family Flashcards
nuclear family definition
A family type consisting of two parents (heterosexual) and their children.
lone parent family
A family arrangement consisting of one parent (mother or father with their dependent
The house and its occupants as a unit. A person living on their own or with friends or
flatmates is considered to be living in a household, rather than a family.
extended family
A family that consists of relatives in addition to the immediate family, who live together or
arranged marriage
A marriage in which the bride and groom are chosen for each other by their families.
extended family vertically
A particular type of vertically extended family with up to four generations living together or
nearby, but with few children, making them appear long and thin in structure
A family made up of one or both partners with children from a previous marriage or
relationship living with them. The new partners might go on to have their own children
Grown up children who return to live with their parents as a result of the break-up of a
relationship or because they can’t afford to rent or buy a house.
A marriage where one partner is legally allowed to marry several partners at the same time
The marriage practice where, in terms of the law, men and women can only have one
marriage partner at a time.
extended family horizontally
has two generations with relatives other than immediate family living together such as uncle,cousin and aunt
beanpole family
they are a particular type of extended family with up to 4 generations living together or nearby but with few children making the structure appear thin like a beanpole
modified extended family
is an extended family whose members do not live together or even very
close by, but ago keep in regular contact through visits, phone calls, video calls, text messages and
emails, showing the importance of close extended family ties.
same sex family
Marriage union between people of the same sex.
refers to the concept in which two people who are in a sexual relationship live together without being married in the UK
cohabitation of men used to be 11% in 1981 but in 2008 it was 25%
families & Murdock
Murdock claims the family has four specific functions.
❑ Reproduction
❑ Emotional
❑ Education (primary socialisation)
❑ Economic
*Note; another function is ‘sexual’. This means that couples have happy, sexual relationships
Talcott Parsons and The Warm Bath Theory
The warm bath is a metaphor for the family. The family is a warm bath.
Family life provides adults with the release from the strains and stresses
of everyday life – like a warm bath.
The Dark side of the family
Functionalists are too positive about the nuclear family. The neglect the dark side of the family such
as domestic violence. The family can cause mental illness for example, stress and frustration. R.D Laing
said that families could cause schizophrenia.
The Loss of traditional nuclear functions
Talcott Parsons suggests that the modern family as we know it today has undergone significant
changes about the functions it performs. Today the family has two basic ‘irreducible functions’,
the decline of the classic extended family
and the emergence of nuclear family
✓ The need for geographical mobility
✓ The higher rate of social mobility in contemporary societies
✓ The growth in peoples wealth and income as society has got richer and the welfare
state has developed
The New Right perspectives on family life
Charles Murray
and Peter Saunders
*Children who are brought up by two parents are likely to perform better educationally,
physically, psychologically and socially.
* If children have two parents from the opposite sex who are married, then they are more
likely to develop into stable adults.
New Right believe that family values are important
Jewson argues Family members must provide for each other and to look after older, sick, unemployed
or homeless members of the family.
1. Family values are based on the view that there is a normal family type, made up of a married
couple bringing up their own natural children.
Same-sex couples, single parents and fatherless families are bad for the socialisation and
development of children.
* A male and female role is needed so that children can learn their roles in society.
Marxism and the Family
The nuclear family has several functions, which ultimately maintain capitalism….
1. Provides emotional support for the workers
2. Reproduces the ‘labour power’
3. Consumes products of capitalism (cars/food /I. Pods/ Blackberry phones)
4. Socialises children to accept inequalities of capitalism.
Eli Zaretsky on the family
Zaretsky is a Neo Marxist and suggests the family provides ‘a cushion’ from the effects of capitalism.
The family allows the worker to relax, refresh and unwind after a day at work. This means that the
worker can then feel revitalised for work the next day. Families separate & fragment individuals
from the rest of community. This is the cult of private life. The cult of private life stops a revolution
from happening (divide and conquer approach).
Capitalism also encourages pester power.
The Feminist view of the family - Jessie Bernard
Jessie Bernard argued that marriage was good for men and that they needed marriage more than
women. Radical Feminists Delphy and Leonard see the family as patriarchal and maintain the
power of men over women. They argue that women contribute the most to family life in terms of
domestic work, emotional work and support, while men benefit the most from family life.
ann oakely’s view on the family
Ann Oakley, a Feminist, suggests that from birth, children are taught that men and women have
different places in the world and that the male role is superior
Oakley argues that the division of roles in the family
benefits men, as it gives them more power, status, money and choice
Domestic abuse
Feminists argue that another way men dominate women, sometimes, is through domestic violence
and abuse.
domestic abuse evidence
According to the Office for National Statistics in 2015, two women are murdered every
week in England and Wales by a current or former partner.
sylvia walby
argues that domestic
violence against women is both a consequence and cause of women’s inequality in a culture that
undermines and devalues women.
The Rapoport’s view on the family
In the 1980s, the Rapoports (American Social Scientists) suggested that
families were becoming more diverse in Britain. The Rapoports noticed a
change in family structure and the roles between family members.
Structures included the rise of lone parents and extended families. They
looked at the increase in divorce, remarriage and cohabitation and suggested that these trends have
made family structures more unpredictable.
British African Caribbean families
This group has a lower rate of marriage, a higher rate of divorce and separation and a higher rate of
single parenthood. They are less likely to live with a partner than white people
Pakistani and Bangladeshi family
South Asians are more likely to get married, have larger families and women are less likely to work
when they have children. They have lower rates of separation and divorce. They are more likely to
keep ties with the extended family.