Families Flashcards
What is Parsons’ essential function of primary socialisation of children?
Teaching and learning of the attitudes, values, behavioural norms and traditions that occur in childhood in order to prepare them to be an adult within a society or culture.
Personalities are ‘made not born’ - therefore parents (mainly mothers being nurturing) have to socialise their children in order to enable them to make positive involvement within society and be a good citizen
What is Parsons’ essential function of stabilisation of adult’s personalities?
To relieve the stresses of the adults who work in hectic and competitive places in the modern-day.
Instead of extended kin being there for advice and guidance, Parsons thinks that in the nuclear family spouses and children can positively reinforce the relationships within the family. (Warm Bath theory suggests that the family is there to soothe and relieve the stresses of work)
Adults can be themselves in a ‘childish way’ when with their families by playing with their children for example - the emotional support acts as a safety valve/net
What are critiques of the functionalist concept of primary socialisation?
The idea of downplaying conflict:
-Not all children are going to just obey and listen to the strict orders from their parents
-Functionalism ignores the fact that children are capable of creating and adapting their own personalities/identities outside of the values and norms learnt from their parents, especially within this modern society
What are critiques of the functionalist concept of the family being a safe-haven or a safety valve/net?
There’s the Marxist view that the family reinforces and reproduces the capitalist society as it keeps the workers emotionally stable enough to keep on working - this maintains the bourgeoisie’s power and serves within their interest as there’s still the workforce that they need
Thus maintaining inequalities in society between the proletariat and bourgeoisie
According to parsons, why has the family unit become smaller (Extended to nuclear) ?
Because of industrialisation and urbanisation, there was more need for a workforce that was geographically mobile (meaning they had to leave their extended kin behind in the rural areas)
What is a critique of functionalists favouring the nuclear family?
They ignore family diversity
What is the functionalist fit theory from Parsons?
It explains how the nuclear family was created to fit into an industrialised society
What is Parsons’ sex role theory ?
How children learned gender roles from their parents in order to contribute to wider society:
-Boys would learn from their fathers in order to take the instrumental role
-Girls would learn from their mothers in order to take the expressive role
What is the instrumental role?
Being the ‘breadwinner’ of the family:
- providing economic support by going to work and being disciplined
What is the expressive role?
Being the ‘homemaker’ of the family:
-Focusing on domestic labour, primary socialisation (nurturing), and being emotionally supportive
What are criticisms of Parsons’ sex role theory?
-Parsons ignores the fact there are joint roles within post-modern society, where both parents share tasks (like childcare and housework) and also share leisure time together
(Opposite to segregated roles)
-Parsons ignores the exploitation of women with the enforcement of gender roles
What is the March of progress view on the family?
The fact that there’s been progress in reducing gender inequalities:
-Most women are in paid employment
-Their authority and independence has increased within the family, meaning men do more housework and women do less
What sociologists talked about how unemployed young men contributed to housework?
McKee and Bell talked about how young unemployed men contributed even less domestic work than when they were employed
What sociologist in 1983 was talking about the contribution of husbands in childcare? And what argument can be made against this now?
Mary Boulton stated that fewer than 20% of fathers actually had a role in childcare
-However it can be argued that this is outdated and therefore not relevant/accurate nowadays
What are symmetrical families?
Where roles are shared across genders within the family (joint conjugal roles not separated conjugal roles - the two Bott stated)
‘Symmetry’ insinuates a sense of balance in the duties of the male and female, where:
-Men are more domestic
-Women become breadwinners
-Couples become more companionate by actually spending leisure time together
Critiques of symmetrical families
-The woman in the couple may just be naturally better at being the homemaker (& the expressive role) than the husband
-And the husband may be more suited to being the breadwinner (& the instrumental role)
Why do new rights thinkers favour the nuclear family?
Because they emphasise the importance of traditional family values such as marriage, commitment and parental responsibility (which raises the children to be civil/good citizens)
-Thus making the nuclear family the foundation of a stable society
Who do the new rights criticise?
Single/lone parent families (lack of male figure in single mother families can lead to a lack of discipline and therefore an upbringing of delinquents & deviancy
What are critiques about the new rights thinkers?
-Other family structures other than the nuclear family can provide adequate discipline & socialisation to their children too
- Ann Oakley says TNR are reacting against feminist campaigns for equality (in wrongly assuming that husband/wive roles are biologically allocated)
Why has there been a decline in marriages?
-Secularisation (less stigma of sex outside marriage)
-Cohabitation (a method of trialling to see how it’s like living with their partner before getting married) - Younger people are more likely to accept cohabitation
-Weddings are too expensive (financial reasons)
How do feminists view the decline of marriages?
Generally good, because they see traditional marriage as a patriarchal institution (with the gender roles they have to conform to, and being restricted to a housewife)
How has divorce become easier to access over time?
-Legal grounds have become equalised between the two genders (wives can also now file for divorce)
-Divorce has become cheaper
How has globalisation led to family diversity?
-Exchange of diverse family structures through migration (intercultural marriages)
-Media has influenced campaigns in changing attitudes to gender roles, marriage and family dynamics (by spreading postmodernist views)
How has changes in childbearing affected gender roles in the family?
-Women are having fewer children, they can have more joint conjugal roles where they’re sharing roles with their partner
-Women have more access in taking on the instrumental role as they’re more likely to be employed in the workforce with them having less children
Why has there been a decrease in birth rates?
-Children are too expensive (economic liabilities not assets, especially after the foster education act in 1870 that made education compulsory, removing child labour)
-Sarah Harper suggests that education has led to women changing their mindsets in family planning, and have sought alternative lifestyles (like careers) rather than just conforming to the traditional role of being a housewife/mother
-Advancements in reproductive choices (by using contraception)
2 ways in which postmodernist views have led to family diversity
-They challenge traditional family norms and roles, allowing for greater acceptance and recognition of other family types beyond just the nuclear family
-They promote individualism, thus encouraging self-expression and going for one’s desires (whether that be divorce or going for a same-sex relationship)