Family Flashcards
what is a social institution found in all societies that unites people in co-operative groups to care for one another and children
a family
what is a social bond based on common ancestry/marriage/adoption
a kinship
what is a legal relationship, usually involving economic cooperation, sexual activity, children
what is a nuclear family
1/2 parents + children
consanguine family
extended family
marriage between people of the same social category
marriage between people of different social categories
marriage that unites two partners
marriage that unites a person and two or more spouses
marriage with multuple women
marriage with multiple men
what are the 3 residential patterns of a family
- patrilocality
- matrilocality
- neolocality
living near husband’s family
living near wife’s family
live near neither wife nor husband’s family
what are the 3 patterns of descent one can trace
- patrilineal (through men)
- matrilineal (through women)
- bilateral (men and women)
what is the function of a family
- socialization
- regulation of sexual activity
- social placement
- material/emotional security
How do families perpetuate inequality
- property/inheritance
- patriarchy
- race and ethnicity
what do families have to do with social-exchange
courtship/marriage as negotiation to make the best-deal on their partner.
what is the symbolic-interaction that family promotes
opportunities for intimacy, sharing activities, helps build emotional bonds.
what are the weaknesses of looking at a family on the micro-level
families of different cultures vary.
what do you call affections and sexual passion for another person
romantic lvoe
people with the same social characteristics marry
arranged marriage
alliance between two families of similar social standing, involves exchange of children, wealth and favours.
which demographic has smaller families
what is the affect of increased life expectancy on marrriage
married couples are together for longer
what do working-class women seek in men
what do middle-class women seek in men
what are the advantages that middle-class children face
- better health
- achieve more
which marriages have best mental health
those who share responsibilities
what are the 7 contributing factors of divorce
- individualism on the rise
- romantic love fades
- women less dependent on men
- today’s marriages are stressful
- raising children is stressful
- divorce is more socially acceptable
- legally, divorce is easier to get
how do men contribute to family violence
- women who are killed are often killed by their intimate partner
- child abuse is more likely by them
what % of families are 1 parent
what % of households are shared by unmarried partners
boomerang kid
young people who have finished school but not gotten a job move back with their parents.