Family & MD Life Cycle: Overseas Filipino Worker Flashcards
A filipino who is employed in work outside the Philippines. Stay overseas is employment related and who are expected to return at the end of their work contracts.
OFWs or temporary overseas workers
More than ________ overseas Filipinos worldwide.
10 million
Those who are not properly documented or without valid residence or work permits or who are overstaying in a foreign country.
Irregular overseas Filipinos
Immigrants or legal permanent residents abroad. Stay do not depend on work contracts.
Permanent overseas Filipino
Country with highest significant populations of Filipino OFWs
Country with lowest significant populations of Filipino OFWs
First wave of Filipino Migration Labor occurred when
Thousand fled widespread poverty brought by the ____________.
Philippine-American war
There were about 120,000 Filipino workers in ____________. What year.
Hawaiian plantations. 1934.
Characterized by migration to the US with the option to stay there for good or to return to the country.
First wave
Characterized by an outflow of professionals to the US. Doctors, dentists and mechanical workers.
Second wave
Primarily induced by the desire to look for greener pastures.
By ______, more than 250000 Filipinos have migrated to the ____.
- US.
Characterized by short term contractual relationships between the worker and the foreign employer.
Third wave
Economic boom brought about by the dramatic increase in oil prices enabled oil-rich countries in the ________ to pursue developmental projects.
Middle east
Highest worker deployment in 1994 at
Is the largest organized exporter of labor in the world. Working in about _____ countries.
Philippines. 193.
____ million OFWs worldwide. ___% of the total population.
- 10.
There are more Filipinos who leave the country for ___________ work than those who leave to reside permanently abroad.
Temporary contract
The predominance of the ________ as a work destination in the 70s and early 80s gave way to the emergence of ____ as increasingly important alternative destinations for Filipino labor in the mid 80s and 90s.
Middle East. Asia.
Dominate migrant deployment since the 80s. 65% to 70% of them leave the country.
From deploying production, transport, construction and related workers in the 70s and mid 80s, deployment has shifted to an ever increasing proportion of service workers, particularly _________ in the mid 80s and 90s.
Domestic helpers
The Breadwinners: _______ migrant workers.
Only in the Philippines do ______ constitute a large part of the workforce.
In 1992: ___% of newly-hired overseas workers were women.
In 1994: the figure had risen to ___%.
In 1999: rises around ___%.
Rank among the most mobile or migratory in Asia.
Filipino women
Many male Filipino migrants work in _______. This sector has been shrinking slowdown in the ________ and the Asian financial crisis.
Construction. Middle East.
Jobs filled by Filipino women are less likely to be filled by __________. Demeaning work, Domestic help and Caregiving.
Women from host countries
Large portion of Filipino workers overseas
Domestic help
OFW brought in over ______ from 1990-2003.
In 2004, the Central Bank of the Philippines reported a total remittance intake of _______.
US$7.6 billion
In 2005, more than _______ remittance.
US$10 billion
Female overseas worker remit _____ more than their male counterparts. Tend to send all they can to help their families. Filipino workers in ___, mostly domestic, sent home $36 million during the first 2 months of 1995.
71%. HK.
The more numerous and largely male Filipino overseas labor force in _________ remitted only $1.2 million.
Saudi Arabia
Enables many Filipino families to buy expensive appliances, buy new homes and a send children and siblings to school.
Overseas work
Between 22-35 million Filipinos, 53% of the total population directly dependent on ________ from _______.
Remittance. Migrant worker.
Are able to help other family members in ways that would not be possible, if they stayed in the Philippines.
Overseas migrant
Studied Filipino migrants to Rome
Tacoli (1996)
______ send home the equivalent of monthly salaries every, higher than monthly salaries contributed by the ______.
Mothers. Fathers.
In Tacoli Study: Among the single workers, ______ also remit bigger amounts and on a more regular basis compared to ______.
Daughter. Sons.
reveals the financial consideration in the decision to move, but underlying this is the family’s desire for social mobility.
Tacoli study
Process of social mobility: 1. Investment in the _______ of the children to enable them to go to exclusive and expensive private schools and universities.
Process of social mobility: 2. _____ for the purchase of land and/or animals.
Process of social mobility: 3. _______ to a set up small business managed by the family. Jeepney transport & sari-sari store.
Process of social mobility: 4. ______ to build or buy a home for the household or to rent out.
Conception Study conducted when
Migrant family is better off _______ than the non-migrant family.
Is beneficial to the extended family.
Financial support from abroad
_______ and ______ transfer from the importing countries.
Information. Skills.
Problems of OFWs
Pre-departure, Return migration & Return migration “PRO”
Pre-departure: High cost of _________.
Placement fees
Pre-departure: Lack of ______ on policies of host country.
Pre-departure: Lack of _______ of migrant workers and families.
Pre-departure: Illegal _______, _______ of _______.
Recruitement. Deployment. Departure.
Pre-departure: Lack of domestic _______ and ______ opportunities,as well as limited _____ options.
Economic. Employment. Job.
On-site: _______ & _______ work conditions.
Abusive & Exploitative.
On-site: ______ substitution.
On-site: Inadequate mechanisms on _________ and _______ monitoring of these.
Protection. Compliance.
On-site: _______ on-site services for OFWs.
On-site: _______ health needs.
On-site: Rampant ______ of women.
On-site: Social and cultural ______ problems.
On-site: Incidence of ______.
On-site: Inadequate preparation for _________.
Interracial marriages
On-site: Lack of ______ and other ______ to attend to migrant workers’ needs.
Welfare. Officials.
On-site: Lack of _______ or _______ from government of host country.m
Support. Cooperation.
Return migration: Lack of _______ to absorb returning migrant workers.
Return migration: Lack of ______.
