FBM + Dual Process Model + Cognitive Bias Flashcards
Brown & Kulik
A: To investigate whether surprising and emotionally significant events can cause FBMs
M: Questionnaires - correlational study
P: B&W Americans, death of public figures - Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, death of someone they knew, Q - level of emotions, rehearsal, importance
R: Found that over 90% of participants recalled the details about the day, when the events happened. They perfectly recalled the death of a loved one. 75% black participants had FBMs on the murder of black leaders, compared to 33% of white p (personal relevance).
Neisser and Harsch
A: Check whether FBMs are susceptible to distortion
M: Longitudinal, case study
P: Questionnaire - set of Q about the Challenger disaster, Less than 24h / 2.5 yr (+ semi-structured interview + confidence)
F: There were huge discrepancies between the og responses and those submitted 2.5 yrs later.
Neisser and Harsh - challenge
The assumption of the FBM theory as it shows that FBMs are special only in their perceived accuracy.
System 1 thinking
- automatic
- bases on assumptions
- everyday decision making
- not logic based
- high cognitive load
- time pressure
System 2 thinking
- slower
- complex thinking
- conscious
- rational
- requires more effort
- interprets all possibilities
Simplified decision making strategies, quick, don’t guarantee a correct answer
Stroop effect
Occurs when you must say the color of a word instead of the word, system 1 interferes with system 2 making the participant more prone to errors
Sharot et al
Aim: To determine the potential role of biological factors on flashbulb memory.
Procedure: Qausi-experiment, 9/11 witnesses were put into an fMRI scanner after 3 yrs and presented with word cues on a screen and told to recall memories
1. Baseline brain activity, words associated with summer holidays
2. 9/11 - September, rate the amount of details, vividness, emotional arousal and their confidence in accuracy
About half of the participants, who were closer to the WTC reported having FBMs and included more specific details in their written accounts of their memories of that day.
Results: There was correlation between the strength of amygdala activation and the formation of FBMs – participants who were closer to the WTC had a higher amygdala activation than those who were further away during the attack who also showed the same level of amygdala response when recalling memories from their summer.
Implications: Personal involvement may be crucial in engaging the neural mechanisms that produce the so-called FBMs.
Tversky and Kahneman (1974)
A: Investigating the influence of anchoring bias on decision making
P: lab, high school participants, 5s to estimate the value
Ascending condition - 1 x 2 x 3 x …
Descending condition - 8 x 7 x 6 x …
R: Ascending median was lower —> People have the tendency to rely on the first piece of information offered
Englich and Mussweiler
A: Investigating the effect of anchoring bias on decision making in courtrooms
M: true experiment
P: law students - pilot study to determine the appropriate anchors, young trial judges were given a rape case, 15 mins
1. Low anchor - prosecutor demanded 12 months
2. High anchor - 34 months
Q - low/adeqaute/high, how long they recommend, certainty and realistic
F: low - avr 18 / high - avr 28, ones decisions can be influenced by the first piece of information they receive
Framing effect
cognitive bias in which our decision is influenced by the way in which information is presented: as a gain or a loss (avoid risk, but take risk to avoid losses)