Criminal Law Flashcards
What are the elements of false pretenses?
Priority: High
False pretenses require: (1) obtaining title; (2) to the property of another; (3) through the reliance of that person; (4) on a known false representation of a material past or present fact; and (5) the representation is made with the intent to defraud.
What is not considered a known false representation of material fact?
Priority: High
It is not considered a false representation if the statement made is an opinion, such as sales talk or puffing.
How do the majority of courts consider knowledge under the willful blindness standard?
Priority: High
Most courts find that a defendant acts knowingly and has knowledge of a particular fact when the defendant is aware of a high probability of the fact’s existence or is intentionally ignorant of the fact.
(Willful Blindness Standard)
What is the minority rule for the mental state of knowledge?
Priority: High
Some states require actual knowledge by the defendant of a particular fact.
When does a person have the intent to defraud to establish false pretenses?
Priority: High
A defendant has the intent to defraud required to establish false pretenses when the defendant intends that the person to whom the false representation is made will rely upon it.
What is battery?
Priority: Medium
Battery is the unlawful application of force to another person that causes bodily harm or constitutes an offensive touching.
What is assault?
Priority: Medium
Assault is either an attempt to commit a battery or intentionally placing another in apprehension of imminent bodily harm.
What is Robbery?
Priority: High
Robbery is larceny by force or intimidation when the taking is from the person or presence of the victim.
(Robbery is the trespassory taking and carrying away of the personal property of another person in their presence by the use of force or threat of immediate harm with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property)
What is Larceny?
Priority: High
Larceny is the trespassory taking and carrying away of the personal property of another with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property.
What is Burglary under the common law?
Priority: High
Under the common law, burglary is the breaking and entering of the dwelling of another at nighttime with the specific intent to commit a felony therein.
What is Common Law Murder?
Priority: High
Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being committed with malice aforethought.
What is malice aforethought?
Priority: High
Malice aforethought includes (1) an intent to kill, (2) an intent to inflict great bodily injury, (3) a reckless disregard of an extreme risk to human life, or (4) an intent commit an inherently dangerous felony under the felony murder rule.
What is voluntary manslaughter?
Priority: High
Voluntary manslaughter is murder committed in response to adequate provocation leading them to act in the heat of passion.
When is a killing adequately provoked and in the heat of passion?
Priority: High
Adequate provocation is established if (1) the defendant was actually provoked, (2) a reasonable person would have been provoked, (3) there was not enough time to cool off before the killing, and (4) the defendant did not cool off before the killing.
What happens if there was time to “cool off” after otherwise adequate provocation?
Priority: High
If there was sufficient time between the provocation and the killing for a reasonable person to cool off, murder is not mitigated to manslaughter.
What is the modern definition for Rape?
Priority: Medium
Rape is unlawful sexual intercourse with a person against his/her will by force or threat of immediate force.
What is necessary to be guilty of attempt?
Priority: Medium
To constitute attempt, there must be a substantial step towards commission of a crime coupled with the specific intent to commit the crime.
What is kidnapping?
Priority: Medium
Kidnapping is the unlawful confinement of a person against that person’s will coupled either with the movement or the hiding of that person.
Who must prove an insanity defence and by what level of proof?
Priority: Medium
In most jurisdictions, the defendant has the burden of proving insanity by a preponderance of the evidence.
What is insanity generally?
Priority: High
Generally, insanity is a severe mental defect or disease that affected the defendant’s mental state at the time of the offense.
Insanity includes mental abnormalities that may affect legal responsibilities.
A defendant will be acquitted of the crime if they meet the applicable insanity test of the jurisdiction.
What must be proven under the M’Naghten test?
Priority: High
The M’Naghten test requires that the defendant has a mental disease or defect that resulted in the defendant being unable to know the wrongfulness of their counduct or unable to understand the nature and quality of their acts.
Under the M’Naghten test, a defendant is not exculpated simply because they believe their acts to be morally right.
Unlike the Model Penal Code test and the irresistible impulse test, loss of control due to mental illness is not a defense under this test.
Under the M’Naghten test, a defendant is not guilty if, because of a defect of reason due to a mental disease, the defendant did not know either (1) the nature and quality of the act, or (2) the wrongfulness of the act. However, loss of control because of mental illness is not a defense under this test.
What must be proven under the MPC insanity test?
Priority: High
The Model Penal Code test requires that the defendant be unable to appreciate the criminality of their conduct or unable to conform their actions to the law as a result of a mental disease or defect.
Loss of control due to mental illness will be a defense.
What must be proven under the irresistable impulse test?
Priority: Medium
The defendant must be unable to control their actions or unable to conform their actions to the law as a result of a mental illness.
What must be proven under the Durham Test?
Priority: Medium
The defendant must show that their unlawful conduct was the product of mental illness.