Return migration: Inability to ______ income.
Return migration: _______ families.
Return migration: _______ problem of women migrant workers.
Not only are overseas workers beyond the reach of their own countries’ help, they are often denied the protection of international labor standards as well.
Abuses and Exploitation
700 workers, mostly ______, die each year following mistreatment by their employers. Most cases of death and abuse against ________workers occur in _________.
Women. Female. Arab countries.
A domestic worker in the UAE. In 1995, stabbed her male employee after he tried to rape her. Sentenced to death. International outcry led to the reduction of her term. Returned to the Philippines after serving for 9 months.
Sarah Balabagan
Are particularly vulnerable to abuse because of their work situation. Work long hours. Receive low wages arising from contract violations, substitution or deceptive contractual arrangements.
Domestic helpers & entertainers
Domestic helpers and Entertainers are subject to various forms of ________, ________ and ________ violence. Jobs generally not covered by the labor codes and social security provisions of the host countries.
Physical, Psychological and Sexual.
In Saudi Arabia: Labor laws don’t offer ______ to domestic helpers.
In Saudi Arabia: No _______ and no means of seeking redress for contractual violations.
Legal rights
In Saudi Arabia: Difficult to escape ________ working conditions because they need exit passes from their employer before they can leave the country.
In Singapore: Domestic helpers are prohibited from _______ Singaporeans or entering into intimate relationships with them.
In Singapore: Undergo ______ every 6 months.
In Singapore: _______ at their own expense if found pregnant.
In HongKong: Domestic helpers have been forced to take a 5% _______ as a result of the Asian crisis.
Pay cut
In Korea: out of three among 196 foreign women had experienced ______ or ______ violence at work.
Verbal of Physical
In Korea: delayed _______, denial of __________ insurance and _________.
Payment. Industrial disaster. Sexual harassment.
Rising exodus of nurses and doctors owing to increased demand abroad. Dramatic expansion of demand in the computer sciences in field. Exodus of scientists abroad. There is no prevailing policy with regard to managing this.
Brain drain
In Brain Drain: Government has offered __________ to address the needs of returning skilled migrant workers and harness the skills they acquired overseas.
Reintegration program
In Brain Drain: ________ will never recompense the effects of the brain drain phenomenon to the sending country. And do not go directly to the sectors or professions affected by the exodus of skilled labor.
Many Filipinos tend to seek or accept jobs for which they are over-qualified as long as these can give them higher incomes than they can earn at home.
The quality of the Philippine electorate has been deteriorating over the years as our more educated workforce leave the country. Relationship between the exodus of educated people and the election of “unqualified” and “popular” candidates into office.
Political loss
Costs of Family Separation: Some children develop _______ problems. Incidents of _______, deliquency, early ______ or ______ are increasing.
Behavioral. Drug abuse. Pregnancies. Marriages.
Costs of Family Separation: Problems tend to emerge in the __________.
Early teens
Costs of Family Separation: Missed the most by family members who are left in the country
Guidance, Love, Care & Concern “GLCC”
Costs of Family Separation: Feel ______ and ______ at their parents and at the same time crave for their care. No longer comfortable ______ with their parents.
Rebellious. Angry. Communicating.
Costs of Family Separation: occurs more often among couples separated for long periods
Infidelity or Marital dissolution
Costs of Family Separation: Women spending their husband’s earning on their _______. Men frequently seen at _______ and ________.
Lovers. Beer houses. Womanizing.
Costs of Family Separation: Husband lives in with another woman to whom the ________ and _______ sent by the wife are given.
Remittances. Appliances.
Cases of ________ and ________ among families of OFWs, mostly wives of workers in the Middle East are rising.
Separation. Abandonment.
Separation & Abandonment: prolonged _______.
Separation & Abandonment: Lack of _______.
Separation & Abandonment: Difficult _______ & _______ conditions.
Living & Working
Separation & Abandonment: Lack of _______ and ________ support.
Emotional. Social.
Separation & Abandonment: Emotional and mental _______.
Separation & Abandonment: Falling out of _____.
OFWs in the UAE use _________ to remarry, sink into debt and eventually abandon their family back home.
Fake certificates
Remain faithful and even stop working in order to take of the children and domestic tasks.
Some husbands
Studied the determinants of successful labor migration in the Gulf area.
Arcinas & Bautista (1988)
According to Arcinas & Bautista: not only managed to keep the family intact but also successfully maintained and expanded the household’s entrepreneurial activities, thereby maximizing the benefits of their husband’s.
Wives of husband migrant workers
Is avoided through the efforts and determination of the migrant wives to keep the family intact with their tolerance, perseverance in their work and prayers.
Marital Breakdown
Help bind the marriage by promoting amicable settlements between their parents.
Studied on the impact of female overseas employment in a labor exporting community.
Concepcion Study (1998)
Family Structure Changes: Majority of the _______ are incomplete with 1 or both parents absent.
Family Structure Changes: Other households become re-expansion households where children of migrants love with are cared for by ______ or distributed among _______.
Aunts. Grandmothers.
Family Structure Changes: _____________ households with both parents abroad and the children distributed among relatives.
Virtual or Imagined.
Changes in roles: Housechores taken over by the _______ and _________(usually _______) or the extended family kin.
Father & Older children. Daughter.
Strained relationship between husband and wife: _______ and _______ of extramarital affairs on the part of the migrant. More _________ on the non-migrant spouse.
Understanding. Acceptance. Social control.
On the whole, families able to ______ and ______ to the situation with the support of the extended kin.
Cope & Adjust.
Merges itself with a larger circle of relatives, not necessary co-residentially nor having to share eating arrangements, but to share eating arrangements, but to share chores and give emotional and moral support to one another.