of…
Finding Moment Arm from Moment, Vector, and Force
r=position vector from center of rotation
d=moment arm (distance from center of rotation)
Purpose of…
Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
Purpose and Variables of…
Force Formula
Purpose and Variables of…
Moment Formula for Rigid Bodies
I=the mass moment of inertia
alpha=rotational acceleration
Purpose and Variables of…
Determining Statically Determinate Trusses
Purpose and Variables of…
Equilibrium Equations for Solving Force
Purpose and Variables of…
Equilibrium Equations for Solving Force
Purpose and Variables of…
Position Vector of Centroid
rc=the position vector or radius to the centroid
mn=mass of particle n
rn=the position vector or radius to particle
Purpose and Variables of…
Horizontal Location of Centroid
xc=horizontal location of centroid
an=area of particle
xn=particles x location
Purpose and Variables of…
Horizontal Location of Centroid
x=horizontal value
Purpose and Variables of…
Centroid Location (xc,xy)
May=first area moment of y
an=particle’s area
Purpose and Variables of…
Centroid Location (xc,xy)
Max=first area moment of x
an=particle’s area
Purpose and Variables of…
Area Moment of Inertia
Iy=Area moment of inertia about y
Ix=Area moment of inertia about x
Purpose and Variables of…
Area Moment of Inertia
Iy=Area moment of inertia about y
Ix=Area moment of inertia about x
Purpose and Variables of…
Polar Moment of Inertia
J=polar moment of inertia
Iy=Area moment of inertia about y
Ix=Area moment of inertia about x
Purpose and Variables of…
Centroidal Polar Moment of Inertia
J=polar moment of inertia about centroid
Iy=Area moment of inertia about centroid with respect to y
Ix=Area moment of inertia about centroid with respect to x
Purpose and Variables of…
Definition of Friction Force
Ff=friction force
mus=static friction coefficient
N=normal force between surfaces
Purpose and Variables of…
Maximum Value of Friction
Ffmax=max frictional force
mus=static friction coefficient
N=normal force between surfaces
Purpose and Variables of…
Magnitude of Normal Force
FN=net force
N=normal force
Purpose and Variables of…
Maximum Friction Force
Ff=friction force
mu=friction coefficient
N=normal force
Purpose and Variables of…
Force in Slope Direction
FS=Force in slope direction
Fa=external action force
mu=friction coefficient