Family Therapy - Effectiveness / Appropriateness Flashcards
What are the 3 points for effectiveness & appropriateness?
- Garety et al (2008)
- The NICE review of family intervention studies (2009)
- Pharoah et al (2010) Meta-analysis of 53 studies on FT
- Methodological problems of Pharoah et al’
What did Garety et al (2008) do?
looked at the outcomes for:
- pt receiving family therapy
- pt receiving care but no family care
- pt w/ no carers
What was Garety et al’s (2008) findings?
- Lower relapse rates for patients receiving FT & receiving care but no therapy
- Carers showed low levels of EE
What did Garety et al suggest from his findings?
good care is important rather than family therapy
Is Garety et al’s research effective / appropriate?
NOT effective
NOT appropriate
Garety et al grave point
reduced application
What did NICE’s review show?
use of family therapies are associated w/ significant cost savings when offered to people in addition to standard care
Is NICE review effective / appropriate?
Effective, therefore is appropriate for 2 reasons:
- Helps patients
- Has a positive economic implication by reducing costs
NICE review grave point
Good application
How many studies did Pharaoh et al study?
What countries were involved in Pharaoh et al study?
North America
What were the dates of the studies examined in Pharaoh et al study?
2002 - 2010
Pharaoh et al - effectiveness of mental state
mixed findings
Pharaoh et al - effectiveness of compliance with medication
FT increased compliance w/ meds
Pharaoh et al - effectiveness with social functioning
general improvement
BUT not much evidence of increased independant living or employment
Pharaoh et al - effectiveness with relapse & re-admission
reduction of relapse risk & hospital admission
up to 24 months later
Name the 2 methodological problems w/ Pharoah et al’s meta-analysis study
- Lack of random allocation in China
2. Possible observer bias
Pharaoh et al - why is lack of random allocation in China a methodological problem?
not all the variables may of been controlled in the research
Pharaoh et al - why is possible observer bias a methodological problem?
There is no ‘blinding’ used to prevent observers knowing which condition the patients were in,
its possible results were biased
Pharaoh et al meta-analysis - effective / appropriate
although there is mixed support for FT…
Positive effects on compliance + reduced relapse show effectiveness & appropriateness
Pharaoh et al meta-analysis - grave point
Good application
Pharaoh et al meta-analysis method -grave point
Reduced internal validity due to poor design