Cognitive approach Flashcards
Types of LTM
Semantic - facts declarative - recollection of events
Implicit memory - expressed through actions, habits, unconscious
Multi-store Model of memory (Atkinson & Shiffrin), assumes memory consists of multiple components,
Sensory memory — attention -> STM —> rehearsal / retrieval <— LTM
Sensory memory
Lasts around 2 - 5s,
max 30s, it can store about 7 +/-2 chunks of information (grouped, Milner)
Potentially unlimited capacity and duration
Primacy effect vs Recency effect
Beginning - rehearsed more, paid more attention to
End - info is still in the STM (doesn’t work with an interfering task)
Serial position effect
peoples tendency to recall the first and last information from a list
Shallow processing
focuses on the wording, superficial
Deep processing
Focuses and elaborates on the meaning (images, associations)
H.M. Milner
Aim: Investigating the role of the Hippocampus in memory formation
Research method: case study
Procedure: Method triangulation - observations, psychometric testing, interviews, neuroimaging / Data triangulation - HM and family
Findings: The hippocampus plays an important role in transporting information from STM —> LTM
Glanzer & Cunitz (A/M/P/F)
Aim: Examining whether the serial order of words affects recall
Research method: lab study (no random allocation)
Procedure: Participants were randomly allocated to 2 conditions and shown lists of 15 words:
1 - immediate free recall
2 - free recall after an interference task (3-2-1)
Findings: 1- recalled the first 5 and last 3 words best
2 - recalled mainly the first couple of words
HM link
Shows that STM and LTM are separate stores
Glanzer and Cunitz link
Shows that memory is stored in multiple stores
HM +/-
- low reliability
- low external v
+ internal validity - longitudinal, method triangulation (multiple methods - comparison of data collected diff)
Glanzer & Cunitz +/-
- low ecological validity
- low population validity - army enlisted males
+ lack of confounding variables - highly controlled settings
MSM limitations
Oversimplified - doesn’t account for different processing techniques or how components interact with eachother
Doesn’t explain - memory phenomena (distortion, schemas), why some information is easily learned etc.
Individuals memory varies
Dual-task technique
2 tasks, if performance score lowers when done simultaneously it means they are competing for the same class of cognitive resources
Working memory model
Boddeley and Hitch
Central executive —> Phonological loop / VIsuo-spatial sketchpad / episodic buffer —> LTM