FDP Framework Design Flashcards
In fixed dental prosthodontics the portion of a fixed dental prosthesis that unites the retainer and pontic
What is the function of the framework
support and marginal fit
strong or weak?
rigid or flexible?
NOT brittle
Overlaying ceramics are a __ material
Function of the overlaying ceramics
What is the minimum required for overlaying ceramics
Overlaying ceramics need to be resistant to
compressive load
Overlaying ceramics are fragile under
tensile stress
ceramic should not exceed __ to avoid fracture
Texture of overlaying ceramics
highly polished/glazed to prevent wearing opposing dentition
Ideal wear of overlaying ceramics
10 um per year
Darker the color polishing disc the __ the grit
(blue = 1st, pink = 2nd, white = 3rd)
Framework design should be considered during the __ stage
Tx planning
Framework design should allow and even __
porcelain thickness
Framework design should have proper connector __
configuration and design
Framework design should have optimally located __
occlusal contacts
Framework design should have no abrupt contour change between
The ideal way to design framework is by waxing/ designing to ideal contours and then do an even __ of the anatomy contours desired. This way the porcelain has an even __
porcelain thickness
Metal occlusion should be used with a __ preparation
more conservative (as thin as maybe 1mm)
This provides a stronger occlusal surface (may be indicated for bruxism)
metal occlusion
Metal occlusion may be indicated when theres limited __
interocclusal clearance
Downside to metal occlusion
compromised esthetics (discuss with patient while tx planning)
With metal occlusion, what cusps should be in metal surface
Functional cusps / centric occlusion contacts
- ideally 1.5 mm away from interface
- try to avoid eccentric movement contact going over interface
Interproximal should be on either __
ONlY metal or ONLY porcelain
What is used ideally for interproximal
ideally in porcelain, it will be easier if porcelain needs to be added to close contact
Esthetics are also better
Where is plaque accumulation more common
In the interface
3 types of metal extensions/ margins
- tooth-metal-porcelain margin interface
Metal Collar
-tooth-metal margin interface
Porcelain Butt Margin (shoulder)
- tooth-porcelain margin interface
How is light transmission different between a conventional and porcelain butt margin (shoulder)
With a conventional margin light coming in is reflected by the metal at the interface making a grey ish look to the gingiva making it less esthetic
The porcelain butt margin has enough porcelain that it reflects less light in the cervical region so its more esthetic