Fats Flashcards
What functions do fats do in the body
Protects your organs
Keeps cholesterol under control
Helps body absorb vital nutrients
What is saturated fat
Single bonds,
steady energy and hormone production
What is unsaturated fats
Double bonds=flexible at room temperature
Improves cell membrane
supports cholesterol levels
helps reduce inflammation
What are emulsification
Helping oil and water mix together it helps create smooth textures
What is shortening
Fats ‘shorten gluten stands in dough’ it makes things like cookies and biscuits soft and crumbly instead of chewy.
What is plasticity
How spreadable something is, it’s important for shaping and decorating food
What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a type of fat in your body that helps keep you healthy
What is the role of cholesterol in the body?
Build cells
hormones production
Provide vitamin D
What is good and bad cholesterol?
LDL (“Bad” Cholesterol) – Too much can clog your arteries
HDL (“Good” Cholesterol) – Helps clean up the extra cholesterol
Consequences of too much fat in the diet
Too much:
Weight gain/obesity
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Consequences not enough fat in the body the body
Too little:
Vitamin deficiencies
Hormone imbalance
Low energy and fatigue
Examples of saturated fat
meat, dairy, eggs and palm oil,
Examples of unsaturated fats
nuts, seeds, fish, avocados
How much fat should we have a day
70g a day (max 20g sat fat)
<35% of our daily energy