FE Exam Formulas Ch. 1 Flashcards
Purpose of…
Slope Intercept Form
Purpose of…
Slope Formula
Purpose and Variables of…
Purpose and Variables of…
Angles Between Two Straight Lines
alpha=angle between lines
Purpose of…
Slope Relationship with Two Perpendicular Lines
Purpose and Variables of…
Standard Form of a Parabola
(h,k)=center of parabola
p=scaling factor
Purpose and Variables of…
Standard Form of an Ellipse
(h,k)=center of ellipse
a=horizontal radius
b=vertical radius
Purpose and Variables of…
Standard Form of a Circle
Purpose and Variables of…
Curvature Formula
y’=derivative of y
Purpose and Variables of…
Radius of Curvature Formula
R=radius of curvature
Purpose of…
Rectangular Vector Notation
Purpose of…
Rectangular Form of Vector
Purpose of…
Rectangular to Polar Conversion
Purpose of…
Unit Vector Formula
Purpose of…
Cross Product
Purpose and Variables of…
Law of Total Probability
P(A+B)=probability that either A or B occurs alone or that both occur together
P(A)=probability that A occurs
P(B)=probability that B occurs
P(A, B)=probability that both A and B occur simultaneously
Purpose and Variables of…
Weighted Mean Formula
Xi=value of the ith observation
wi=weight applied to Xi
Purpose of…
Sample Mean Formula
Purpose and Variables of…
Standard Deviation Formula
n=number of terms
Xi=first term
Purpose and Variables of…
Frequency Formula
sigma=population standard deviation
Purpose of…
Normal Distribution Curve
Purpose of…
Normal Distribution Curve
Purpose of…
Confidence Interval for the Mean of a Normal Distribution if Standard Deviation is Known
Purpose of…
Confidence Interval for the Mean of a Normal Distribution if Standard Deviation is Unknown
Purpose of…
Required Sample Size and Margin of Error
Purpose of…
Required Sample Size and Margin of Error
Purpose of…
Correlation Coefficient
Purpose of…
Coefficient of Determination
Purpose and Variables of…
Correlation Coefficient and Coefficient of Determination
Purpose and Variables of…