Family Law Flashcards
Marriage Requirements
- License: Three day waiting period of additional fee, after application in any county
- If couple remains married but problem with license requirement allows them to be legally married
- Officiant & two competent witnesses- but cannot be annulled based on officiant’s lack of authority
- Legal impediments:
Too closely related: whole or half blood relatives, in WI no marriage between 1st cousins if over 55 or affidavit from dr. you are sterile
Divorce less than 6 months - Capacity: at time of ceremony must have mental ability to consent- intoxicated, duress, or age: must be 18, 16-17 with written consent
Marriage Requirements CL
- WI does not allow but will recognize
- Requirements: Consent to marry (capacity + lack of impediments) cohabitation, holding themselves out publicly as spouses
Marriage by Estoppel
Equitable remedy to protect innocent party who acted in good faith when entering into an invalid marriage, e.g. did not know spouse was already married- punitive spouse
Marriage Property
- Wisconsin’s Martial Property Act: controls rights to property and will be equally divided regardless of title name
- Death: treated like divorce in WI
Marriage Support
Doctrine of necessaries: obligation to third party for necessary expenses- food, clothing, medical, shelter
Spousal Abuse Orders
- Temporary restraining orders: granted ex parte and last for 14 days- notice given to other spouse
- Hearing for permanent injunction for up to 4 years and can extend 4 more
- Abuse includes: physical harm, property destruction or the threat of either
- Only under defined statutory circumstances
Grounds - Prohibited by WI law: bigamy, CL, closely related, not divorced for 6 month or trying to avoid WI laws or laws of another state
- Lack of Consent: must be brought within one year
- Lack of physical capacity to consummate: must be 10 one party was not aware, and 2) brought within one year
- Underage: must be brought before minor turns 18, parent can bring action
Validation - For all invalid marriage besides bigamy marriage is declared void and if parties comply with WI law
- Bigamy: if one spouse acted in good faith, they can be validated if the impediment is removed- dies of divorce
Effect of Annulment
- Marriage is set aside
- Child: support can be awarded
- Spousal support may be awarded, but generally treated as if they were never married
Divorce Jurisdiction
- Residency requirements: resident of county where action is filed for at least 30 days, Bona fide resident: domicile, Resident of WI for 6 months- only one spouse must be a resident
- Financial Matter need PJ: must have personal jurisdiction over defendant. Special PJ if: 1) respondent is personally served, 2) respondent resided in WI in marital relationship for 6 + months during 6 years prior to commencement, 3) petitioner continued to reside in WI after respondent left
- Concurrent Jurisdiction: cases can proceed in both states and once one state renders judgment the other loses SM jurisdiction
No-Fault Divorce
- Grounds: WI only has one ground for divorce: irretrievable breakdown of marriage
- Proving Irretrievable Breakdown:
1) Both parties agree under oath
2) One party state under oath, must live separate and apart for 12 months
3) One party if court finds either 1) no reasonable prospect of reconciliation or 2) 2 occasions party state under oath that marriage is irretrievably broken
Defense - Reconciliation: can suspend proceedings for up to 90 days
Legal Separation
- WI allows and parties can permanently divide marital property
- After 1 year either party can have separation converted to divorce as a matter of right
Property Division Approaches
- Community Property: all property acquired during the marriage is owned ½ by each spouse: Wisconsin
- Equitable Division of all Property: court divides all property owned by either spouse
- Equitable Division of Marital Property: Majority: each spouse takes separate and court divides the property acquired during marriage
Property Division Process
1) Classification of Property: determine what is martial or separate
2) Division of Marital Estate: equally unless there is a reason to deviate
Classification of Property
- Must be shown by clear and convincing evidence of separate ownership
Owned prior to marriage
Gift from person other than spouse
Inheritance- and if property is bought with inheritance
Property acquired in exchange for separate property - *WI special rule: separate property can be divided if there is a showing of hardship- can have prenup but no oral separate agreements during marriage
- Changes to classification
1) Commingling: inextricably intertwined and it can no longer be traces
2) Transmutation: intent of the parties
3) Appreciation: increase of value of separate property if it is improved by marital funds or efforts of either spouse- not market factors
Classification of Pensions
- Spouse may come with a pension but earned during marriage are marital
- Present Value Method: value is determined by contributions made during marriage, the non-employee spouse is awarded other assets to offset the pension’s value
- Future Collection Division: if there are not enough assets to offset the pension, allows the non-employee spouse to obtain QDRO Qualified Domestic Relations Order- so it would pay the non-employee
