families in context Flashcards
family trends in brief
- marriage & divorce rates are decreasing
- unmarried birth rates have been increasing (except for ages 15-19)
- percentage of children living with two parents has decreased from 85% (1980) to 70% (2019)
family structure
compositional makeup of the family
e.g. parental types, number of children in household
what the family is
family process
interactions & social exchanges that occur within the family
e.g. attachment, supervision, communication
what the family does
research on…
intact biological vs. non-intact
children from non-intact homes are more likely to engage in delinquent behavior
(non-intact: stepfamilies or single-parent families)
research on…
two-parent vs. one-parent
children living with two parents generally report less delinquency (stronger predictor of male than female delinquency)
research on…
intact biological vs. single-parent vs. stepparent
some studies find that more explicit family structure definitions make relationships clearer
- lowest delinquency: intact biological families
some studies found little effect on self-reported delinquency
family process & delinquency
youth who report greater attachment levels to parents are less likely to be delinquent
attachment is strongly linked to parent’s gender
- maternal attachment seems to be more important
- some research says same-sex parent/child attachment is more important
parent’s attachment to child is not important
family processes and delinquency
- direct vs. indirect
- parents report that they supervise kids more than kids report being supervised
- more supervision = less delinquency
family processes & delinquency
unrest between: juvenile/parent, juvenile/sibling, or parent/parent
juveniles who experience juvenile/parent or parent/parent conflict are more likely to engage in delinquency
family processes & delinquency
harsh or erratic/inconsistent discipline is associated with higher likelihood of delinquency
supervision & monitoring
gender & delinquency
research suggests girls are more closely monitored
sociological lens: because they can get pregnant which is a bigger toll on the family than boys getting someone pregnant
gender & delinquency
research suggests parents socialize boys to take more risks than girls
child abuse & kinds
physical, emotional, sexual
family is most common perpetrator of child abuse
child neglect & kinds
the deprivation or failure to provide for a child’s basic needs
- physical, emotional, educational
child maltreatment trends
2011 study
- ~25% of boys experienced maltreatment in lifetime
- ~26 of girls experienced maltreatment in lifetime
- boys typically are physically abused
- girls are typically emotionally abused
- youngest kids have the highest maltreatment rates
- black children have the highest maltreatment rates
- running away is a status offense
- child (sexual) abuse strongly related to running away
- for girls, running away due to SA is a pathway to JJS (& CJS)
foster care & youth
- 3/20/2024: 40,000 kids in system
- reunificaiton w/one parent is goal in 55% of cases
- median entry age: 6.3
- within 2-4 years after aging out, 20% will be incarcerated
Adoption & Safe Families Act
requires that state agencies file a petition to terminate parental rights if a child has been in the foster system for 15 of the past 22 months
youth in foster care
more likely to….
- be (chronically) absent from school
- receive disciplinary referrals at school
- perform below grade level
- be placed in special education
youth in foster care
less likely to…
- graduate high school
- attend college
parental incarceration
- more than 5m children have had a parent incarcerated at some point in their childhood (1 in 14)
- paternal incarceration: 51.2% state & 63.4% federal
- maternal incarceration: 61.7% of state & 56% federal
parental incarceration:
who is most likely to experience
African American children
- 1 in 4 vs. 1 in 25 white
poor children
children of parents w/low education levels
consequences of parental incarceration
- substance abuse
- homelessness
- mental health problems
- educational differences
- delinquency