FARS Flashcards
91.3 - PIC responsibility and authority
A) directly responsible for and final authority of operation of aircraft.
B) In an in-flight emergency PIC may deviate from any rule of this part to the extent required to meet the emergency.
C) any pilot who deviates from a rule under B shall, upon request of the administrator file a written report of that deviation to the administrator.
91.9 - Compliance with aircraft limitations, markings, and placards
No person may operate a civil aircraft without complying with the operating limitations specified.
91.11 - interference with crewmembers
No person may assault, threaten, intimidate, or interfere with any crew member in the performance of their duties aboard an aircraft being operated.
91.13 - Careless and reckless operation
No person may operate an aircraft in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another.
91.15 - Dropping objects
No PIC may allow any object to be dropped that creates a hazard to persons or property. This does not prohibit the dropping of objects if reasonable precautions are taken to avoid injury or damage
91.17 - Alcohol and drugs
A) no person may operate as a crewmember:
1) within 8 hrs after consumption of any alcoholic beverage.
2) while under influence of alcohol
3) while using any drug that affects the persons faculties in any way contrary to safety.
4) while having an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater
B) except in emergency no PIC may allow a person who appears to be intoxicated to be a passenger
91.19 - Carriage of drugs
No person may operate an aircraft with knowledge that narcotic drugs, marijuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs are carried on the aircraft.
91.103 - Preflight requirements
Each pilot shall be familiar with all available information concerning the flight which must include:
A) for IFR or flight not in vicinity of airport - weather reports, forecasts, fuel requirements, alternatives available if planned flight cannot be completed, and any known traffic delays.
B) for all flights - runway lengths at airports of intended use and taking off and landing distances.
91.107 - safety belts/shoulder harnesses
1) each person must be briefed on how to fasten/unfasten seatbelt before takeoff, landing, or any movement.
3) everyone must occupy a seat with a belt and/or harness.
91.109 - Flight instruction
No person may operate an aircraft for flight instruction unless it is equipped with dual controls.
91.111 - operating near other aircraft
A) no person may operate an aircraft so close to another aircraft so as to create a collision hazard.
B) No formation flight except by arrangement with the PIC of each in the formation.
C) no person may operate an aircraft carrying passengers for hire in formation flight.
91.113 - Right of way rules (except water operations)
In distress - has right of way over all other aircraft.
Converging - When same category, the one to the right has the right of way. Balloon has row over all other aircraft, glider has row over airship, powered parachute, weight-shift-control aircraft, airplane or rotorcraft.
Head on - alter course to the right
Overtaking - aircraft overtaken has row - overtaking aircraft shall pass well to the right.
Landing - aircraft on final approach. If two the lower one has row but shall not take advantage of it.
91.117 - Max aircraft speeds
- below 10,000 = 250 kts
- below 2500’ within 4 mi. Of class C or D airport = 200 kts
- underlying Class B or in VFR corridor = 200 kts
91.119 - Minimum safe altitudes
- altitude allowing if a power unit fails to make an emergency landing without undue hazard to person or property on the surface.
- congested area - 1000’ above highest obstacle and 2000’ horizontally.
- other than congested area - 500’
- helicopters can be operated at less than minimums provided compliance with routes and altitudes prescribed for helicopters.
91.121 - Altimeter settings
Altimeter set of a station along route and within 100 nm of aircraft. If no station, use the appropriate available station.
91.123 - Compliance with ATC instructions
No pilot may deviate from that clearance unless an amended clearance is obtained, an emergency exists, or the deviation is in response to a traffic alert and collision avoidance
91.125 - ATC Light Gun Signals
Steady green = cleared to takeoff or cleared to land
Flashing green = cleared to taxi or return for landing
Steady red = Stop or give way to other aircraft and continue circling
Flashing red= taxi clear of runway or airport unsafe
Flashing white = return to starting point on airport
Alternating red and green = exercise extreme caution
91.126 - Operations in Class G airspace
Airplanes make left turns unless signals/markings show right turns
Helicopters avoid the flow of airplane traffic
91.133 - Restricted and prohibited areas
No person may operate an aircraft in a restricted area contrary to the restrictions imposed or within a prohibited area unless that person has permission from the controlling authority
91.137 - TFR
Cannot operate in the area unless:
- participating in hazard relief
- carrying law enforcement
- operating under ATC approved IFR flight plan
91.151 - VFR fuel requirements
There is enough fuel to fly to the first point of landing and assuming normal cruising speed, at least 20 min.
91.155 - Basic VFR Weather Minimums
B - 3 sm - clear of clouds
C - 3 sm - 152
D - 3 sm - 152
E - less than 10,000’ - 3 sm - 152
- at or above 10,000’ - 5 sm - 111
G - 1200’ AGL or less - 1/2 sm - clear of clouds (1 sm at night)
- 1200’ AGL to 10,000’ -1-152 day - 3-152 at night
91.157 - Special VFR weather minimums
Clear of could - ATC clearance
91.159 - VFR Cruising altitudes
Mag course of 0 to 179 - odd thousands plus 500
180 to 359 - even thousands plus 500
91.211 Supplemental Oxygen
12,500’ MSL to 14,000’ - has and uses if there over 30 min.
14,000’ - min required flight crew has and uses for entire flight above that altitude.
15,000’ - every occupant is provided.
91.303 - Aerobatic flight
None over:
- congested area of city, town, or settlement.
- over an open air assembly of persons, within lateral boundaries of B, C, D, or E airspace
- within 4 miles of center line of federal airway
- below 1500’
- visibility is less than 3 sm.