Professional Licenses
- Wi: not distributable property, but if unfair court may consider an award of alimony
- If business any goodwill in the business with saleable value will be considered marital property
Classification of Personal Injury
- Replacement analysis: consider award, determine what it is intended to replace, and classify whether separate or marital
- Marital: damages for lost wages during marriage, or damage done to martial property- car
- Separate: pain and suffering, future medial and lost wages
Property Tax Consequences
Award of property division is not a taxable event
Factors to Deviate Division of Property
- WI: equally divided
- ***May deviate based on:
1) Length of marriage
2) Property brought by each
3) Destruction or waste
4) Substantial assets not subject to division
5) Contribution to each to marriage
6) Age and health
7) Contribution of one spouse
8) Earning capacity
9) Awarding the family home
10) Maintenance payments
11) Pension benefits
12) Tax consequences
13) Written agreements
14) Other factors - Marital fault cannot be considered but economic fault can be- spending money on side piece or gambling
- Support: ensuring the recipient’s needs are met after considering the earning capacities of both parties
- Fairness: ensures that maintenance award is fair to bother spouses and considers lifestyle
- Great deal of discretion
- Permanent: payments of a certain amount until death or remarriage, can be modified if substantial change
- Limited: enable a souse to increase their earning capacity to no longer be financially dependent – example: 36 months at 1,000 per month for school
- Can request both types
- Factors: length of marriage, age and health, property division, education, earning capacity, likelihood to become self-supporting, tax consequences, prior agreements, contribution to education or increased earning power of one party, any other relevant factors
- Change of circumstance based on ability to pay or recipient’s needs
- Voluntary reduction in income is not a sufficient basis
- May be modified or extended during the maintenance, but not after the expiration of limited maintenance
- Permanent maintenance: upon remarriage or death of either spouse
- Not automatic if the recipient cohabits with another, court will consider as a factor in the modification request
- Not taxable unless prior to 2019 because they were deductible, unless modified
Premarital Agreements
- Valid contracts entered into by the parties who are getting married
- Content: parties can agree to remain separate in property and waive their right to marriage (unless renders a party a public charge)
- Courts will not be bound by provisions in premarital agreements about children including custody and support
- Requirements for validity
1) Must be in writing and signed
2) Full and fair disclosure of parties assets and proof that there was independent knowledge of assets
3) Entered into voluntarily without fraud, duress, mistake, or misrepresentation
4) Must not be unconscionable
5) WI: allows court to consider the facts and circumstances at the time of enforcement if it would be unfair to enforce if parties are affected by unforeseen changes - Allows choice of law provisions
Separation Agreements
- Agreement entered into when the parties are getting divorced
- Can waive maintenance or property division
- Court is not bound by party’s agreement concerning children if not in best interest of child
Rights of Unmarried Children
- Contractual issues: express agreements between unmarried cohabitants regarding earnings and property rights
- Originally was common in same sex couples not able to marry, but now many just do not like to marry
- Valid unless sex is only consideration
- Unjust enrichment: if no express contract, can try unjust enrichment, must show:
1) An accumulation of assets
2) Acquired through the efforts of the cohabitants
3) Without the court’s intervention, the other party would retain an unreasonable amount of those assets
Child Support: Determining Amount
Flat Percentage Method:
- Wisconsin uses- court focuses on the non-custodial parent’s annual gross income and applies percentage to that figure to determine the basic amount owed
17% gross income for 1 child
25% for 2
29% for 3
31% for 4
34% 5 or more
Special rules for low and high income earners
- Shirking: court may consider the parent’s earning capacity and impute the income to that parent if they reduce one’s earning with intent to reduce the ability to pay support, found if voluntary and unreasonable under the circumstances
- Deviation: if it is unfair to the child or any of the parties, will consider following factors: number of children, availability of childcare providers, financial need of children, detrimental effect of support level if one parent stays home, age, mental and physical condition of child and parents, skills and educational background- not exhaustive
- Health Care Costs: must include an order dealing with the cost of healthcare of the minor child
Child Support and Visitation
- Independent of noncustodial parent’s visitation rights
- Grandparent’s liability: must support unmarried minor child’s children
- Must exchange financial information annually