Contracts Flashcards
What law applies to contracts for services?
Priority: Medium
The common law governs contracts for services.
At common law when can an agreement to modify a contract be enforced?
Priority: High
At common law, an agreement to modify an existing contract may be enforced if it is supported by consideraiont because there are new obligations on both sides.
What is a condition precedent?
Priority: Medium
A condition precedent in a contract makes performance conditional upon the completion of the condition.
How can conditions me included in a contract?
Priority: Medium
Conditions can be either expressly provided in the contract or they can be implied in the interest of fairness.
What is the duty of good faith and fair dealing?
Priority: High
A duty of good faith and fair dealing is imposed on each party in the performance and enforcement of any contractual obligation.
What are expectation damages, and what are they intended to do?
Priority: High
Expectation damages are the normal measure of damages for breach of contract and are intended to put the injuryed party in the same position as if the contract had been performed.
What is necessary to prove expectation damages?
Priority: High
The nonbreaching party must be able to prove expectation damages with reasonable certainty, and the damages must be foreseeable.
When are damages foreseeable?
Priority: High
Damages are foreseeable if they were contemplated by the parties at the time the contract was made.
When are punitive damages available?
Priority: Medium
Punitive damages are rarely available in contract actions and are not typically recoverable unless the conduct constituting the breach is also a tort for which punitive damages are available.
(Some statutes apply punitive damages for the purpose of punishing fraud, violation of fiduciary duty, acts of bad faith, and for deterrence.)
What law applies to contracts for the sale of goods?
Priority: High
A contract for the sale of goods is governed by Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).
The Uniform Commercial Code Article 2 governs transactions involving the sale of goods.
When does a UCC contract for goods fall under the Statute of Frauds (SOF)?
Priority: High
Under the UCC, a contract for the sale of goods for $500 or more falls within the Statute of Frauds (SOF) and is generally unenforceable unless evidenced by a writing.
What is necessary to satisfy the writing requirement of the statute of frauds?
Priority: High
The writing need not be formal but must be signed by the party to be charged and contain the essential elements of the deal. The writing must identify the parties and the subject matter of the contract.
What are the essential terms for a contract for the sale of goods?
Priority: High
The only essential term to a UCC goods contract is the quantity term.
So long as the parties intend to create a contract, the UCC fills the gap if any other terms are missing.
When is a writing not required for a UCC goods contract of $500 or more?
Piriority: High
A writing is not required (1) for specially manufactured goods, (2) to the extent that payment has been made and accepted for goods, (3) to the extent that goods are received and accepted, (4) when a merchant fails to object to a memorandum from another merchant within 10 days of receipt of the memorandum, or (5) when the party to be charged admits that there was a contract during a judicial proceeding.
When does anticipatory repudiation apply, and what is necessary?
Priority: High
The doctrine of anticipatory repudiation applies when a prommisor repudiates a promise before the time for performance is due.
The repudiation must be clear and unequivocal, and state that the party is unable or unwilling to perform.
What may a non-breaching party do after receiving repudiation?
Priority: High
The non-breaching party can either treat the repudiation as a breach or ignore it and demand performance.
When may a repudiating party retract the repudiation?
Priority: High
A repudiating party may retract its repudiation unless the other party (1) acts in reliance on the repudiation, (2) signifies acceptance of the repudiation, or (3) commences an action for breach of contract.
What are the seller’s remedies for breach under the UCC when they resell the goods?
Prioority: High
If the resale is made in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner, the seller can recover the difference between the contract price and the resale price plus incidental and consequential damages.
What are incidental damages in the sale of goods?
Priority: High
In the sale of goods, incidental damages are any commercially reasonable costs, and may include the cost of transporting goods
What are consequential damages?
Priority: High
Consequential damages arise indirectly from the breach and are awarded because of the injured pary’s special circumstances.
Consequential damages are a direct result of the breach but need not be the usual result of the breaching party’s conduct.
What is necessary to recover consequential damages?
Priority: High
The damages must (1) be REASONABLY FORESEEABLE at the time of contract formation, (2) arise from the plaintiff’s special circumstances that the DEFENDANT KNEW OR HAD REASON TO KNOW OF, and (3) be REASONABLY CERTAIN.
The breaching party must have reasonably foreseen the consequential damages for them to be recoverable.
What is consideration?
Priority: High
Consideration is a bargained for exchange where each party offers something to the other. Generally, past or moral consideration is not sufficient to support a contract.
What is the material benefit rule?
Priority: High
Under the modern trend, a PROMISE MADE IN RECOGNITION OF A BENEFIT PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED by the promisor is binding, even without consideration, to the extent necessary TO PREVENT INJUSTICE.
When does the material benefit rule not apply?
Priority: High
The material benefit rule will not apply if the promisee conferred the benefit as a GIFT, or the value of the promise is DISPROPORTIONAL to the benefit conferred.