Families, Domestic Labour, C.A.G.E.s Flashcards
What is extended family?
Nuclear family plus other kin; usually at least three generations.
Where did the traditional nuclear family model come from?
It appeared with industrialization.
What is a pre-industrial family?
Way back in the past to 1800. Community of work. Household is the basic unit of production. Patriarchal. Large families (many children). Multigenerational households. Processes of reproduction and production.
What is a traditional industrial age modern family?
1800-1950s. Murdock’s definition of family. Patriarchal. Family type is nuclear family. Husband is breadwinner, wife is homemaker. Separation of work and home due to industrialization and capitalism.
What is a postmodern family?
1960’s to now. Family is what people define it to be. No specific model. Renegotiation of gender roles, but traditional gender division of labour remains. Same-sex, single parents, common-law, polygamous.
What some components of a pre-industrial family?
Family based economy, extended family and non-kin shared household, non-wage work, labour organized by age and gender, money was not central in this setting. Marriage was both a duty and an economic necessity.
Explain the industrial-age gender division of labour.
Women are expected to do most of the housework, husband is the breadwinner (paid work) and wife homemaker (unpaid work). Women should take care of children. Women should focus on motherhood rather than paid work.
What is the breadwinner ideology?
The assumption that a women’s role in the household is to provide unpaid work while her husbands provide money. Women as the homemakers (private sphere) and men as the breadwinner (public sphere).
What is paid work?
Usually occurs outside the home. it can be an employee’s salary or an owner’s profit. It is basically any work that leads to monetary gain.
What is unpaid work?
Usually occurs within the household or in the home of a kin. It is not done in exchange for money.
What is a nuclear family?
Two parents (heterosexuality or not) and children.
When women entered the paid force, what can happen in relation to the gender gap and unpaid work?
They do less domestic work and their male partners a little more - but the gender gap persists due to the women’s second shift (unpaid work at home).
How does agency and social structure relate to the gender division of labour?
According to their gender roles, men and women are expected to accomplish certain tasks.
How does social class connect to housework and employment?
Working class couples have the most traditional and inequitable gender division of household work. Middle class professionals and higher class couples are the most gender equal couples esspecially in dual-career couples.
What is the most egalitarian heterosexual gender division of labour?
Occurs in dual-career couples where both partners work full time; still, the second shift tends to be heavier for women.