FAR 8 Flashcards
How do you reconcile the net increase in fund balance for governmental funds to the change in net position for governmental activities?
G Change in Governmental Fund Balance
O Other Financing Sources
E Expenditure-Capital Outlay (Net of Depreciation)
S Internal Service Fund Net Income
= Change in Net Position in Gov’t Wide Fin Statements
The focus of government wide financial statements is?
Operational accountability.
What is the minimum budgetary information required to be reported in the supplementary schedules?
A schedule showing the original budget, the final appropriations budget, actual inflows, outflows and balances on a budgetary basis.
How do you classify disbursements of loans on the cash flow statement? (They do this as their business)
Operating activities (if that is their primary business)
A water enterprise fund received interest of $10k on long-term investments. How is this recorded on the cash flow stmt?
Investing activities
Although cash receipts associated with interest income are frequently classified as operating activities for purpose of commercial statement of cash flow reporting, enterprise funds report these cash inflows as investing activities.
What are the three comprehensive annual financial report sections?
1) Introductory section
2) The Basic financial statements along with other required supplementary information mandated by GASB #34
3) Statistical Section
Governmental-wide financial statements focus on the
operational accountability of the government.,
Government reporting standards established by GASB 34 require?
Government wide fianncial statements, Fund Financial Statements and notes to the financial statements.
Management’s discussion and analysis and required supplementary information represent part of the total requirement to meet?
GASB 34 Reporting Standards, not the basic financial statements.
A city has identified the non-major funds within its fund types. In its financial report, the city
May (Not Must) include combining financial statements for non-major funds for each fund type in the supplementary information.
The Management’s Discussion and Analysis section in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report should be titled?
Basic Financial Statements and Required Supplementary information.
What is a required component of the required supplementary information preceding the basic financial statements for general-purpose governments?
Management’s discussion and analysis
The MD&A section would not include?
A reconciliation of fund financial statements and government wide financial statements.
Government-wide financial statements should include all government-wide activities associated with operational accountability for ?
Component Unit Activities
Business Type Activities
Governmental Activities
(Fiduciary activities should be excluded from government wide measures of operational accountability since fiduciary resources cannot be used to support the governments programs or other services)
Under the modified approach to capitalizing infrastructure, governments apply the following to recording current year additions:
Infrastructure expenditures are reported as expenses except for outlays that result in additions or improvements, which should be capitalized.
The government-wide financial statements include?
A statement of net position and as statement of activities prepared using the ECONOMIC RESOURCE MEASUREMENT FOCUS and ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING
Governemnt wide financial statements do not include what statement?
Cash flows.
The statement of activities includes separately displayed categories of program revenues which include?
Charges for services
Operating Grants and Contributions
Capital Grants and Contributions
A government would consider which statistics when determining major funds?
Aggregate Revenues / Expenditures
Aggregate Assets / Liabilities
Financial statements prepared in accordance with the provisions of GASB 34 will include:
Government wide financial statements prepared using accrual basis accounting, fund financial statements, notes to the financial statements and required supplementary information the encompasses a letter title “managements discussion and analysis” and budget vs actual comparisons including display of the originally adopted budget and the changes that resulted in the final amended budget.
IF a city plans to present its Budgetary Comparison schedule as part of the required supplementary information, what is required?
1) Must include originally adopted budget, the final amended budget and the actual results for the year
2) May compute the difference between the original budget and the final amended budget
3) May use either GAAP or budgetary presentation formats as basis of accounting
4) May include the variance of actual performance from the final amended budget.
Budgetary comparisons are made relative to what financial statements?
Fund financial statements, not the government wide financial statements.
Presentation of variance of the amended budget to the actual results are?
A town elected to use the modified approach for reporting infrastructure. In order to comply with the requirements of modified approach to reporting infrastructure, the town my prepared schedules which:
Describe the assessed condition of the infrastructure (updated once every 3 years) and the estimated annual amount to maintain and preserve the condition level established and disclosed.