Family & Relationships in 21st Century SOWA Flashcards
2.1 Marriage
“Marriage is a sacrament” CCC 1601
“Marriage radiates fruitfulness of charity, hospitality and sacrifice” CCC 1654
“Man and woman are joined together- two become one.” Genesis 2
“Be fruitful and multiply.” Genesis 1:28
2.2 Sexual Relationships
“Sex is a source of joy and pleasure.” CCC 2362
“Sex is a sign of spiritual communion.” CCC 2360
“If someone is gay, who am I to judge?” Pope Francis 2013
“Marital sex should be unitive and procreative because it is the twofold end of marriage.” CCC 2363
2.3 The Family
“The family is the Domestic Church.” CCC 1666
“The family is a communion of love. “ Pope Benedict XVI
“Family is like a school where we learn to love God, learn values.” Pope Benedict XVI
“Respect your mother and your father” 5th Commandment
2.4 Support for the family
“Love your neighbour as you would love yourself.” - Most important comandment
“Love for the God we cannot see can only be shown in and through the neighbour we can see” Richard McBrien
Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
2.5 Family planning
‘Contraception goes against the will of God’ - CCC
‘Natural family planning is the only acceptable form of contraception’ - Pope Paul VI in Humanae Vitae
‘Contraception separates the unitive and procreative purposes of sex.’ - CCC
2.5 Family planning
Contraception Divergent Views
Primacy of conscience
Using contraception can be the lesser of two evils
Contraception is a gift from God via medical science - Baptist Church
2.6 Divorce, Annulment, Remarriage
‘Catholic marriage cannot be dissolved because God has joined man and woman.’ - CCC 2382
‘What God has joined together, let no man separate.’ - **Mark 10:7-9
‘A man who divorces his wife and marries another is committing adultery against his wife.’ - Mark 10:10
2.6 Divorce, Annulment, Remarriage Divergent Views
‘Divorce is acceptable on grounds of adultery.’ - Matthew 19:9
‘Divorce can be the lesser of two evils’
Divorce can be the most loving thing to do for all concerned and example of showing love for neighbour.
Forgive the couple for the fact that the marriage did not work out. They meant vows when they made them to each other
2.7 Equality of women in the family
‘Men and women are equal in personal dignity’ - CCC 2334
‘Man and woman are created equally in the image and likeness of God.’ - Genesis 1:27
‘In Christ there is neither gentile or Jew, woman or man… we are all in one Christ (The Body of Christ)’ St. Paul
2.7 Equality of women in the family Divergent Views
Evangelical Christians:
women and men are equal but have different roles…
“women should submit themselves to their husbands” - Ephesians 5
“women should remain silent in church” 1 Timothy 2
RC Church:
Men and women have equal status in life and in the Church
**except Ordained Priesthood.