Family Scholars Flashcards
What is liberal feminism?
Proposals to improve family life for women that involve slow policy reforms
Jennifer Sommerville suggests that women might find fulfillment from children rather than male partners.
What is a critique of radical feminism according to Sommerville?
Refusal to take into account progress women have made in family life in recent years
This critique is specifically directed at Germaine Greer.
Who is Anne Oakley and what are her views?
Advocates for policy changes and cultural shifts to promote gender equality in areas such as employment, leadership, and family dynamics.
What do radical feminists argue against liberal feminism?
Fails to deal with the patriarchal structures and culture in contemporary life
Key figures include Delphy, Leonard, and Greer.
According to Firestone, what basis does women’s biology have in inequality?
Menstruation, pregnancy, and breastfeeding create dependency.
What is Germaine Greer’s view on society?
Society is permeated with patriarchy, which is a major problem.
What role do women take in families according to Greer?
Wives, mothers, and daughters
Greer also critiques the societal view of mothers as ‘frumpish and suffocating.’
What does Fran Ansley argue in Marxism feminism?
Women take expressive roles, providing emotional support as a safety valve for men’s frustrations.
What is Diane Feeley’s perspective on family structure?
The family is an authoritarian unit dominated by the husband and adults in general.
What is the bourgeoisie’s role according to Karl Marx?
Control productive forces (infrastructure).
What is the relationship between the proletariat and bourgeoisie?
Proletariat gain a living by selling their labour power to the bourgeoisie, creating a directly exploitative relationship.
What does Hochschild describe as emotional labor?
Requirement to manage and regulate emotions to create a desired emotional experience for customers.
What does Zaretsky argue about the family in capitalism?
Family offers a safe haven from the harsh, exploitative capitalist world.
What is Engels’ view on the family structure?
The family is a mechanism for private property to be passed down to heirs.
What is Althusser’s view on ideology?
It is the best tool for getting people to think and act the way one wants them to.
What does Talcott Parsons emphasize as the function of family?
Stabilisation of adult personalities through emotional security found within marital relationships.
What are the four functions of the family according to Murdock?
- Sexual: stable satisfaction of the sex drive
- Reproduction: reproducing the next generations
- Socialisation: of the young into society norms and values
- Economic: fulfilling members’ economic needs.
What does Emile Durkheim say about social solidarity?
Individuals feel part of something bigger, teaching them standards of acceptable behavior.
What is the organic analogy by Spencer?
Society is similar to an organism; key social institutions act as organs.
What is the warm bath theory proposed by Steel and Kidd?
Family provides stress relief by creating a safe environment.
According to Becker, what do agents of social control do?
Work in narrow stereotypes and label people accordingly.
What is the ideal pupil concept by Becker?
Middle class, well spoken, quiet, respectful of authority, polite and well dressed.
What is the self-fulfilling prophecy described by Rosenthal and Jacobsen?
Individuals accept labels given to them and act accordingly.
What does Giddens say about media in society?
We are responding to media images rather than real people.
What does Baudrillard mean by media saturation?
Mass media shapes the way we live, saturating society with media imagery.
What is the concept of pick and mix identities by Baudrillard?
Consumption of media creates desires, allowing individuals to choose and combine identities.