fast fact leik Flashcards
Uterine involution is when the
uterus contracts and shinrks in size until it returns to its prepreganancy state - process takes 6 weeks
A Navajo woman has an appointment for a follow-up visit, but she does not show up for the appointment. The most common cause for Navajo patients to skip health visits and follow-up visits is
lack of transportation
Sensitivity is defined as the
ability of a test to detect a person who has the disease
specificity is defined as the ability of a test to detect a person who is
healthy or without the disease
cohort study does what
follows a group of people who share some common characterstics to observe the development of disease over time.
trauma to kiesselbachs plexus will result in an
anterior nose bleed
Alpha thalassemia is more common among
Southeast asians (filipinos)
Beta thalassemia is more common in
mediterranean people
Diabetic retinopathy: shows
neorvascularaiaztion , cotton wool spots, micro aneurysms
HTN retinopathy shows
AV nicking, silver and copper wire arterioles
amoxicillin, pencillin VK
Macrolides are
erythromycin, azithromycin (Z-pak) , clarithromycin (biaxin)
1st generation Keflex
2 nd is cefaclor, ceftin, cefzi
3rd rocephin, supra, omnicef
cipro and ofloxacin
quinolones with gram positive coverage are
levofloxacin (levaquin), moxiflocacin (avelox)
Sulfa meds
trimethoprim - sulfamethoxazole (bactrim, septra), nitrofurantoin (Macrobid)
Tetracyclines are
tetracycline, doxy, minocycline
Cox-2 inhibitor
Category B drugs are allowed for pregnant or lactating women.
example: For pain relief, pick acetaminophen (Tylenol) instead of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox). Avoid nitrofurantoin and sulfa drugs during the third trimester (these increase risk of hyperbilirubinemia).
The preferred treatment for cutaneous anthrax is
ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally twice a day for 60 days or 8 weeks. If the patient is allergic to ciprofloxacin, use doxycycline 100 mg twice a day. Cutaneous anthrax is not contagious; it comes from touching fur or animal skins that are contaminated with anthrax spores.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that breastfed infants should be started on
Vitamin D during the first few days of life, then at age 4 mothsn
at age 6 months a child should be able to
sit w/o support, roll over from font to back, then from back to front, transfer object from hand to hand, use raking, grasp and babble
Leukocoria (white color) is noted on one eye while checking for the red reflex. Rule out
retinoblastoma of the eye, which is a malignant tumor of the retina.
If a small child expresses a desire to marry a parent of the opposite sex, the child is in the
oedipal stage (Freud) The child’s age is about 5 to 6 years (preschool to kindergarten).
When performing the Mini-Mental State Exam, when the NP is asking about “proverbs,” the nurse is assessing the patient’s ability to understand
abstract concepts
M - 13.0-17.5
Female 12.0-16
Males - 40-50 %
Females - 36- 45%
80-100 fl
RDW . 14.5
platelet count
total WBC
4,500- 11,000
555 - 77 % increase means bacterial infection
bands form (immature WBC
.5% severe bacterail infection - also called shift to the left
> 3% increased means allergies or parasitic disease , cancer
TSH levels
> 5.0 hypothyroidism
<0.4 hyperthyroidism
<4.0 BPH, prostate cancer
Ferritin <15 mcg
iron def anemia
ESR, sed rate
Men 0-22
women 0 - 29
elevated means Giant cell arteritis, RA, lupus
potassium 3.5 - 5.5
Bacterial vaginosis PH normal is
3.5 -4.5
According to the IDSA and the ATS treatment guidelines, outpatient treatment of CAP in healthy patients (no comorbidities) involves the use of
macrolides (azithromycin, clarithromycin, or erythromycin).
most common disease causing the most dealth overall is
heart disease
cancer with the highest mortality
lung cancer
most common cause of deaths in adolescents is
most common cancer in females is
breast cancer
most common cancer in males is
most commoncancer cancer overall is
skin cancer
most common type of skin cancer is
basal cell
skin cancer with the highest mortality is
most common type of gynecological cancer is
uterine cancer
If there is a case scenario of an older woman who complains of vague abdominal/pelvic symptoms (stomach bloating, low-back ache, constipation) and is found to have a palpable ovary during the bimanual exam, rule out
ovarian cancer
Always rule out ________in a postmenopausal woman who has a palpable ovary.
ovarian cancer
Breast cancer screening
Baseline mammogram at age 50 years
Screen every 2 years until age 74 years (biennial)
After age 75 years (insufficient evidence)
Cervical cancer
Baseline Pap smear/cytology at age 21 years (do not screen younger)
Screen every 3 years until age 65 years; at age 30–65 years, another option is to screen every 5 years using hrHPV testing alone or in combination with cytology (cotesting).
Lung cancer
Aged 55–80 years with 30 pack-year history of smoking or quit smoking up to 15 years previously
Annual screening with LDCT
Prostate cancer
Aged 55–69 years, PSA-based screening should be individualized; ≥70 years, against prostate cancer screening.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
One-time screening (men aged 65–75 years) for cigarette smokers or those who have quit.
Screening test is ultrasound of abdomen.
Colorectal cancer
Baseline screening at age 50 years
Use high-sensitivity fecal occult blood test (yearly) or sigmoidoscopy (every 5 years) or colonoscopy (every 10 years) from age 50 to 75 years; aged 76–85 years, individualize.
Tanner stage 2 in girls is
brest bud and areola start to develop
tanner stage 3 in girls
brest ctoninues to grow and nipples/areola (one mound, no separation 0
tanner stage 4 in girls
Nipples and areola become elevated from the breast (a secondary mound).
BMI of what is considered overweight
25 to 29.9
Obesity is BMI over
Treatment of anaphylaxis (in primary care):
If only one clinician is present: Give an injection of epinephrine 1:1,000 dilution 0.3 to 0.5 mg intramuscularly stat, and then call 911. May repeat dose within 5 minutes in case of poor response.
The most common triggers for anaphylaxis in children
most common triggers of anaphylaxis in adults is
insect stings, meds
what is the first line treatment for AOM and actue sinusitis in children
If penicillin allergic, an alternative is
azithromycin (Z-Pack) and clarithromycin (Biaxin) BID.
The mitral area, sometimes called the cardiac apex, is the optimal location to hear the
SSRIs are also first-line treatment for
OCD, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder (extreme shyness), PTSD, and premenstrual mood disorder
Anticonvulsants, such as carbamazepine (Tegretol), are also used for
chronic pain and trigeminal neuralgia.
CAGE Screening Tool (Two or More Positive Answers Is Suggestive of Alcoholism)
C: Do you feel the need to cut down?
A: Are you annoyed when your friends/spouse comment about your drinking?
G: Do you feel guilty about your drinking?
E: Do you need to drink early in the morning (eye-opener)?