Family Law Flashcards
When does a court have jurisdiction over a child custody hearing?
Priority: High
Under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), a court has jurisdiction to preside over custody hearings and enter or modify custody or visitation orders if the state is: (1) the child’s home state and has been the home state for a period of six months; or (2) was the child’s home state in the past six months and the child is absent from the state, but one of the parents continues to live in the state.
When does a court have jurisdiction under the UCCJEA when there is no home-state jursdiction?
Priority: High
When there is no home-state jurisdiction, the UCCJEA permits a court to enter or modify an order if (1) the child and at least one parent have a significant connection with the state, and (2) there is substantial evidence in the state concerning the child’s care, protection, training and personal relationships.
What is the standard to determine child custody?
Priority: High
The standard for determining child custody is the best interests of the child, this standard gives the court great discretion.
How does a court consider the wishes of a child for custody purposes?
Priority: High
Most courts will consider the wishes of the child if the court can determine that the child has a sufficient maturity to express a preference. If children are consulted, the court evaluates the reasons behind the preference.
What factors does the court consider in evaluating the best interest of the child?
Priority: High
In evaluating the best intersts of the child, a court will consider: (1) the wishes of the parents; (2) the wishes of the child; (3) the age, financial well-being, and mental/physical health of each parent; (4) the existence of new people in each parent’s life; (5) the effect custody will have on the child’s relationships with extended family; (6) history of domestic violence; (7) stability of child’s home and school environments; and (8) ANYTHING ELSE THAT THE COURT BELIEVES WILL BE EQUITABLE TO EVALUATE.
What are the constitutional rights of parents regarding their children?
Priority: High
A fit parent has a fundamental right to the care, custody, and control of their children and courts must give special weight to a fit parent’s decisions on care, custody, and control.
How does the court consider custody between a parent and a third-party?
Priority: High
The parent is given preference and it is presumed that custody with the parent is in the best interests of the child.
Can an adoption be dissolved?
Priority: Low
Generally, an adoption may not be dissolved. Some states have permitted dissolution in limited circumstances including the discovery of an undisclosed mental or physical illness.
When can a child or spousal support order be modified?
Priority: High
Most jurisdictions permit an award of child or spousal support to be modified when there is a substantial change in circumstances regarding the child’s needs or parent’s financial situation.
The parent requesting the modification has the burden of showing a substantial change in circumstances such as a significant decrease in income.
Can a support order be modified retroactively?
Priority: High
A modification award is made retroactive to the date of service of the motion on the opposing party, but the support obligations that have accrued prior to that date generally may not be modified.
Can the court modify child support as a result of a voluntary reduction of income?
Priority: High
Generally, the amount of child support may not be reduced because the support obligor voluntarily quits their job or reduced their own pay.
In these cases, the courts will consider the obligor’s earning capacity and other factors surrounding the change
In some jurisdictions, modification will be allowed if the obligor parent acted in good faith.
When can a court order child support after a child turns 18?
Priority: High
Some jurisdictions have the authority to order child support beyond the age of majority when the child is in college.
In jurisdictions that require support for continuing education, when may support be terminiated?
Priority: High
In states that allow support for continuing education a child may lose the right to payments if they do not follow reasonable parental instructions.
When is a premarital agreement enforceable?
Priority: High
In many states, a premarital agreement is enforceable if there has been full disclosure, the agreement is fair and reasonable, and it is voluntary.
The agreement must be in writing and signed by the party to be charged.
When is a premarital agreement not enforceable under the UPAA?
Priority: High
Under the UPAA, the party against whom enforcement is sought must prove (1) involuntariness, or (2) both unconscionability at the time of execution and lack of disclosure and adequate knowledge of the other’s assets and obligations.
Can a court refuse to enforce a premarital agreement for unfairness?
Priority: High
A court may not refuse to enforce a premarital agreement based on substantive unfairness unless it also finds lack of adequate disclosure or knowledge.
What is required for full disclosure for a valid premarital agreement?
Priority: High
Full disclosure requires disclosure of all income, assets, and liabilities of both parties.
When is a premarital agreement voluntary, and what factors are considered?
Priority: High
Entering into a contract/premarital agreement voluntarily generally means there was no fraud, duress, or misrepresentation.
Courts consider factors such as time-pressure, the parties’ previous business experience, and the opportunity to be represented by independent counsel.
A party’s insistence on the agreement as a condition to marriage is not considered duress.
What is the purpose of an equitable-distribution system?
Priority: High
The objective of the equitable-distribution system, which is used in most states, is to order a fair distribution of all marital property, taking into consideration all of the circumstances between the parties.
What is considered marital property?
Priority: High
In most states, all property acquired during the marriage is marital property and subject to equitable distribution.
Is appreciation in nonmarital property subject to equitable distribution?
Priority: High
Whether the appreciation in nonmarital property will be subject to equitable distribution will depend on whether the appreciation can be attributable to spousal labor.
What factors do courts consider in distributing marital property?
Priority: High
Courts consider a number of factors in determining the equitable distribution of property such as: (1) the length of the marriage, (2) the age, health, earning potential, and needs of both spouses, (3) the value of separate property, (4) the spouses’ standard of living, and (5) economic cicrumstances of each spouse at the time of divorce.
When can a separation agreement be set aside?
Priority: Medium
Separation agreements can be invalidated, in whole or in part, if the court makes a finding of fraud or unconscionability.
When is a separation agreement unconscionable?
Priority: High
A separation agreement/contract is unconscionable when it is so unfair to one party that no reasonable person in the position of the parties would have agreed to it.
The contract or part of the contract at issue must have been offensive at the time it was made.
Unconscionability may also be applied to prevent unfair surprise.