Catholic beliefs and teachings SOWA Flashcards
1.1 The Trinity
“The Trinity is One. We do not confess three gods but One God in three persons” - CCC 253
“The Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life” - CCC 234
1.2 The Trinity in the Bible
Trinity present at Jesus’ baptism:
“The spirit of God descended like a dove, and a voice from heaven saying, “This is my beloved son, with whom I am pleased” -Matthew 3:16-17
1.3 Creation
“In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth” -Genesis 1:1
“Human beings are deeply connected with all of creation. When we mistreat nature, we mistreat human beings also.” Pope Francis - Laudato Si
1.4 Creation and nature of humanity
” God created man in his own image (Imago dei) “ - Genesis 1:27
“By his reason the human person is capable of understanding the order of things established by the creator” - CCC 1704
1.5 The incarnation
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God” - John 1:1
“The word became flesh and dwelt amongst us, and we have seen His glory” - John 1:14
“He became truly man while remaining truly God. Jesus Christ is true God and true man.” CCC 464
1.6 The Paschal Mystery
“The Word became flesh inorder to save us” - CCC 457
“Dying he destroyed our death, rising he restored our life” - CCC 1067
“Humans are justified by His grace” - CCC 1992
1.7 The meaning and significance of Paschal Mystery
“For God so loved the world that he gave His only son, so that everyone that believes in him may not die but have eternal life” - John 3:16
1.8 Eschatology
“At the evening of our life, we shall be judged on our love” St. John of the Cross
“We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ” - 2 Corinthians