Families Flashcards
What are the principles that guide Police practice?
- Early intervention.
- Culturally appropriate.
- Safety.
- Collecting Risk information.
- Accountability.
- Working Collaboratively.
What is early intervention?
Recognising that early intervention helps to stop and prevent family harm. This requires an eyes wide open approach at all family harm investigations.
What is Safety?
Ensuring all parties are safe, Police children and victims. Provide information and access to outside organisations to all parties for help.
What is Collecting risk information?
To aid in assessing an effective management plan and prevent risk for victims and help decisions and actions for dealing with offenders.
What is accountability?
Holding offenders accountable for their actions/behaviour promptly and comprehensively. Offering help through outside organisations to aid in intervention and stop further family harm.
What is working collaboratively?
Coordinating responses through the family harm team and any other relevant internal work groups, youth aid, CIB, Iwi and PI liaison officers.
When are reports of concern required?
• Child abuse: Physical abuse Sexual abuse Neglect Sexual imaging of child
• Family violence:
Direct offence against a child or YP.
• Environment/Neglect: Clan lab Unsafe home Car crash Abandonment Cyber crime exploiting children
• Other criminal activity:
Child identified as the offender
When it’s been identified if a child or Yp is in a harmful environment/home or they are the offender. CPP applies.
Can a warning be given for family harm episodes?
With supervisor authority after discussing proper justification, safety issues and re-offending possibilities.
What are three non-government organisations that are available to assist victims/offenders?
- Woman’s refuge
- Shakti
- Family violence info line
- Victim support
How exactly can victim/offender contact these organisations?
All organisations have a number and information via your family harm on duty app.
Google the address to be sure.
What information is ideally required on route to end on arrival at a family harm incident?
Parties involved.
Are all parties involved still present.
Children present.
Weapons and injuries.
Nature of incident
History between parties.
Behaviour/mental health.
Drugs and alcohol involved.
When offenders claim action is cultural practice rather than family harm?
Issue of PSO can we use in order to allow the victim more time to decide whether or not to make a statement.
Consult a sgt regarding cultural factors.
What section can we use with gaining entry to premises when refused or delayed.
Section 14 of the Search surveillance act if you believe  offences being committed, or about to be committed, it would be likely to cause injury to any person, or serious damage to, or serious loss of, any property. There is a risk to the life or safety of any person that requires an emergency response.
When can you seize firearms when attending family harm scenes?
A protection order or a police safety order is in force against the respondent or zero grounds to make an application against him or her for a protection order.
How do you obtain 111 call information as evidence?
Pol2010 can be entered and the call can be used as evidence.
What types of physical evidence can be gained at the scene to corroborate an allegation?
Notes/letters, text/email messages, injuries, broken items, weapons, photo/video evidence.
When do you take a statement from victims/witnesses?
What are the fence a suspected or has been disclosed and taken asap.
Why is it important to get corroborating evidence?
Family harm incidents, by their nature, team to be one persons word against another. Hence, cooperating evidence will aid a deciding party in ascertaining where the truth lies.
Or a victim wants to pull/alter their statement.
When must the consideration of using the CPP or ROC process at family harm episodes apply?
Consideration should always be given to whether or not children residing with parties involved of the family harm are at risk of harm.
What is meant by chain of custody?
- A person has custody of an exhibit when they have possession or control over it.
- The chain of custody is the series of persons who have custody over the exhibit from being seized to it being destroyed or returned. 
What is the procedure of seizing, securing, recording and storing evidential material?
Seized under search power or with consent, prop exhibit, issue owner with inventory of items seized, store and exhibit store, present is evidence as required, destroy or return
What is the purpose and function of a PSO?
To keep everyone safe from family harm.

For separation physically and in communication, restrict position of weapons, regulate behaviour.
Who is a qualified person?
Qualified constable of or above the position level of Sergeant. They must hold the substantive position level or otherwise be formally appointed or authorised under section 63 of the policing act 2008.
What happens when someone breaches a PSO?
The person will be taken into custody and brought before court within the following 24 hours or else they must be released from custody is summoned to appear to answer for the breach.