Family Harm Flashcards
Section 9 of the Family violence act 2018 is defined as what?
Violence - defined as physical, sexual, psychological
Family violence - by a person who is in a family relationship.
Under section 12 of the Family violence act 2018 is defined as?
Family relationship - spouse/partner, family member (parent/child living together), sharing a household together (flatmates), person in a close relationship (same sex/boyfriend & girlfriend)
Define what section 11 of the Family violence act 2018 is?
Threats, intimidation, harassment (stalking, loitering, trespassing), damage to property, I’ll treatment of animals/pets, financial control/abuse, uses children or puts them in position to observe violence.
ID the terms of:
Primary victim Predominant aggressor CYPeFH Witness Mutual participants
Primary victim - person experiencing coercive/controlling behaviour against them from family member/intimate partner
Predominant aggressor - person most significant in relationship whos behaviour is harmful to coercive control.
CYPeFH - CYP exposed to harm they experience from aggressor to victim.
Mutual participants - equal participation from both parties in a non violence verbal argument /no history of FH. (no offences/no coersive, controlling behaviour)
ROC - Report of concern for a CYP of things around wellbeing and treatment of CYP that does not met the threshold for CPP of offences
CPP - child who has experienced sexual, physical or neglect, FH involving Police/OT workers.
What are the 8 factors of power and control wheel?
Using intimidating Using emotional abuse Using isolation Using minising denying & blaming Usng children Using male privilege Using economic abuse Using coercion & threats
What must a respondent have to handover to Police when a temporary PO or PSO has been served?
Any controlled weapons or firearms, airgun, pistols, restricted weapons and ammunition within 24hrs of PO
A firearms licence is deemed suspended and revoked once the final order has been issued.
Invoke sections 27/27A of the Arms Act 1983 and or section 18 of the S&S Act 2012.
What is the section for breaching a PO and what is you power of arrest?
Section 112 is offence to breach PO
(1) (a) any act in contravention with PO
(1) (b) fail to comply with conditions of PO
Section 113 power to arrest - when a PO is in force and a Constable has GCTS they have breached 112 (1)(a) & (b)
When you make an arrest against someone who has breached a PO, what is your obligation?
Do not bail for 24hrs (cooling off period) or get the respondent before the courts for the 24hr period.
Maybe released with Police bail conditions however must not interfere with person employment. Must have an NCO approval.
Must give full consideration to safety of protected person & provisions of victims rights act 2002.
What is the definition for respondent and applicant in regards to Protection Orders?
Applicant - person who applies for an order under the act on own behalf or person who the applicant was made in behalf of.
Respondent - person against whom an application has been made for an order under the act.
What are the standard conditions of a PO?
- No family violence - threats of violence, physical, sexual or psychological violence, no damage to property or encourage anyone to do the violence on respondents behalf.
- No contact - physical, electronic, message, stalking, loitering, harassing
- No weapons - forefit firearms, wpns, ammunition
How long is a temp PO in place for?
3 months from the date of service unless the respondent has requested information or another time for the matter to be raised in court (dispute the facts)
What are the Principles of the PO?
Information gathering
Working collaboratively
Who can issue a PSO?
A qualified Constable or above the rank of sergeant.
Why would you consider a PSO?
If you have insufficient evidence to arrest and there has been an offence or to allow a cooling off period to prevent further offending.
Define a person at risk?
Person named in order for their safety.
Any child residing with person at risk.
Define a bound person?
PSO issued against person who is likely the aggressor/offender in which they are bound by the conditions of the order
What is s32 of the Family violence act 2018?
Power to detain for the issuing of a PSO of up to 2hrs.
Can be detained at address or transported to the police station.
Search as per S&S Act 2012 s85
What is s24 of the Family violence act 2018?
PSO must be served as soon as practical - order needs to be served within 48hrs all efforts to be made within that time frame.
What is the duration of a PSO?
From the time it is served until a period specified by the issuing officer. From 24hrs to no longer then 10 days.
How does a bound person breach a PSO?
Fails to comply with the conditions laid out in the PSO, fails or refuses to remain at a place where they are detained.
Power to enter and detain bound person for breaching and take into custody using reasonable force necessary.
Must be put before court within 24hrs or must be released.
1 month to locate and put before the courts.
What are some of the options available to an at risk person by the courts in relation to a PSO?
Extend the PSO for 24hrs up to 10 days.
Detain for 2hrs allow another PSO to be issued.
Adjourn court to consider a temporary PO and to detain bound person for upto 2hrs to issue & serve the temporary PO.