Families And Households (functionalist Perspective) Flashcards
What is their main view on families in society?
Functionalists believe that the family is beneficial to society, contributing to social stability and provides a source of emotional and practical support to individuals
What do functionalists believe that the family provides?
Security for conception, birth and nurture of new members of society
What are instrumental roles?
The breadwinner of the family by a male which can often lead to stress and anxiety and destabilise his personality.
What are expressive roles?
To provide warmth, security and emotional support to the family to help the family be a happy social institution. These counter instrumental roles.
What is structural differentiation?
The way functions are transferred to other institutions, such as the welfare state and health care.
What is Parsons structural differentiation theory?
Parsons argues that the family in contemporary society had lost many functions due to structural differentiation as functions are now done through education and the health care system for example so therefore, the nuclear family can focus on its two main functions, stabilise adult personality and primary socialisation.