FAM procedures Flashcards
At what speed will the speed brakes no longer fully extend.
In excess of 340 KIAS
Pre-Stall Weather Minimums
VMC/Visible Horizon
Recovery from maneuvers must be complete without descending below 10,000’ AGL
Break Turn Stall
Pre-stall & Aero checklist
300 KIAS break between 70 and 80 AOB
Idle; Boards Out
Maintain altitude and pull for 17 units AOA
At approx 220 KIAS increase backstick until stall occurs
At indication of stall:
Reduce stick pressure, MRT. Boards In, Roll Wings Level
KNQI Initial
2,500’ MSL and 5 NM
Descend to break altitude at 4 NM
7 Visual Working Areas
Benavides Realitos Concepcion Premont Hebronville Falfurrias Laguna Salada
Hi Break and Carrier Break Altitudes
Hi Break 1,100’ MSL (1,050 AGL)
Carrier Break 800 AGL (850 MSL)
Low Initial
1,100’ MSL and 5 NM
Delta Easy
Pattern Altitude
130 KIAS
Maintain Interval, Fly Normal Pattern
NOG Course Rules Radial and Direction of Travel
NQI 330 or NOG 150; stay east heading to the NOG stay west returning from the NOG. Avoid ALICE by 5nm and/or 3000 MSL.
What is the sequence of the squirrel cage?
Loop, 1/2 Cuban, Immelman, Split S
What is the sequence of the stall series?
Break Turn Stall
Landing Attitude Stall
Approach Turn Stall
Minimum Radius Turn
Pre-Stall & Aero
300 KIAS & Cardinal Heading
85 AOB turn
Simultaneously power to MRT and 17 units AOA
Maintain airspeed
After 360 degrees of turn reverse, release back stick pressure to avoid ballooning
Repeat first 360 degree turn
Roll out on original heading with a loss of altitude.
Excellent is ~3000’ altitude loss or better
Vertical Recovery
Pre-Stall & Aero
280 KIAS
Wings level 17 unit pull to 60 nose high
At 180 KIAS go MRT and make sure boards are in
Push the nose over between 5-10 units AOA
Allow nose to fall below horizon and catch 150 KIAS
Vertical Recovery if recovery not initiated prior to 120 KIAS or airspeed falls below 85 KIAS
Power Idle
Controls Neutralize
Allow nose to fall through the horizon to nose-low attitude
Stay nose low and increase power to capture 150 KIAS
Roll wings level and pull without exceeding G limits or 17 units AOA to the horizon.
Half Cuban Entry Power and Airspeed
96% & 380 KIAS
Aileron Roll Power and Airspeed
89% & 300 KIAS
No-Flap Roll and Go Airspeed and Distance
Idle, 140 KIAS, 6 Board (6000 ft remaining)
Full Flap Roll and Go Airspeed and Distance
Ground Idle, 100 KIAS, 4 Board (4000 ft remaining)
AOA to target during vertical recovery
5 - 10
Min Radius Turn Power and Airspeed
MRT & 300 KIAS
Immelmann Power and Airspeed
96% & 380 KIAS
Wingover Power and Airspeed
89% & 300 KIAS
- Paddle switch - PRESS AND RELEASE
- Wait 9 seconds.
If C AUG caution light remains on:
4. Paddle switch - PRESS AND RELEASE
(yaw damping, ARI, SBI, and rudder trim are inop)
If C AUG caution light goes out:
5. CONTR AUG switch - ALL
If C AUG caution light comes on:
6. Paddle switch - PRESS AND RELEASE
Yaw damping and ARI are inoperative.
Barrel Roll Power and Airspeed
92% & 350 KIAS
Loop Power and Airspeed
96% & 380 KIAS
Maximum crosswind component for SNA Solos
10 KTS
If crosswinds are between 10 and 15 KTS, SNA solos shall?
Full Stop to Centerline
For crosswinds greater than 15 KTS, solo SNAs shall?
Advise the duty officer and make a short field arrestment.
Day, better than 3000/3 fuel requirements
Minimum 400 lbs remaining
SNA Solos shall full stop with how much fuel remaining?
500 lbs minimum
Maximum authorized break speed?
350 KIAS
Short Initial
1,100’ MSL & 3 NM
HYD Accum Px
1100 +/- 50
Brake Flap Accumulator
1300 psi
Empty Weight
Hook px
950 psi