Families, Diagnosis, and Advanced Concepts Flashcards
Families, Fast Facts
Marriage and Family issues is the fastest growing client population.
Family Equilibrium is equivalent to homeostasis
Adaptability in the family is shown through balancing stability (morphostasis) and change (morphogenesis).
Circular/Reciprocal Dynamics
Most family counselors believe this is the largest impact on the family (deals with family dynamics)
Created in the 40’s by Norbert Weiner explains family feedback loops that help correct the a family system
Balancing Stability
Balancing Change
Aspirational Ethics
Ideal or optimal practice
Experiential or Conjoint Family Therapy
Developed by Satir and believed the family could be
healed with love, goal to improve intrafamily communication involves defensive postures known
as placating, blaming, being overly reasonable, and being irrelavent
Structural Family Therapy
Developed by Minuchin, believed that science techniques must be utilized not just implementing love, utilizes boundary development, uses Mimesis or copying the family style, therapist joins the family
Systems Theory Model
Developed by Bertalanffy, means the connectedness of all living things, family has rules, patterns that connect members
Carl Whitaker
Experiential family therapist, tried to join the family as much as possible, often utilized co-therapists
Quid Pro Quo
You get something for giving something
Like quid pro quo, members are willing to give more if they feel appreciated and get help/thoughts/actions back
Common in the US, divorcee’s often remarry
Psychodynamic Family Counseling
Associated with Ackerman, interested in the internal
thoughts of individual members, uses term Object that is a person a child wants to bond with, Introjects internalizes positives and negatives of objects in themselves, Splitting is seeing something as all good or all bad, Framo and Skynner also follow this theory
Strategic Therapy
Madanes and Haley, develop strategies or plans for each specific problem in the family, believes in giving directives
Double Bind
Strategic Therapy
A no win situation, Paradoxical
Strategic Therapy
Requesting something as the therapist but hoping for the opposite
Prescribing the Symptom
Strategic Therapy
Asking your clients to do what they are complaining about
Strategic Therapy
Describing a situation in a more positive context
Strategic Therapy
Warning about the negative consequences of remaining the same this often reduces resistance
Strategic Therapy
Counselor accepts and exaggerates the client position
Intergenerational Family Therapy
Developed by Bowen, Triangulation is when a dyad goes to a third person in times of stress, Differentiation is separating one’s self from others, utilizes genograms, believe that all parties alive and dead impact the family system
Cultural Encapsulation
Therapist pushing their cultural agenda on a client
Emotional and mental distance from family or others
No boundaries, roles and members are integrated beyond definition
First Order Change
Superficial change
Second Order Change
Deep, meaningful, lasting change
Solution Oriented Therapy
O’Hanlan, Berg, Shazer, and Davis focus on the future
Narrative Therapy
Postmodern/constructivism, believes that clients construct/invent their own worlds
Brief Solution Focused Therapy
Developed by Shazer, uses skeleton keys or techniques that are standard and work for most clients
Mental Retardation
Must have an IQ score of 70 or below and have onset before 18
Emotional quotioent